The corpse hunter is afraid of dying, because death is troublesome.

But if you really want to talk about the most fearful thing, if there is a little bit of wind, you dare not go into the water, because there are walking corpses in the water!

Walking corpses are completely driven by resentment, they can only kill people, how can people get justice as if they were dead?

In waters with walking corpses, there will only be endless deaths.

Four golden sands sinking, walking corpses in the yin and yang waters of Huangquan...

In such a vicious place of geomantic omen, how vicious should those corpses be?

Fortunately, we prepared the innate gossip plate in advance to suppress the superficial feng shui...

I used the wooden boat again to avoid their area.

The place around me is empty, it's all because the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse is beside me.

There is no place for two tigers on one mountain, and it is impossible for a walking corpse to approach here...

Between thoughts, the time passed by at least a few breaths.

I hold my breath, conserving the air in my lungs.

I haven't picked up the corpse all the year round. Apart from the divination knife, I don't have a pig urine bag for ventilation anymore.

I couldn't hold my breath for long before I had to get to the surface.

Withdrawing his gaze, he went to the other side, the oblique front underwater.

The water depth here exceeds four or five meters.

I saw at a glance that there was a corpse floating unconsciously at a lower position.

That black lacquered body was like coke!

The corpse was leaning against a boulder underwater, and his hands were tightly pressed against the stone, as if stuck.

I swam a little downstream, and my face changed drastically.

Because that corpse was Zhou Jingyi!

Zhou Jingyi at this moment is completely different from the one I saw him almost sucked dry before.

His body is full, not because of being soaked in water for a long time, but because it is full of flesh and blood...

The slightly undulating chest is very weak, but it does still have a breath of life...


He wasn't completely sucked dry?

I stared at the position where his hands were next to each other, and found something strange.

From the top to the bottom of the boulder, two bloodstains flowed down. The bloodstains did not spread in the water. One by one, they touched Zhou Jingyi's body, and then disappeared...

It was as if the black blood had been poured into Zhou Jingyi's body, which made him retain the breath of life and become what he is now.

The feeling of heart palpitations became stronger.

I even felt that the corner of Zhou Jingyi's mouth was evoking a faint smile.

I quickly swam down a little further, and came behind Zhou Jingyi.

Without hesitation, I reached out with both hands and grabbed Zhou Jingyi's armpits.

The swing of my legs exerted strength, and I pushed up hard.

In the end, what responded to me was actually a dull weight.

I can hardly move Zhou Jingyi...

My face was extremely ugly.

It's not the weight that can't be lifted... How can Zhou Jingyi be so heavy?

It was his hands almost glued to the boulder, it was the blood.

My heart was trembling again, and I suddenly thought, could the blood be from the Eight Luminaries corpse in the coffin? !

The blood of the corpse flowed out of the coffin and entered Zhou Jingyi's body? !

Thinking of these, I feel even more chills in my heart.

I stopped immediately, took out the golden ruler, and pressed the sunny side of the ruler directly on the top of Zhou Jingyi's head without hesitation!

Zhou Jingyi's body trembled.

I immediately took out the gossip tiger mirror and slapped the mirror on the back of Zhou Jingyi's heart!

In an instant, the gossip tiger head mirror was attached to Zhou Jingyi's back heart.

I didn't dare to stop, and reached out to lift Zhou Jingyi's body again.

That weight is gone.

I easily pulled Zhou Jingyi upstream.

However, there are other changes along the way.

The two bloodstains on the boulder were at the very end, two jets of black blood spread out, like a small hand, trying to wrap around Zhou Jingyi's body.

How dare I let them entangle me, they swim so fast.

In almost a few breaths, I returned to the surface.

After the head came out with a bang, I vigorously threw Zhou Jingyi's body towards the wooden boat!

His body stood upright in the middle of the wooden boat, and I climbed up immediately.

As soon as I got on the wooden boat, I realized something was wrong...

The originally pitch-black water surface has changed, becoming like ink, with a few wisps of blood red mixed in it.

On the other side, the huge coffin, the runes on it seem to be a bit deeper...

Before, I felt that the runes were scattered a lot, but now I don't feel that way, and it has become more stable.

It's just the color change of the water surface that shocked me.

Suddenly, there was a shrill scream in my ears.

The sound kept rising and falling, at least eight times in a row!

At the same time as the eight sounds fell, the warmth I felt completely dissipated...

The cold wind blew across my cheeks, and I even heard the sound of Jingo in my ears, and my eardrums felt tingling!

I immediately understood that the innate gossip disk was broken!

I blew out a sharp whistle without hesitation!

The next moment, there was a bang of a gong!

The sound of the gong was so loud that almost all sounds disappeared...

The ink and blood on the water surface seemed to have dissipated and turned black again.

On the surface of the water ahead, something appeared, like a head cover, and some fingers.

It was as if those walking corpses were about to come to the surface of the water just now, and were stopped by the Dinghun Gong.

I shuddered and looked down at Zhou Jingyi again.

In some way, Zhou Jingyi has something to do with Fengshui here, and the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse...

I moved him and moved the feng shui here, which triggered a series of changes, and I had to use the soul gong.

Fortunately, I reacted in time.

Otherwise, you will be in big trouble...

Immediately, I swung my oars and headed towards the defense line on the shore!

In a quarter of an hour, I have to go ashore no matter what!

When the punting boat reached the front, there were some obstacles. The heads floated up, and there was a whole body below, so the speed of the boat was much slower.

Especially after a collision, it will shake a bit.

In addition to punting the boat, I also had to pay attention to Zhou Jingyi's body, so as not to fall into the water.

After going back and forth, I couldn't help but look at Zhou Jingyi a few more times.

I just realized, why are Zhou Jingyi's eyes open at this moment?

He stared blankly at the night sky, his slightly heaving chest looked extraordinarily desolate and dead...

In particular, his hands were not stiff anymore, but drooped into the water.

He wasn't completely submerged in the water.

Just slide your fingers across the water.

As the ship passed, his hand passed by on the water surface, and a stream of black blood flowed down...

A strange scene happened.

The blood actually slowly approached the skulls or fingers of those walking corpses.

I was quickly sucked up by them...

I feel colder in my heart, my body is going to be stiff, and the speed of the paddle becomes faster...

But at this moment, there was a loud "bang" from behind!

Shocked, I turned my head and looked over.

What made my scalp tingle was that the lid of the huge coffin at the back was actually cracked!

The broken coffin lid fell directly into the water, and what was exposed to the moonlight was a corpse...

The body was covered with black down feathers.

There were countless stab wounds on his body, and black blood flowed down his body.

As the coffin was opened, all the blood fell into the yin and yang water.

The water suddenly moved...

As if boiling, a large number of bulges kept bulging out.

Moreover, it's not just the water that moves, but also those slightly exposed walking corpses...

My complexion has completely changed...

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