Think back to what you just heard.

It was clearly the first time after the innate gossip disk was broken, Jiang Pan directly made a formation!

Formation again.

This is the second time that the Dinghun Gong disappeared, my boat was pulled over, but after I fell into the water, the scene of those corpses not moving...

If it hadn't been for Jiang Pan to fight... where can I go ashore now?

Probably still in the water, fighting those vicious walking corpses...

And with the threat of the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse, I'm sure it won't be that easy, or even impossible...

My thoughts settled down in an instant, and I shouted in a low voice: "Brother, everyone, leave the rocky land immediately, I've got it!"

As soon as I yelled out, Jiang Pan's body trembled.

With a puff, he spit out a lot of blood.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled out the tortoise shell with his backhand, and Mr. Yang turned his plate over.

The Yinshu and Yangsuan masters in the rest of the positions all stepped back a few steps.

"Withdraw!" Jiang Pan roared, his voice echoing around.

At that moment, the warm current disappeared, replaced by a cold and chilling wind...

Jiang Pan stabilized his body and walked towards me quickly.

The rest of Yinshu and Yangsuan began to retreat quickly, leaving the rocky field.

The paper figurine Xu Shan controlled the paper tie, and the green corpse paper wrapped around Zhou Jingyi's body.

Supported by Tang Ding, Fan Que walked out of the rocky field.

The paper figurine Xu was looking at me, and I immediately whispered, "Let's go, Uncle Xu!"

He followed Tang Ding and the others without saying a word.

At this moment, Jiang Pan has come to me.

He didn't come close to me completely, so I raised my hand to stop him.

"Go out first, let's talk later!" Just as I finished speaking, there was another gurgling sound from behind.

Turning my head and glancing back, my heart was chilled again.

Those dark yin and yang waters actually have signs of spreading out...

There was a light plop, as if someone had jumped into the water.

I raised my head a little bit, and my head buzzed!

The coffin in the center was empty...

The Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse has disappeared!

No, he didn't disappear, he got into the water!

"Yin Yang, on you..."

As soon as Jiang Pan opened his mouth, I turned around suddenly and growled, "He's coming down! Let's go quickly! Otherwise we won't be able to get away!"

Obviously, my complexion also made Jiang Pan feel the seriousness of the matter.

He stopped talking, and the two of us quickly followed the crowd and walked towards the rocky ground.

Soon, we walked out of the rocky field.

On the outer edge, the more than ten yin and yang calculation masters were either supporting the tree or supporting each other.

Everyone's faces were ugly, obviously they had suffered a lot of backlash.

Jiang Pan was also pale and bloodless.

"We can't rest here yet, we have to go!" I just finished speaking.

On the other end, a Mr. Yinjutsu suddenly exclaimed, "What's going on?!" He pointed to a Mr. Yangshu next to him, his eyes full of fear.

Mr. Yang Suan stared blankly ahead, with black air lingering faintly on his face.

This look looks like it's about to crash...

"Stop him!" My face changed suddenly, and I shouted.

Mr. Yinjutsu obviously didn't react fast enough, because he was frightened.

On the other side, a person walked over quickly, and the compass in his hand slammed on the head of Mr. Yang Suan!

With a bang, the compass broke directly from the middle!

The decisive person is Gu Qijie who Jiang Pan valued!

"My compass..." Gu Qijie yelled out, with a clear look of heartache on his face.

However, Mr. Yang Suan was shocked and took a step forward, apparently because of this he woke up.

"Go! You can still find the compass, if you stay here, your life will be lost!" I urged again.

Everyone didn't dare to stay any longer, and almost all ran towards the outside of the forest in a wild manner.

Of course, everyone soon relaxed a little bit, allowing Jiang Pan to take the lead.

In the forest on the outer edge, there is also a ghost wooden coffin array set up by Lu Su. If you go to the wrong place, you will have to encounter a murderous corpse with corpse poison.

Time passed little by little.

Jiang Pan led us forward quickly, turning the direction from time to time, like making a detour in the woods.

However, we did not come across a corpse, nor did we see a coffin...

It took about two quarters of an hour, and we finally ran out of the woods.

However, we failed to return to the previous position and brought Lu Su with him.

Lu Su has already become like that, and there is no possibility of saving him.

Besides, he is our enemy, so it is impossible to spend time now to enter such a dangerous forest.

The moonlight became much dimmer, and the four ropes hanging on the cliff swayed slightly with the wind.

A few yin and yang calculation masters, at a slightly faster speed, came to the side of the rope.

They were just grabbing the rope to leave.

Suddenly, Na Gu Qijie let out a low voice: "What are you doing?! In this situation, shouldn't Mr. Jiang and Mr. Li go first? Do you want to learn from Bi Zong and Lai Qian?!"

Gu Qijie's shout immediately made the four of them stop.

They turned their heads, their faces were red and their ears were red, but there was panic in their eyes.

Jiang Pan frowned and said, "It's okay, you guys go up first."

He glanced at Gu Qijie, and said in a deep voice: "After I break up with Yin Yang, you go up the mountain one by one, there will be no accidents."

Gu Qijie clasped his fists in both hands, frowned and said: "Mr. Jiang, it's enough for us to stop. Just now, Mr. Li has entered and exited such a dangerous area, and you also..."

With Jiang Pan's character, he would definitely not leave first.

If you come and go again, it will take a long time.

I took a deep breath and directly interrupted the conversation between Jiang Pan and Gu Qijie.

"Tang Ding, Mr. Jiang, and I, after the three of us are broken. One rope is for Uncle Xu, the other is for Fan Yu, and the other two, go up first to the two Mr. Yang Suan with poor skills, and then everyone will go up one by one. Gu Qi Jay, you stay last."

After I made the arrangement, the faces of those Yang Suan gentlemen suddenly showed joy.

But in the same way, they showed envious eyes to Gu Qijie.

Gu Qijie was ecstatic in his eyes, he clasped his fist at me and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li!"

Everyone started to act immediately, grabbing the rope and climbing up the cliff one by one.

The paper figurine Xu carried Zhou Jingyi's body, not at all slower than others.

The night sky was so silent that there was not even the sound of the wind.

The moon also disappeared unknowingly, completely hidden in the night sky.

Both Jiang Pan and I looked at the woods with extreme vigilance, for fear that something would come out of it...

Jiang Pan suddenly turned his head to look at me and said solemnly. "After all, the scope of the Four Golden Sand Depression is not large. If it covers the entire valley, it may be difficult for us to get out."

"Now, the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse should not be able to chase it out. It is very likely that it will not be able to get out of the rocky ground, because I found out that the rocky ground is also a formation, and there should be a talisman under each boulder. "

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