The silence lasted for a while.

Among the more than ten gentlemen in the back, someone said in doubt: "Mr. Jiang... what Mr. Li said seems to have such a truth..."

Jiang Pan twitched his face before letting go of his hand.

His body moved, and he seemed to be less stiff, before he said: "It does make sense..."

The paper figurine Xu and Fan Kui looked at each other, and Fan Kui immediately cupped his fists and said to me, "Don't worry, Mr. Li, I'm sure I can handle this accident!"

Immediately, the paper figurine Xu said to me: "Since this is the case, there will be many nights and dreams. We have to go down quickly. Also, we don't have a boat here. It's not easy to find it in a while..."

I told the paper figurine Xu that the boat is not difficult. When I was learning the craft of picking up corpses, my father taught me some temporary ways to make simple wooden boats.

The paper figurine no longer hesitated.

He immediately looked at Tang Ding on the other side, and ordered: "Tang Ding, let go of the rope." Tang Ding immediately ordered the rest of the servants to do it.

They wrapped one end of the rope around a tree trunk on the outer edge of the cliff before lowering the other end into the cliff.

After Tang Ding and the others lowered four ropes in total, they returned to the paper figurine Xu.

The paper figurine Xu turned to look at me and said in a low voice, "Yin Yang?"

I nodded and looked at Jiang Pan again.

Jiang Pan raised his hands and made a downward movement. Immediately, those gentlemen stopped talking and became quieter.

"Yinyang, this innate gossip plate, in terms of position, who is it, what position, can you arrange it?" Jiang Pan said.

I told Jiang Pan that although I can tell the direction first, it is definitely better to go down and see the four golden sands, and then make arrangements according to local conditions, and during the process of going down, I can also think about deduction and improve the layout.

Jiang Pan thoughtfully said a good word.

The rest of the gentlemen also calmed down and began to get excited.

Someone asked me, can I go down now?

I nodded first, and at the same time said: "I, Uncle Xu, Tang Ding, and Fan Kui will go first, and you and Mr. Jiang will follow behind."

"Brother, what do you think?" I looked at Jiang Pan.

Jiang Pan said solemnly: "Be careful of Lu Su."

I hummed, actually the four of us went down first because of Lu Su.

I have fought with him, and besides, my skill is the best among the gentlemen.

The paper figurines Xu and Fan Que are both very strong, and Tang Ding also has a gun.

Even if he met Lu Su, he would not be able to do anything to us. If it was changed to the four gentlemen, it would be completely different...

Without wasting any more time, the four of us each selected a rope, held it tightly, stabilized our pace, approached the cliff, and began to climb down along the rope.

Stepping on the steep rock wall, a gust of coldness came from below, and penetrated into the body from the corner of the clothes.

The coldness made me shiver.

After climbing down for a certain distance, when we reached the middle of the cliff, there was a mess of grass in front of us.

I passed by in a blink of an eye, but suddenly felt that there was a face staring at me? !

Frightened, I grabbed the rope even more tightly, stopped, and looked at the messy grass vigilantly.

"Yin Yang? What's wrong?!" Two or three meters away, the paper figurine Xu also stopped and asked me vigilantly.

I made up my mind, wrapped the rope with one hand and twisted it twice, and with the other hand, I took out the golden ruler to get rid of the messy grass.

It turned out that behind the chaotic grass was not a human face, but a root of a vine.

It's just that it's been too old, exposed to the wind and sun, and wrinkled, and it feels like a human face.

I relaxed, said something in a low voice, and then continued to climb down.

After climbing another distance, I felt that what I saw was not right.

This time, I didn't stop and kept the same speed as others.

It wasn't until I reached the bottom of the cliff that I squinted my eyes and looked up at the top, only then did I faintly realize that maybe it wasn't something wrong with what I saw.

The problem is me.

I'm afraid that Zhou Jingyi's burial in such a terrible place will affect me, He Zhi, and flee to the sky.

Moreover, now that Feng Shui fate is changing something somewhere, I will feel palpitations. This is my husband's induction.

It's these things that subtly make me more careful.

In other's called paranoia...

The paper figurines Xu and Fan Wei walked forward in two directions, walking a certain distance vigilantly.

Tang Ding hurried to my side, put his hands on his waist, and said in a low voice, "Sir, are you alright?"

"No problem." I said shaking my head.

"The other gentlemen above are about to come down, sir, you have to step back a little to avoid falling rocks." Tang Ding urged me again in a low voice.

I didn't stop where I was, turned around and walked forward.

The paper figurines Xu and Fan Yu had already walked more than ten meters, but they did not move forward.

After I arrived at a similar position, the paper figurines Xu and Fan Yu immediately came to my side, and they both nodded to me.

The paper figurine Xu murmured: "This place is so dark and scary, it feels like there are things everywhere, Yin Yang, was it the same when you came last time?!"

I frowned, felt the breath quietly, and found out the compass again.

After keeping the compass steady in the hand, its pointer turns rapidly.

Originally, what formed the fixed compass at this place was always the turning needle.

It's just that... the needle this time was much faster than before.

"The resentment and ferocity are indeed heavy, is it because Zhou Jingyi is in the acupuncture point?"

"It's unlikely. He was originally transformed into a living corpse, but he was directly sucked dry. He is just a corpse."

"Could it be that Lu Su attracted something?!" My pupils constricted, and I became more alert.

There will be many variables in a fierce geomantic place, especially a place with murderous corpses.

If Lu Su really caused something, our troubles will only get worse.

"If this is the case, that guy should be dead, and we will save a little trouble?" Tang Ding whispered beside him.

I shook my head: "It's better for him to be alive. If he dies, it must be because the mobilizing thing is too fierce... If the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse moves, our plan will be even more difficult."

The paper figurine Xu and Fan Cui looked at each other.

Tang Ding kept silent and did not continue speaking.

There were some small noises from above.

Turning around and looking back, someone was descending the mountain, and they had reached one third of the cliff.

I suppressed all the thoughts in my heart and began to wait quietly.

We have to wait for everyone to come down before we can act.

The most important thing now is to hold your ground.

During this period, the paper figurine Xu had already put on a piece of skin made of green corpse paper on his body.

The only remaining two usable green corpse paper bundles looked lonely and extraordinarily thin.

However, I found that the back of the paper figurine Xu is bulging, and it seems that there is something wrapped around it...

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