Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 757 One Corpse For One Life

It took about an hour, and the coffin was buried at the foot of a mountain outside the place of speculation.

I can see the feng shui here at a glance.

This is actually an excellent treasure land.

Its shape is like a side barrier, and the back hill is far away.The front should be turned back, nine thorns and three locust trees!

Jiang Pan explained to Fan Kuang that the shape of this cave is like the side of a fortress.The law should be spoken out, the master of the three princes and nine ministers!

Fan Wei obviously didn't understand.

Jiang Pan explained more clearly.

After the Fan family, there will be a very powerful and talented person, who will be among the three princes and nine ministers!

Firstly, the Fan family will not be cut off, and secondly, we want Fan Yu to beat the gong with his life, which is considered as a reward for him.

Fan Wei was stunned.

He knelt down tremblingly, kowtowed three times to Jiang Pan, and then kowtowed to me.

I stepped aside and didn't accept the gift.

And I also told Fan Yu that it was my elder brother who moved the grave and changed Fengshui. I just dealt with the mother and son evil, and I couldn't bear this kind of ceremony.

That's why Fan Xun didn't insist on kowtowing to me.

He told Jiang Pan seriously that he never thought that his son could have another heir. As long as they can wake up, they will have been blessed and the Fan family can still have incense. Mr. Jiang is the one who recreated him Well, this life is used, it's all right!

Jiang Pan waved his hand, then frowned and told Fan Yu that he didn't need his life, and would make arrangements when the time came, and would play by ear.

Without staying in the area of ​​the back mountain, Jiang Pan signaled that we can go back to the village.

When we got to the village, those guys dispersed.

We went all the way to Fan Yu's house.

At this time, the oil lamp was burning in Fan Keen's house, revealing a dim light.

There were two people sitting in the main room.

One is an old woman with disheveled hair and silver-white hair, and the other is a man, who is clearly Fan Yu's wife and son.

Fan Yu was trembling all over, appearing extremely excited.

Jiang Pan only said one sentence, we will wait for you at the entrance of the village.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Pan got into the carriage directly, Tang Jiugong and I followed closely behind, and Tang Ding drove the carriage.

Not long after, the carriage left the village.

We waited at the entrance of the village for about an hour.

It wasn't until late at night, when midnight was approaching, that Fan Yu walked out of the house.

He was carrying a package on his back, and the gong at his waist was polished brightly!

Under the moonlight, the gong reflected a faint copper light!

At this time, Fan Kuang held his head high and held his chest high. He didn't look like he was getting old before, he was full of energy!

When the carriage was approaching, Fan Yu bowed and saluted, "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Li! Here I am!"

I immediately signaled Fan Wei to get in the car.

Tang Ding raised his whip and scolded, and the carriage drove quickly.

After about an hour, we returned to Jiugong Dojo.

In the dojo, not all the gentlemen are there.

At a glance, only five Mr. Yang Suan were in the hall, and they all came to welcome us.

Jiang Pan introduced Fan Yu to everyone, and after everyone said hello, someone told us that Mr. Yinshu had gone to the cliff at the top of the mountain, but they didn't go down the cliff, and they were waiting there for us to pass.

Jiang Pan and I looked at each other, and Jiang Pan looked at Fan Yu again, and then said: "The night is full of dreams, and the moonlight is bright tonight, so we can go directly down the cliff."

Of course I agree with Jiang Pan!

That feeling of heart palpitations became much more obvious after I came back here.

We didn't leave Jiugong Dojo immediately, Jiang Pan first asked Tang Jiugong to get some ropes before we headed to the top of the mountain.

By the time we reached the top of the mountain, it was already more than half the time.

A few Mr. Yinjutsu are discussing in a circle.

As soon as we arrived, they hurried up to us.

After hugging each other and greeting each other, Jiang Pan asked everyone if they saw any signs of it.

One of the leading Yinshu masters pondered for a moment, and said: "This is the place where Duanlong Yin died. Since there are eight Yao corpses below, then Eight Yao should be Kanlongkun Rabbit Zhenshan Monkey, Sunji Ganma Dui Snake Head , Gen Hu Li Zhu Ba Yao Sha."

"The so-called Huangquan obsidian qi is the most vicious, and the yin and yang are mixed and scattered. Generally, the eight obsidian evil must appear in the geomantic land of the four golden sands."

"The four golden sand traps are also killed by the yellow spring, like a yin dragon seeing yang water, and a yang dragon seeing yin water. If there is defeat, it will be a disaster!"

"If we attract the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse, it will definitely be a battle to the death!"

Jiang Pan couldn't help looking at Mr. Yinshu a few more times, and I was also a little surprised because what he said was very detailed.

Geography can accommodate all rivers and rivers, and most of the Feng Shui techniques in the world have the same root and the same origin.

But most of the gentlemen do not have the essence of geography.

Mr. Yinshu's explanation, at least in this part of feng shui, is already very in-depth, except for some details, it is already detailed.

"What's your name?" Jiang Pan asked.

That Mr. Yinjutsu clasped his fists immediately, bowed and said, "Student Gu Qijie!"

Jiang Pan nodded, and said: "Sit Sha Feng Shui, you can see it accurately, and you can say it very clearly. If you are qualified to learn Mr. Suilong's Yang arithmetic, if you don't understand, I can teach you in person."

Envy suddenly appeared in the eyes of the rest of the people.

Of course I can see that Jiang Pan cherishes his talents.

Gu Qijie's eyes suddenly burst into surprise!

He thanked repeatedly, and bowed to Jiang Pan.

Jiang Pan turned his head, glanced at me, nodded, and then said: "Only Yin Yang has seen the specific layout below, let Yin Yang describe it to everyone, we have decided how to pull the corpse, and then we are ready to go down the mountain!"

"In addition, there is a coffin maker at the foot of the mountain. The coffin maker has been trapped at the bottom of the cliff for several months, and he acts ruthlessly. Please be careful."

Everyone immediately nodded and said yes.

At this time, there was eagerness in everyone's eyes. Obviously, they wanted to show something in front of Jiang Pan and me.

I took out the ground pen and Tiangan inkstone, and after grinding the ink, I composed the picture on a piece of hemp paper.

I roughly recalled the direction and layout of the rocky land, and drew the Fengshui picture on the hemp paper.

Moreover, I drew the crooked coffin and the location where Zhou Jingyi fell...

After I finished writing, everyone gathered around and read the analysis carefully.

I also focused on analyzing how to start from this Feng Shui situation and pull Zhou Jingyi out...

First of all, the water in these four golden sand depressions seems to be on the surface, but it is actually Yinlong water, which is full of resentment and must not enter it.

Otherwise, you will surely die!

And apart from those coffins, there is no place to stay in the water.

After the coffin is stepped on, it will also fall into it...

After looking at the drawings for a while, I came up with a solution.

We have a large number of people, and we can use our lives to suppress evil spirits.

Back then, to take Guan Xiantao Corpse Pill, he spent his life, so he was so angry.

And here, maybe we can be angry and dead? !

Using the innate gossip plate as the base, the master acts as the eye of the formation, forcibly suppressing the ferocity of Sijinsha, and then take this opportunity to drag the corpse? !

But... there is another problem.

That is to say, the corpse should be pulled close to the coffin in the center.

That is to fall into the water, and those who fall into the water will most likely die.

If there is no solution, it is a life for a corpse...

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