How could a living person give birth to corpse spots...

Is this Lu Su still alive? !

I stared at Lu Su's face, my eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

The paper figurines Xu and Fan Yu also showed shock.

"The living...the corpse has changed...he ate the corpse..."

There were fine beads of sweat on Fan Yu's face.

The paper figurine Xu's chest heaved obviously, as if he was about to gag.

When I listened to it, I felt extremely disgusted.

Eat corpses? !

Looking around the forest, I don't think that Lu Su can survive by eating corpses.

There are definitely a lot of living things in this forest. The last time I came down, I saw a lot of crows.

I think of the last time, I threw something into the water in the four golden sands.

Lu Su valued that thing so much, he would definitely get it out without knowing it.

He also said that I was a liar just now. Obviously, he went to fish for something...

Then he went into the water?

Could it be that the corpse spots were formed because of entering the water.

He didn't eat the corpse...

Or is there something wrong with entering the water, and he has to rely on eating corpses to suppress it?

For a while, my mind was in a mess.

Lu Su showed no signs of waking up.

His fontanel was broken by an object like a golden ruler, and I am afraid he has lost his soul. If he does not deal with it, it will be difficult to wake up.

"The living corpse has turned into a living corpse. It doesn't matter what he ate. Fortunately, he hasn't turned into a demon yet..."

"Otherwise, in the current situation, we are no match. If you have transformed into evil, I am afraid that even Yin and Yang will be difficult for you."

The face of the paper figurine Xu calmed down a little, and he said cautiously: "Use a piece of paper to trap it here, and let's go about our business."

It didn't take long to deal with Lu Su, but the process was too dangerous.

The paper figurine Xu is changing the paper tie that trapped him.

I pondered for a moment, and told the paper figurine Xu that the fontanel door was broken, unless Mr. or ghost woman, or other psychic people come to help Lu Su, it is impossible for him to wake up.

The body will be like a living corpse, immortal, but the soul will wander around here and will not affect us, so there is no need to leave paper sticks.

Originally the paper figurine Xu had heartache in his eyes, but now his face was filled with joy, and he said, "Really?"

I smiled, nodded and said of course.

The paper figurine Xu immediately let go of his hand.

Lu Su fell to the ground with a "bang!" without any movement.

During this period, the people behind finally followed up.

Tang Ding was protecting Jiang Pan, and when Jiang Pan approached, staring at Lu Su, he murmured: "Death and Yin Qi poured into the body... What a vicious living corpse... Yin Yang, your broken Xinmen soul?!"

Jiang Pan's words shocked me even more.

I briefly explained the process just now, and I also said that I didn't know whether Lu Su was dead or alive at that time.

Only then did Jiang Pan nod his head, and he said after concentrating: "It is true that he is not dead, otherwise he will definitely transform into evil spirits. Just now he moved the corpse and directly used the corpse to form an array. When you dealt with him, I brought people around Walked around, struck copper coins again, and found the right path.”

I suddenly realized, no wonder Jiang Pan and the others came so slowly.

Before I could answer, Jiang Pan spoke very fast again: "It's a long night with many dreams, we have to get closer to the central acupoint as soon as possible."

I hummed calmly.

Jiang Pan glanced at Lu Su again, then walked to the front and began to lead the way.

The rest of the people passed Lu Su's body with contempt and disdain.

This is most gentlemen's natural mockery of the low class.

But they didn't know that if they were to face Lu Su alone, they would probably die from death...

Under the leadership of Jiang Pan, we continued to walk towards the depths of the forest.

Before leaving, I took Lu Su's ax with me, this thing will be of great use to me later!

After another half a cup of tea, Jiang Pan said that we had walked out of Lu Su's formation and avoided other corpses.

The surrounding roads are somewhat familiar to me.

Recalling vaguely, the last time I passed by here.

Now that there is no threat from the coffin formation, I stepped forward to lead the way.

After half a cup of tea, I saw a lot of scattered boulders!

I walked into the boulder forest, felt the flow of death air carefully, and then determined the direction by fixing the compass pointer.

Soon, I led everyone to the center of the boulder.

Here is a messy coffin field, from the edge to the depth, and then slowly sinking down.

Those messy coffins were all piled up in a haphazard manner.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see the water flow below.

Now if you look carefully, you can see the dark water.

Especially when looking at the center of the coffin ground, a slanted coffin stands on the water.

Part of the coffin is underwater.

It's just that I don't know whether the water below is shallow, or there are huge boulders standing up to support the coffin.

At a glance, I didn't see Zhou Jingyi's body.

When Zhou Jingyi walked in before the evil spirit was transformed, before he got under the coffin, he was completely sucked dry.

At that time, I still remember that part of his head was on the water...

But now, it has completely sunk.

Many yin and yang calculation masters all showed shock on their faces.

"This is the four golden sand traps, plus the eight obsidian yellow springs? One person is trapped in the four golden sand traps, and the person whose coffin is overturned suffers. There is an unspeakable winner in this disaster." A Mr. Yin magic said, swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

And Gu Qijie, who was valued by Jiang Pan, also opened his mouth in a low voice. He said solemnly: "The Yao Qi of Huangquan is the most vicious, and the yin and yang are mixed. .”

"If you touch the water soaked in corpses, ordinary people will rot and die."

Gu Qijie immediately looked back at Jiang Pan and me, clasped his fists and said, "Mr. Jiang, Mr. do you set up a gossip plate?! I'm worried that too many of us will come, and our anger will be disordered, which will attract this evil corpse... "

Jiang Pan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at me, and said in a deep voice, "Yinyang, I'll set up the Xiantian gossip plate, don't you want to prepare a boat? I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

I pondered for a moment, and then replied: "That's it, Brother Xiantian Bagua Pan, please, I will find a suitable tree and cut it down to make a boat."

Jiang Pan nodded, raised his hand, and signaled the gentlemen to approach him.

After I exited, I prepared to walk out of the rocky field.

The paper figurines Xu and Lu Su stepped forward to follow me.

I made a blocking motion, saying that the outer edge would not be in danger, and that Lu Su had already been eliminated.

Let them stay here and protect Jiang Pan and the others.

The paper figurine Xu hesitated for a moment, then said, "Then you take Tang Ding with you."

Immediately afterwards, the paper figurine Xu added unnaturally: "I always feel that something is wrong here, as if we have overlooked something."

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