I also can't make the paper figurine use paper.

Mister line up, the innate gossip plate suppresses, as long as it can suppress the fierceness of the four golden sand traps, it will also suppress the murderous corpses!

Feathered evil corpses may not be able to hold back.

But if the green corpse paper is tied, it will definitely be suppressed!

At that time, there will only be a layer of corpse skin left, and there is no way to pull the corpse.

For a while, I couldn't think of a way to crack this.

However, using the innate gossip disk to suppress the fierceness should be the best way at present.

Pausing my thoughts, I looked up at Jiang Pan and said, "Brother, look!"

At the same time, I swept through the crowd again.

They all surrounded me and looked at me, without my reminding, their eyes became more serious than one.

Pointing to the sketches on the ground, I roughly talked about the Feng Shui layout, and then explained the method of the Xiantian Eight Diagrams Plate.

At the end, I will talk about pulling corpses.

Jiang Pan said solemnly: "This really needs to be carefully considered. It is definitely impossible for people to drag the corpse with their lives."

The gentlemen around looked at each other.

After a while, they began to show signs of contemplation.

And more than one person said: "Mr. Li, Mr. Jiang, don't worry, we have a lot of people, and we can definitely come up with a perfect plan."

Gu Qijie said something before, which was appreciated by Jiang Pan.

Apparently, this inspired the crowd.

Jiang Pan nodded, with a look of gratitude on his face, he clasped his fists at everyone to thank them.

Naturally, no one dared to accept Jiang Pan's gift, they all dodged to get out of the way, and at the same time returned the gift to Jiang Pan.

I stepped back a little, out of the way, so that the gentlemen could be closer to the drawings.

Immediately, I walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down.

Today's moonlight is enough for me to see many things clearly.

Under the cliff of tens of meters, there are thick treetops.

It was only in the middle of the layers of shade that I saw a dark area.

Over there is the rocky land where the Sijinsha depression is located.

Closing his eyes, what came to his mind was the memory of the four golden sand traps and the details of the composition just now.

I'm still thinking of a way out.

After thinking hard for a long time, I felt a faint pain in my head, but I still couldn't think of a suitable solution.

Suddenly, the halo above his head dimmed a bit.

I looked up and saw that a dark cloud was passing by, just covering the moon.

Soon there was another gust of wind, and the dark cloud moved slowly, revealing the moon again.

The bright moonlight swayed down again, without the slightest change from before.

I frowned, but felt as if I had caught something.

I lowered my head and glanced at the ground, and bent down to pick up a fallen leaf.

Standing up again, I held up the fallen leaves and covered the moon.

Immediately, my eyelids twitched wildly, and I muttered: "Clouds cover the moon, leaves block the eyes, in fact, they are all obstructions of appearance, and the essence will not change."

"Death and life are death qi chaotically angry, destroying feng shui, and life crushing death, but it is another way. It covers feng shui and does not change its own feng shui situation."

"It's like a blinding leaf... what if there are more things on this leaf?"

I think I've figured out a way!

I even have a sense of sobriety. What I thought just now was too complicated. Once I simplified things, I didn't expect it to be so simple...

"yin and yang."

Jiang Pan's voice calling me came from behind.

I turned around immediately.

Jiang Pan walked up to me, the paper figurines Xu and Fan Que were beside him, and the rest of the gentlemen were behind.

Jiang Pan's face was solemn, and those gentlemen's eyes were also full of despair.

"There is no better way, you should take a risk."

As Jiang Pan spoke, he looked at the paper figurines Xu and Fan Kuang from left to right, and said again: "Fan Kui knocked on the startling gong, and calmed down the evil corpse first. Uncle Xu tied the corpse with paper, and many gentlemen were preparing , Once there are mistakes and problems, immediately use the innate gossip to set up your position and suppress the change of fierce energy."

My face changed slightly, and I immediately said no.

Let me say it first, Fan Yu should be our second mover, definitely not the first mover.

What's more, the Xiantian gossip plate is only possible to suppress the ferocity of the four golden sand traps first, and it is of little use, or even useless at all, when the evil corpses are raging.

Jiang Pan's complexion was not good-looking.

Not because I contradicted him, but because it was the only way they could think of.

Of course, if I hadn't figured it out just now, this should be the only way I could choose, and I took the risk...

"Yin Yang, time waits for no one, I think it is necessary to take risks." The paper figurine Xu Shen said.

Fan Yu who was next to him also nodded repeatedly, and said, "Mr. Li, I think this method is simpler. The big deal is that I will knock the gong twice more, and you will just pull out a corpse. It's not a big problem."

How did Fan Wei know the danger of becoming a corpse.

Besides, for the evil corpse here, the hole is specially set for it.

The overall feng shui pattern is not comparable to Guan Xiantao's tomb, but the difference in origin is that the feathered corpse on Guan Xiantao's tomb is only used to guard the tomb.

The Eight Luminaries corpse here is in the tomb!

I still shook my head, rejecting the words of Fan Que and the paper figurine Xu.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay again, and there was even a hint of uneasiness in some people's eyes.

Suddenly, someone whispered: "Mr. Li, don't you want to let someone go in to change lives and drag corpses?"

Jiang Pan frowned, looking at the person who spoke with displeasure in his eyes.

The man didn't dare to speak immediately.

Then I opened my mouth and said: "If I had the thought and intention to use human life to drag corpses, I wouldn't have said so much just now, just a few words, come up with something as a condition, sir, don't know, could it be?" Won't you be tricked?"

The man's face was disturbed and a little red.

He apologized to me one after another, saying that he didn't mean it that way, he just said he was worried, but now he is using the heart of a villain to save the heart of a gentleman.

I frowned at him, but thought of Liao Cheng again, and sighed a little.

These gentlemen were all played around by Liao Cheng calmly.

If Liao Cheng was here, he should be more decisive, someone would die, maybe he would be grateful to him...

Suppressing my thoughts, I exhaled and said, "Just now, we all thought too complicatedly."

"The congenital gossip plate, after suppressing the fierceness and deathness, it will make the four golden sands sink for a while and be safe. What is not safe is the mixed yin and yang water! After falling into the water, people will die if they cannot bear the fierceness. Just don't fall into the water, we all You don’t need to think of a solution from Feng Shui itself.”

"Because the innate gossip disk is already a solution, and there is Fan Yu next to it, so you can use the panic gong to suppress accidents at any time."

"Then we only need a boat or a raft, and we can naturally cross the water to retrieve the corpse."

After I finished speaking, the surroundings immediately became quiet, and no one could speak.

Even Jiang Pan was stunned. He raised his hand and said, "This..."

After that, he also rolled his Adam's apple, and swallowed the rest of the words.

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