The paper figurine Xu Fei retreated a full seven or eight meters before he barely stopped his body.

During this period, Fan Ke didn't stop his movements at all, and didn't give Lu Su any chance to react. The gong and drum smashed down on Lu Su's face!

Lu Su raised his hand upwards, and hit Fan Yu's chin with the handle of the axe.

He clenched his other hand into a fist and directly smashed Fan Ke's gong.

There was a muffled bang, and the sound of the gong was piercing.

Fan Kui didn't allow Lu Su to hurt him, he quickly retracted the gong and struck down with the hammer handle, the hammer handle collided with the ax handle, sparks shot out.

In this confrontation, the two were evenly matched.

Fan Kuang flew back, and Lu Su stepped back a few steps to stabilize his body!

But it seems that they are evenly matched, but in fact... Lu Su suffered a big loss.

The paper figurine Xu's previous action made Lu Su directly hit Fan Yu without the strength to resist.

Under this premise, Lu Sucai and Fan Kuang were evenly matched.

If they really deal with it head-on, Fan Yu is not Lu Su's opponent, and the paper figure Xu may also find it difficult to deal with him...

During this period, the paper figurine Xu approached a lot.

He raised one hand slightly, and two green corpse papers immediately stood in front of him.

Under the moonlight, Zhizha's hollow eyes and dark mouth looked extraordinarily deep.

The gong in Fan Kuang's hand tapped the gong lightly, making a slight sound.

The sound didn't sound like much at first.

It can be loud for too long, it makes people's ears itchy, and even has some tingling.

Besides, I'm an outsider, Fan Yu didn't want to do anything to me, this is an overflowing injury.

Lu Su, who was facing Fan Yu, was definitely not much better.

Lu Su panted heavily, and wiped the blood from his forehead. The upper half of his face turned scarlet, and his eyes were also blood red.

The atmosphere in the venue froze for a moment.

"Lu Su, I'll catch you without a fight, but I won't let you die." I yelled in a deep voice.

Lu Su took a sip, and cursed fiercely in disgust: "You won't die around me? You are a sinister and cunning gentleman who killed his father with his own hands. You don't deserve to be trusted!"

"You lied to me and trapped me for several months, I will definitely kill you!"

The moment he finished speaking, Lu Su raised the ax in his hand.

But he didn't attack me. Instead, he swung his axe wide open and closed towards Fan Yu.

Naturally, Fan Yu didn't make a hard catch, and dodged sideways.

The paper figurine moved slightly, he leaned forward and swung his arms.

The two green corpse papers flew up quickly, and stabbed straight at Lu Su's back.

"Annoying flies!"

Lu Su cursed, stopped abruptly, and waved his hands at the green corpse paper.

In an instant, Fan Cui, who was dodging, turned around and rushed towards Lu Su again.

His gong hit Lu Su on the back of the head!

Lu Su's ax just hit Zhizha. This time, he didn't split Zhizha's waist, but the top of Zhizha's head.

At the same time, he raised one leg and kicked backwards!

Fan Yu couldn't dodge in time, was kicked in the waist and abdomen, and fell heavily backwards.

Lu Su's ax also hit the head tied with the green corpse paper.

In an instant, I saw that there was a little damage on the top of the green corpse paper.

Xu pulled the paper figurine off, and the hit paper bar quickly retreated, but the other paper bar directly hit Lu Su's right arm.

With a soft pop, Zhizha's palms pierced through it abruptly.

Lu Su let out a miserable scream, his eyes were scarlet, and his injured arm actually grabbed the green corpse paper.

With a rustling sound, the green corpse paper wrapped tightly around Lu Su's arm.

Xu, the paper figurine at the other end, yanked hard.

Not only was Lu Su not pulled by the paper figurine Xu, but he was pulled back severely.

The paper figurine Xu staggered unexpectedly, and was about to be pulled towards Lu Su.

Fan Can barely got up from the ground, a mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he hit the copper gong hard with his gong and hammer.

The sharp sound sounded again.

A sharper voice pierced the night sky: "Twilight arrives at the second watch, and it's time for people to travel at night!"

Lu Su's body stopped suddenly again.

It's just that this pause was shorter than last time.

he moved...

Fan Wei vomited another mouthful of blood, and his whole body was quite depressed.

The paper figurine Xu had already been pulled halfway, and he was still exerting strength with his one arm, but he couldn't resist Lu Su.

These confrontations were too fast.

Seeing that paper figurines Xu and Fan Yu were no match, Lu Su couldn't let Lu Su consume them any longer.

Our purpose is to pull out Zhou Jingyi. If the two of them are severely injured here, our chances will become smaller.

I immediately pulled out the golden ruler.

When I watched them fight just now, I was actually looking for loopholes!

Waiting for the opportunity to do it, directly take Lu Su down!

I have already discovered Lu Su's tyrannical physical fitness, and he can carry two people without losing the wind.

Only when the fan gong rang, a little flaw was exposed.

"Fan Yu, come on again!" I shouted in a low voice!

Fan Wei straightened up suddenly, he raised the gong, and another gong sounded.

"Kuye's frightening gong! Breaking the soul and fixing the moment!" Fan Kuang's words almost broke the sound!

Lu Su's body froze again...

I seized this opportunity, and threw the golden ruler in my hand at Lu Su viciously!

I smashed Lu Su's fontanel!

The next moment, Lu Su moved again.

Fan Yu spat out another mouthful of blood.

I whispered, "Lu Su, you really don't want what Zhou Jingyi told you!"

My voice was so loud that it instantly echoed in the woods.

Lu Su's body suddenly became dull.

"I lied to you!" Immediately afterwards, I roared again in a low voice!

Lu Su's eyes were red, and his face turned into a liver color!

"Li Yinyang, take your life!" He shouted loudly, and the ax in his hand was thrown directly at me!

At the same time, the Tongqiao Branch's golden ruler hit his fontanel heavily.

Lu Su didn't even scream, but fell straight to the rear.

The ax whizzed toward me.

My hairs started to stand up, I broke out in a cold sweat, and shot out to the side.

When I fell to the ground and rolled into the bushes, a flash of copper light flashed, and the ax slammed heavily on the ground where I was standing.

The copper light hit the broad ax just now, but it still bounced off, without changing its direction.

If it wasn't for my timely response and Lu Su's unpreparedness, I'm afraid I would be decapitated by now...

The paper figurine Xu rushed to Lu Su's side quickly. Under his control, the last paper pricking man rolled towards Lu Su and controlled him.

However, blood was dripping from Lu Su's forehead. Although he was still breathing, his limbs did not move at all.

Fan Wei hurriedly ran to the ground at the other end, picked up the gong, and ran towards the paper figurine Xu.

I managed to get up from the bushes, with many small wounds on my body.

It's just that these pains are nothing, I just have a little heavy breathing.

I walked towards Lu Su and the paper figurine Xu.

When I got close, I picked up the Tongqiao sub-golden ruler on the ground.

At this time, Fan Wei also came to the side, he said in shock: "This Lu Su is indeed a bit skilled, the three of us almost couldn't restrain him..."

Then the paper figurine Xu said quietly: "Mr. is not good at fighting, but if you prepare in advance, you can count Lu Su's life and death."

Apparently, the paper figurine was speaking for me invisibly.

Fan Ke nodded again and again, and he said seriously: "That's natural."

My eyes fell on Lu Su, and my complexion changed slightly.

Because there are many spots on Lu Su's face and neck...

This pitch-black color, the feeling of being about to fester, is very similar to corpse spots...

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