This Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse is a genuine Escaped Evil Corpse, even more fierce in terms of vision and senses than the Escaped Evil Corpse guarding the tomb of Guan Xiantao!

Especially those knife wounds, every hit is enough to break the corpse...

The swollen water was not boiling, but because the blood of the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse contained too much resentment and Yin Qi.

For a while, even this filthy yin and yang water was unbearable for a while.

Those walking corpses with part of their heads and fingers exposed were originally parked in the water.

Now it seems to be swimming...

No, it's not all walking corpses moving, there's water as well...

The water below is flowing so fast that my wooden boat is shaking and unstable...

Vaguely, I seemed to hear a voice whispering in my ear: "You can't go..."

There was another crash, and the wooden boat below, as if it was suddenly lifted up, directly propped up.

This sudden change caused Zhou Jingyi's body at the bow of the boat to roll down the boat!

My expression changed again, and I stepped forward suddenly, and stepped on Zhou Jingyi's body with one foot, making it fixed on the boat.

But now the boat is actually floating above the water.

I looked sideways and down.

Surprisingly, a few walking corpses surfaced a little less than half of the water, propping up the boat!

This time is far less than a quarter of an hour...

I know that this must have something to do with the opening of the coffin just now, so much blood flowed out into the yin and yang water, and let the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse see the light of day.

The breaking of the coffin has something to do with me taking Zhou Jingyi away...

The thoughts in his head spread out in an instant.

I thought of an almost impossible possibility.

Staring straight at Zhou Jingyi's body, I turned my head abruptly.

Staring at the coffin and the eight-yao evil corpse full of knife wounds inside, my voice became hoarse: "You want to use Zhou Jingyi to climb out?"

Suddenly, the wooden boat lost weight for a while, and fell downward again!

My complexion changed again, I put one hand between my lips, and blew a whistle hard!

The next moment, there was a sound of a gong that was about to burst!

The originally tumbling water surface stopped still in an instant!

I forced my mind to calm down, waved the oars, and pushed the boat in the direction I came from.

It's really not my wish to let Fan Yu use the soul-fixing gong twice...

But in this situation, the eight Yao corpses showed up, and there are so many walking corpses wandering around, I can't go to the shore...

Not to mention I still have Zhou Jingyi with me.

He is now being overwhelmed by me with the golden ruler and gossip tiger head mirror.

If he goes into the water, there will be more trouble.

In a blink of an eye, I punted again for a short distance.

From this position, you can barely see the rocky ground more than 20 meters away.

I didn't see Jiang Pan at a glance, I only saw Fan Yu.

His body was trembling, and he stood there tremblingly, and he could hardly hold the gong in his hand...

The paper figurine Xu stood beside Fan Yu, looking anxiously towards us.

"Uncle Xu, help me and bring Zhou Jingyi up there!"

I roar!

The roar echoed across the water.

Xu, the paper figurine on the shore, stepped forward suddenly, and swung his one arm violently!

A green corpse paper pierced out of the rocky ground in an instant.

I am also punting forward, only a dozen meters away from the shore.

The green corpse paper fell directly to the bow of the boat, and the skin swished around Zhou Jingyi's body.

Immediately afterwards, there was another burst of force, and Zhou Jingyi's body was lifted up and thrown towards the shore.

When the body left the hull, a huge stone finally fell from my heart.

But the next moment, Fan Yu on the bank suddenly leaned forward, and a blood mist bloomed in front of him.

My complexion changed suddenly, was it because Fan Kuang couldn't hold on and was backlashed? !

Because this is far from the quarter of an hour for the second Soul Dinggong... At most, half a cup of tea has passed...

Fan Wei stumbled and took two steps forward, and fell to the ground without a sound.

During this period, it happened that the paper figurine Xu pulled back Zhou Jingyi's body, and he immediately went to help Fan Xing.

I am less than ten meters away from the shore...

The yin-yang water below is extremely turbulent!

It's such a small pool of water, it's going to make waves!

Suddenly, the hull of the ship suddenly tilted towards the rear.

I staggered, didn't stand firmly, and fell backwards.

The moment I turned around, I saw at least three or four pairs of pale hands grabbing the tail of the wooden boat!

In this case, it is impossible to keep the wooden boat in balance!

I can't even stand still...

My body tilted half way down, and I fell towards the water...

I heard the paper figurine Xu yelling in horror: "Yin Yang!"

At the same time, there was Jiang Pan's low voice: "Water comes from heaven, water goes out after pressure, Tianyuan is used as eyes, Yang Gong fixes the acupuncture points, and the blood formation of the eight trigrams in the first place!"

I just felt that a warm current was blowing from all directions.

In an instant, the warm current suppressed all the cold wind!

The hands holding my boat were instantly submerged in the water...

However, I still couldn't maintain my balance, and fell heavily into the Yin-Yang water...

The bone-chilling chill made my body tremble.

I quickly took out the golden ruler, and while holding my breath, I vigilantly swept around the water environment...

There are at least a dozen walking corpses around me, but they are all just floating in the water, motionless.

Even the turbulent water just now calmed down for a while, without the previous turbulence.

I froze for a moment, then immediately swam forward.

Pushing aside the corpses, I swung my legs even faster.

After a while, I swam to the shore.

Jumped out of the water.

At a glance, I saw the paper figurine Xu anxiously looking into the water.

He was so pleasantly surprised that he wanted to hold my hand when he stepped forward!

My complexion changed slightly, and I said in a low voice, "Don't touch me, stay away from me, Uncle Xu!"

The paper figurine Xu You suddenly froze in place, not daring to step forward to pull me.

Soon, I crawled out of the water.

With lingering fear, he glanced behind him.

Looking forward from here, the coffin wasn't that big anymore, it didn't look like it was three meters from a close distance.

The surface of the water did not remain calm all the time, but trembled slightly, as if about to roll over.

That warm current is a little weaker...

I immediately glanced to the side, and I saw Jiang Pan at a glance.

He was seven or eight meters away, where a Mr. Shaman was standing before.

At this time, he was holding Yang Gongpan in one hand, and pressing the tortoise shell of Tianyuan Xiangshu with the other.

The tortoise shell stands on Yang Gong's plate!

Jiang Pan's face was livid!

In the rest of the positions, there were still those Mr. Yin and Yang calculations standing before them, and they all looked particularly sluggish...

Jiang Pan was also trembling, as if he couldn't hold it anymore...

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