"What did you miss?" I asked, frowning.

At the same time, I looked up and looked around.

Jiang Pan and those yin and yang calculation gentlemen all formed a circle, and there was no problem on their side.

I checked again and again, and the rocky ground was still exactly the same as last time.

Just one small detail... I did notice something was wrong.

Some of the messy coffins in the four golden sand caves disappeared.

A piece of coffin disappeared in the Feng Shui ground, which indeed gave people an abrupt and weird feeling.

But I analyzed in an instant that those coffins that disappeared should have been taken away by Lu Su.

This is also the reason why Lu Su was able to set up the ghost wooden coffin array.

The corpses he ate must all be incorruptible corpses in the four golden sand traps.

"Uncle Xu, do you mean over there?" While speaking, I pointed to the empty space.

The paper figurine Xu shook his head unnaturally, then nodded again.

I realized that the paper figurine Xu said to ignore, but in fact it wasn't something he discovered, but a secret induction.

The husband has a feeling for some special things, this is fate's favor for him!

But this is not limited to Mr.

Many people have some awareness before major events happen.

For example, when an old man is about to die, his children will wait by his side for the night, and the old man will die in the middle of the night or the next day.

There are many more such things.

This place is full of dangers, and it is only natural that the paper figurines would feel palpitations.

As soon as my thoughts settled down, Xu You, the paper figurine, told me to be careful before returning to the crowd.

Tang Ding hurried to my side.

I took a direct step and walked towards the rocky ground.

Out of the rocky field, I went straight to the right.

In fact, when I came here just now, I have been looking around to see if there are any suitable trees that can be used to make boats.

This boat doesn't need to be too big, let alone perfect.

At the critical moment, the way to make a simple corpse boat is to burn the inside of the tree.

After walking more than ten meters, I came to a suitable tree.

Pausing for a moment, I raised Lu Su's broad axe, and slashed at the root of the tree trunk!

Although my skills are not considered tyrannical, but for ordinary people, I also started as a corpse picker, and I will definitely not be weak.

Lu Su's broad ax was extremely sharp and easy to use. In a short while, I cut down the tree.

Tang Ding next to him was dumbfounded, and even swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva.

I chose the thickest place, about five feet long, and used an ax to peel off the bark on the top surface.

Lu Su's ax is really sharp, I don't think there is any need to burn it, I just use the ax to chop it.

It was very easy to hollow out a lot of the tree, forming the prototype of the wooden boat.

I also slightly chipped away some excess wood on the sides.

In just over half an hour, the wooden boat was actually ready.

I not only made a wooden boat, but also whittled out a paddle for a boat and tied it to my back.

After a pause, I felt that my hands were slightly weak.

After looking at the finished wooden boat a few more times, I thought of my father again, and I couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"Tang Ding, pick up the boat and let's go back."

I put away my extra thoughts and turned around to tell Tang Ding.

Tang Ding stepped forward immediately, and after he picked up the wooden boat, he and I quickly returned to the rocky field.

When we got to our position just now, there were only Jiang Pan, the paper figurine Xu, Fan Yu, and two Mr. Yang Suan left in the field.

I looked around, only to find eight different gentlemen standing in eight directions!

They surrounded the rocky land and completely surrounded the four golden sand traps.

Jiang Pan nodded at me and said, "Yinyang, you came back just after we set up a formation. The speed is good."

There was obvious praise in his eyes.

I stuck the ax on the ground with one hand, nodded and said, "The wooden boat is simple, but Lu Su's ax is very sharp and easy to use."

Jiang Pan nodded again, and said: "I remember well, my brother and sister have learned coffin technique, and this ax can be brought back, and she happened to be in it."

In fact, what Jiang Pan said was also what I thought of before.

"It may be dawn soon, we can't delay any longer." I interrupted the conversation.

Jiang Pan nodded cautiously, scanned the surrounding area, and said: "You can start the formation at any time. Currently, there are eight people in the formation, and I will watch by the side. If something goes wrong, including me, we still have three people who can stand by. Gong will also be ready, Yin Yang, are you ready?"

I squinted my eyes slightly and chose a place where I could go into the water.

I took the wooden boat directly from Tang Ding's shoulder, and when I got close to that place, I told Jiang Pan that it was all right.

Jiang Pan raised his hand high, and said in a very serious tone: "Drinking blood, the first gossip plate!"

The next moment, out of the corner of my eye, I saw that almost every gentleman around me raised their hands at the same time.

Each of them took out a dagger, quickly cut their middle finger, and then directly stuck it on the center of their eyebrows. Each of them wrote a different word!

Starting from the east, it is Ligan Kan Kun Dui Zhen Xun Gen!

After all the words were written, the eight gentlemen sat down cross-legged almost at the same time, and six of them took out the compass from their hands and placed it on top of their heads.

Someone took it out, and it was Yang Gongpan!

The last one on the top is the tortoise shell...

I knew in an instant that Mr. Shaman was not enough, and the compass was not enough.

So Jiang Pan lent Yang Gongpan, the Tianyuan physiognomy, and the tortoise shell for fortune-telling.

Xiantian gossip is the original hexagram, which pays attention to the innate water and the acquired water, so that the innate breaks the acquired.

Use a compass to suppress things and people, and use people to step out of the formation to form an innate gossip array, directly suppressing the acquired evil spirits of the four golden sands!

Suddenly, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly changed.

It was originally extremely cold before, and the wind was like a knife cutting, blowing across the cheeks from time to time.

Now there is actually a little bit of warmth.

I gathered myself together, knowing that the formation had played a role. According to my idea, the Feng Shui here was temporarily suppressed!

I pushed the wooden boat down the middle of the rocky ground, into the water where the four golden sands sank.

There was a soft splash on the dark water surface, and the wooden boat wobbled to a stop.

I took out the simple paddle I made just now, and first used it to probe the depth of the water. I found that this place was at least two or three meters deep, and the paddle was more than two meters deep, half of which could not reach the bottom.

I didn't go any further, I didn't enter the water, and it wasn't necessary.

Hooking the boat with the paddle first, I jumped into the wooden boat with a light leap.

Holding my breath, I stabilized my body, and the wooden boat shook slightly.

Soon, after the wooden boat completely stabilized, I felt the extra silence around me.

On the surface of the water, it seems to be cut off from the surrounding...

Although I can see people sitting cross-legged around, but I also feel that those people are like stones fixed there...

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