Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 761 Paper tie, watchman, coffin maker

Jiang Pan, the paper figurine Xu, and Tang Ding, I and I all walked through the plank road to Guan Xiantao's tomb.

Corpse head mushrooms are extremely poisonous in the world, but they are hidden in the vines after all.

And even if you saw it, on the surface it was just a harmless mushroom to humans and animals, so even a vigilant person like Xu, the paper figurine, would reach out and touch it.

The poison of the corpse head mushroom is definitely more severe than the corpse poison in front of me, but visually, at least before the poisoning, the current corpse poison is even more frightening!

I cautiously looked at the paper figurine Xu, he was wearing a corpse skin tied with green corpse paper, such toxins would naturally not be able to hurt him.

Mr. Yinshu and Yangshu in the rear each took out their own things and looked around vigilantly.

"Uncle Xu, you come back first."

Jiang Pan shouted in a low voice.

The paper figurine Xu didn't move immediately, he suddenly raised his one arm and flicked it.

There was only a soft whoosh, and the heads of the two corpses were thrown into the air.

"Don't destroy the corpse! The corpse poison will disperse even more!" Jiang Pan shouted in surprise, but it was obviously too late.

The two heads fell, and a large amount of dirty blood flowed out from the neck of the corpse, and the ground was even more filthy.

The rancid smell also began to permeate quickly...

The paper figurine Xu retreated quickly, and stopped when he reached us.

He stared ahead with a cloudy expression.

Fan Yu said harshly: "He's in the formation... He must have noticed that we were avoiding him, so he disrupted the layout of the formation in the distance. These two corpses are the beginning. If we don't know the rest of the coffin corpses now We will encounter more corpses, all roads will be blocked by corpse poison, and finally shrink to the point where we cannot leave..."

"Either poisoned, or trapped to death..."

As he said that, Fan Yu's voice was stern, and he said word by word: "Mr. Li, Mr. Jiang, we must find him now and kill him! Otherwise we..."

Of course I understand the seriousness of the matter.

This method of gradually killing people will also torture people's spirit a little bit.

Even Jiang Pan and I find it difficult to face this kind of corpse poison.

With the protection of Mr.'s fate, it is impossible for us to go directly.

The invisible fate will save my husband's life, but if my husband really seeks death by himself, no matter how hard the fate is, it may be difficult to deal with.

Poisoned to death at most...

Fan Wei didn't finish that sentence at the end, he looked at us questioningly.

The paper figurine Xu looked similar.

Jiang Pan lowered his head and frowned, and soon he nodded and said, "Then do it, Fan Yu, Uncle Xu, please both of you."

"Where is he? Mr. Jiang, you..." Before Fan Wei finished speaking, Jiang Pan took out the tortoise shell.

He held Yang Gong's pan with one hand, and stood the tortoise shell obliquely above Yang Gong's pan with the other hand. The moment he let go of his hand, the tortoise shell fell and spun several times on Yang Gong's pan.

"People are in the northeast direction."

Jiang Pan's tone was extremely serious.

Paper figurine Xu had the quickest reaction. With a flash of his body, he galloped towards the northeast.

The moonlight was too cold, and the paper figurine was covered with corpse skin, giving the impression that it was a corpse with slender limbs but a bloated body moving forward.

Fan Yu's speed was a little slower.

While he was striding forward, he pulled out the gong and gong from his waist.

With a bang, the piercing sound of the gong echoed in the night sky.

"The night is dark and the wind is high, be careful with the candles."

"Xu time has come, the ghosts wake up at dusk, and the idlers return home." Accompanied by the sound of the gong, there was also the piercing voice of Fan Yu.

The sound doesn't matter much to us.

But I think that for Lu Su, it is definitely not a small oppressive force.

Lu Su would never have thought before that we are coming again, not only the husband, but also powerful characters in the lower class.

Paper figurines are probably the best among paper maker.

Fan Wei was once with Lu Su and the others!

"Brother, you take everyone to the back, I'll go to the front, in case something happens!"

After I finished speaking, I immediately pulled up my legs and chased forward.

In a short while, the paper figurine Xu had reached the end of his sight in the distance.

I saw him, rushed under a tall tree, and jumped up directly.

The next moment, the one who fell suddenly was a man of generous stature.

Isn't this person Lu Su! ?

The moment he landed, he immediately got up, pulled out the ax at his waist, and slashed fiercely towards the sky!

Jiang's calculation was very accurate, and he directly asked us to find Lu Su.

Lu Su was also very decisive, and he struck even harder!

A figure fell from the sky!

My pupils constricted a bit, but I didn't shout out anything.

This is just the first confrontation.

Lu Su's attack was ruthless, and the paper figurine might not be weak.

The falling figure was not a paper figurine Xu, but a green corpse made of paper!

That Zhizha propped up his arms, and the position of the fingertips was as sharp as the tip of a knife!

The ax hit the green corpse paper, but it didn't break, and even the ax got stuck in the paper.

Zhizha's arms pierced directly into Lu Su's shoulders!

With a scream, Lu Su shook his hand fiercely, and then he threw the paper away and took back the axe.

From the rear, Fan Yu also followed, and slammed the gong again, the sound of the gong was ear-piercing.

At the same time, he yelled sharply: "During the first watch, people will not return, and the three souls will faint!"

When his voice fell, I even felt that for a moment, my thinking seemed to be stagnant.

It was as if the sound of the gong was ringing deep in my heart.

Lu Su's body froze suddenly, stuck in place, motionless...

In the shadow of the tree above, another person fell down.

This time, it was the paper figurine that fell down!

His legs fell heavily on Lu Su's shoulders, and his calves suddenly twisted into a cross shape, which was about to lock Lu Su's neck!

The sound of Fan Yu's gong would startle people, Lu Su showed his flaws, and let the paper figurine succeed!

But in the next moment, Lu Su trembled again, apparently waking up.

He snorted and reprimanded angrily: "Well, you Fan Yu, let's not talk about running away, but you still want to rebel and walk with this father-killing Li Yinyang!"

"Wait a while, I will definitely skin and bone you, a traitor!"

His tone was extremely angry, and he raised his left hand holding the axe, directly towards the left leg of the paper figurine Xu, while his right hand, like a cattail fan, grabbed the paper figurine Xu's waist.

Fan Kuang was already approaching Lu Su, he raised the gong in his hand, and hit Lu Su hard on the forehead.

He asked even more angrily, "Treason? You and Zhou Jingyi are the closest. It's clear that you made up your mind to let us die!"

At the same time, the paper figurine Xu's body suddenly stood up, and he escaped directly from Lu Su's pincers.

Fan Zhen's gong hit Lu Su hard on the forehead with a bang!

The force of his hammer is definitely not small!

At the last moment, I noticed that Lu Su stepped back a little, obviously trying to vent his strength.

However, blood was still gushing out from his head!

If he hadn't vented his strength in time, what is gushing out now might not be simple blood...

I have fought with the old watchman, and even with Pan Yu.

I still know how hard the watchman's gongs are.

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