Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 753 Going up the mountain of knives, down into the sea of ​​fire, death is not a pity

While eating, we didn't talk much.

Tang Nine Palaces came to the main hall halfway, and some Yinshu and Yangsuan masters came.

Jiang Pan explained to everyone that we have to leave and make some preparations, so that they can go to the cliff on the top of the mountain behind to see Fengshui later. The only thing to be vigilant about is not to go down the cliff, let alone fall off.

A gentleman asked us suspiciously what kind of preparations we should make, and would it take a long time?

Jiang Pan also truthfully said that he had hired a watchman to deal with the Eight Yao corpses and ensure everyone's safety.

Immediately, someone asked excitedly, is it a way for the watchman to fix his soul?

As soon as Jiang Pan nodded, the man nodded again and again, saying that if he could have thought of this and found a watchman to take him to the Yin Mountains, he would have solved more troubles.

Jiang Pan and I didn't answer these words, and it doesn't make any sense to talk about them afterwards.

Furthermore, such watchmen are hard to find.

I asked Tang Ding to pull out a carriage, and told the paper figurine Xu to pay attention to safety, then drove away from Jiugong Dojo with Jiang Pan, Tang Jiugong and Tang Ding.

After getting off the hill, Tang Jiugong began to show Tang Ding the way.

The horses used for the carriage were Qiang horses, and they arrived at their destination within an hour after traveling twenty miles.

Into the purpose, is a small village at the foot of the mountain.

There is an archway at the entrance of the village, which says Wushan Village.

Several half-grown children squatted and played with stones at the entrance of the village.

When we entered the village, those children looked up at us.

Tang Jiugong continued to show the way, and Tang Ding drove the carriage to the village.

The village road is not big, and a carriage almost occupies the entire road. When encountering villagers on the road, those people will stick to the side of the road to make way for us.

Everyone looked at us with curiosity and a little fear.

Not long after, when the carriage stopped outside a dilapidated small courtyard, Tang Jiugong spoke.

I took another look at him, and even Jiang Pan gave him a similar look.

Tang Jiugong sneered, but didn't explain much.

We got out of the car.

In the clean small courtyard, a few chickens and ducks were frightened and ran towards the corner.

The houses with adobe walls were pushed away.

It was a thin and small old man who came out of the probe.

His wrinkled face was full of surprise and uncertainty.

With a sound of "Bang!", the door was immediately shut tightly.

Tang Jiugong's voice became much louder, and he immediately shouted: "Fan Yu, Mr. Li and Mr. Jiang are not here to settle accounts, we come to the door for something, and we can help you!"

"If you run away, you can run away to a monk, but not to a temple! Don't you want your wife and son?!"

Tang Jiugong's words were a bit firm and profound, and only then did he look a bit like a gentleman, and he lost the uneasiness he felt when he saw Jiang Pan and me.

The next moment, the door was opened...

Fan Wei walked out of the room with a pale face.

He was wearing a commoner garment, with circles of cloth wrapped around his hands and feet, and a gong and gong were hung around his waist.

When he looked at Jiang Pan and me, his hands and feet trembled slightly.

For Tang Jiugong, on the contrary, there was a bit of hatred in his eyes.

A bit of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Tang Jiugong's face.

Tang Ding pushed open the courtyard door and took two steps forward, Jiang Pan walked in, Tang Jiugong and I were a little behind.

Apparently, Fan Wei made another frightened movement and wanted to back away.

The emotion in his eyes was too direct, and I knew right away that it should be what happened that day, and he still remembered it very clearly, that's why he was so scared.

That day when they gathered together and met us face to face, there were many casualties...

Jiang Pan said in a deep voice: "Fan Yu, you don't need to be afraid, we need to ask for help."

"The matter of Zhou Jingyi that day is over, but I heard that Zhou Jingyi promised you something, now, we may be able to help you, and we want you to help us."

Fan Wei's face changed again, and he opened his mouth, his throat seemed to be broken, and said, "I'm a lowly person, how can I help you... What do you want me to do, to be cannon fodder?"

I froze for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed.

It seems that Fan Yu took what Zhou Jingyi did at the beginning as Zhou Jingyi used them as cannon fodder to drive them.

Before Jiang Pan could speak, Fan Kui immediately gritted his teeth and said, "I won't go! If you want to kill or cut to death, do as you please! If I really want my life, how can I escape?! My wife and children have suffered for many years. I can't bear it, we should have been freed long ago!"

Pain and suffering flashed across Fan Ke's eyes, as well as strong reluctance.

I have seen many watchmen.

From the old watchman's hatred to Pan Yu's viciousness.

This Fan Yu is actually the only watchman I've ever seen who seems to have a serious relationship...

For a while, I was still uncomfortable.

Jiang Pan frowned even tighter before he said, "Then what if we help you first, and then you help us?"

When he finished speaking, Fan Yu was stunned.

He looked at me and Jiang Pan in puzzlement, with disbelief in his eyes.

Obviously, Zhou Jingyi's matter still cast a great shadow on him.

Tang Jiugong's face darkened, he took a step forward, and said seriously: "Fan Yu, you should be more knowledgeable, Mr. Tian Yuan and Di Xiang, will you still lie to you?!"

Fan Wei gritted his teeth, and said, "Old man, you told me back then that Zhou Jingyi was Mr. Lingtang, the God of Zero and Zheng. Didn't he treat us like pawns and die?!"

Tang Jiugong: "..."

Jiang Pan didn't say any more, he directly bypassed Fan Yu and walked towards the house with adobe brick walls.

Fan Yu wanted to raise his hand to stop Jiang Pan.

But he raised his hand halfway up, and then put it down immediately.

Jiang Pan entered the house, followed by me.

Tang Ding and Tang Jiugong followed behind, and Fan Cancai followed with trembling legs.

The main room is very simple, and there is a smell of medicine.

Jiang Pan lifted the curtain on the right side.

After he entered, he stood in the middle of the room.

After I followed, everything I saw in my sight made my face change several times.

There is a bed by the window and the south side of the house.

On the bed by the window lay an old woman with gray hair, wrinkled skin and sores on her face.

On the bed on the south wall is a middle-aged man, his eyes are closed, and his breathing is weak.

Both of them looked seriously ill and were bedridden.

"How long have they been like this?" Jiang Pan turned his head and said to the rear.

At this time, Fan Ke finally had a bit of struggle and cautious tentativeness in his eyes.

"You really help me? Can you really help me?" Jiang Pan frowned, and his tone was a bit more serious: "I ask you, how long have they been like this? What is the reason?"

Fan Kuang pursed his lips, and suddenly he knelt down on the ground with a bang.

His eyes were red, and he said tremblingly: "My wife has been ill for 13 years, and my son has been bedridden for [-] years. Mr. Jiang, if you can save them, Fan Yu's life will be driven at will. I will die. !"

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