In fact, that was my unconscious glance.

But I don't know why, I felt a chill all over my body, and some cold sweat even broke out on my spine? !

What is the paper figurine carrying on its back?

I have personal secrets, and things about guys, so I can't ask the paper figurine Xu in front of Tang Ding and Fan Yu.

I looked away, and I didn't want to look more.

A total of three people came down from behind, and all the gentlemen reached the bottom of the valley.

Jiang Pan held Yang Gongpan, and he only said one sentence, this place is definitely not just Sijinsha Cave where there are corpses, it must be in the whole valley, there are murderous corpses everywhere!

What he said was extremely decisive.

And he threw out a handful of copper coins directly.

The copper coins did not fall on the spot, but rolled strangely and entered the forest in front of the cliff.

What Jiang Pan said is definitely not wrong. I know that this should be the difference between Tianyuan Physiognomy and Geophysics?

Although geography can be used to absorb the strengths of hundreds of schools, most of the world's feng shui methods lead to the same goal, but the special inheritance must have its own uniqueness.

The rest of the Yinshu and Yangsuan teachers looked at Jiang Pan nervously.

Obviously, Jiang Pan's words gave everyone a sense of vigilance.

Likewise, they are waiting for our order.

At this moment, Jiang Pan looked at me and continued: "Feng Shui has not changed greatly, and there is probably no problem in the center of the acupoint, otherwise, it should be more fierce. We have been down for so long, and there have been more changes. .”

"Then the murderous corpses scattered here should be man-made, maybe the coffin maker Lu Su, otherwise, someone else came here."

Jiang Pan's tone was particularly dignified.

My pupils constricted a little more, and I signaled Jiang Pan to continue.

Jiang Pan narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured: "I'll go to the front, Uncle Xu and I, you stay behind, we try not to touch those vicious corpses."

"Each lower class has its own technique, and the coffin maker must have a reason for doing so."

As a result, as soon as Jiang Pan's voice fell, Fan Wei suddenly said: "I have dealt with coffin makers a lot in the early years. In fact, their skills are much higher than other low-level people. It's just that they do more dead things. It was regarded as a low class."

"If I remember correctly, the coffinmaker has a weird technique. He borrows ghost wood to build a coffin, puts a murderous corpse inside, and arranges a coffin array."

"Generally, this method is used outside the homes of some coffinmakers who don't want to meet people."

"Could it be that there is a ghost wooden coffin formation here?"

My gaze was like a torch, and I immediately looked at Fan Yu, and asked very quickly: "What's so special about this formation?"

Fan Wei showed a lingering expression, and replied: "Amplify the resentment of the corpse, spread the corpse poison, make people bump into it unknowingly, without any warning, contract the corpse poison, and die suddenly..."

He paused for a moment, and then said: "The reason why I know is because many years ago, our line of watchmen had conflicts with the coffin maker. Most of the watchmen are vicious, and quite a few of them will take revenge."

"People from the line of coffinmakers have a weird temper and think they are superior to others."

"I can't remember the reason for the conflict back then, but the watchman gathered dozens of people. To destroy the coffin maker, he set up a ghost wooden coffin array. As a result, more than half of the watchmen were killed or injured, and none to enter his house."

"I didn't participate in this matter back then. I just heard that the corpses of those dead and injured watchmen were all festered, and they couldn't be transformed into evil spirits. They couldn't even be used as human beings to light candles."

When I heard the words "people lighting candles", I felt shuddering.

Fan Wei paused for a moment, then looked at Jiang Pan again, and said, "Mr. Jiang said, try not to touch those coffins. However, I'm afraid it won't work as much as possible. I will lead the way at night. The watchman is more sensitive to Yin and fierce Qi."

There was seriousness and determination in Fan Yu's tone.

A smile appeared on Jiang Pan's face before he told Fan Yu that there was no need to worry.

He was already prepared just now, using the word "as much as possible", but he didn't want to talk too much.

If there is no accident, we will not encounter the murderous corpse, and he can walk out a safe path.

Fan Que was stunned for a moment.

I immediately understood that this was related to the copper coins that Jiang Pan had thrown out just now?

Without further delay, our group set off immediately.

Jiang Pan walked into the woods at the forefront, and the people behind formed a line of two people in a row.

I followed closely behind Jiang Pan and the paper figurine Xu, with Tang Ding at my side.

Fan Yu was placed after the last cut.

He knows a little bit about the coffinmaker, and his skills are better, which will reduce our loopholes.

It was extremely dark in the woods, and the coldness in the air was thick.

Fierce aura, the condensed aura of death aura is too strong, making it difficult to breathe.

The road here is very narrow.

In other words, there is actually no way.

It was walking on the turf, the way Jiang Pan stepped forward.

He was holding Yang Gongpan in his hand all the time, as if he was following the direction of Yang Gongpan.

I was behind, noticed the direction of Yang Gongpan's pointer, and compared it with the compass in my hand.

I just discovered that the direction of Yang Gongpan's pointer rotation is different from that of the fixed compass?

Now the only way to set the compass is to turn the needle, but Yang Gongpan has other changes, which I can't understand for the time being.

The four golden sand traps are in the center of this place, so there is no need to tell Jiang Pan about the location.

We keep going.

I estimate that at least half of the distance has been walked, and Jiang Pan suddenly stopped.

He raised his other hand and stared at the back of it.

I also feel weird, I was fine just now, but now, why is my body hairy...

The feeling of heart palpitations became much stronger again.

"The copper coins I threw out are out of order..." Jiang Pan's tone became much harsher: "Someone moved the formation here."

At this moment, the paper figurine Xu suddenly said in a low voice: "Who?!" He took a sudden step and rushed forward!

"Uncle Xu, be careful!" I called out to him solemnly.

The eyes of many gentlemen have become extra vigilant.

They also took out the guy thing in their hands.

Jiang Pan said in a deep voice: "It seems that Lu Su didn't want us to go through the past in a good way. It might have been the same as the river, but now it belongs to us. He insisted on touching us."

With that said, Jiang Pan stepped forward.

In fact, I also wondered why Lu Su moved the coffin, what can happen in front?

Go out all the way, almost 40 meters.

My countenance changed.

The paper figurine stopped at the front of the road.

And in front of the paper figurine Xu, there were actually two corpses standing on the road...

From the gaps in the tree shadows above, some moonlight shone on the corpses.

Both bodies were covered with sores.

This is not rot in the usual sense, those sores are like holes, and liquid is still flowing out.

Jiang Pan stopped, and the road ahead was covered with such corpse fluid...

"Don't go there, there are corpses..." Jiang Pan's tone was full of surprise.

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