Tang Jiugong is just an ordinary yin and yang gentleman. Although he is not young, he has not made much progress in yin and yang skills, and he doesn't even have the protection of fate. ?

The words of killing the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse should never come out of his mouth!

But his demeanor, as well as the request he made through it, didn't look like he was lying!

In particular, he also said that there are fewer dead people, or no dead people...

Both of these points are extremely important to us.

Jiang Pan cast his eyes on me, and I looked at him cautiously.

Under eye contact, I nodded, and Jiang Pan also nodded.

Tang Jiugong's face already showed a surprised smile.

"If the method you come up with is not enough to qualify to learn the Suspected Dragon Scripture, even if I agree, the rest of the gentlemen will not agree. Mr. Tang, you should understand what I mean." I looked at Tang Jiugong and said in a deep voice. Said.

Tang Jiugong nodded again and again: "This is natural! This is natural!"

"Go ahead." Jiang Pan took up the conversation.

Only then did Tang Jiugong lick the corner of his mouth, and said: "Last time, I remember Mr. Jiang you said that if the watchman was still here, you would have moved the evil corpse. He left, so he didn't move."

"I've also heard of the method of the watchman's three-year life and fifteen-hour fixation."

"The watchman last time, I know where he is. Some time ago, I went down to the village and met him once."

During the conversation, Tang Jiugong looked more serious, and he said again: "Everyone has their own skills. I think Zhou Jingyi was able to find that watchman at the beginning. He must have something special. Mr. Li and Mr. Jiang, you didn't bring a watchman. Come here as you want. Look for one, but that one is not as good, I can help you find him, is this enough?!"

My eyelids twitched wildly, and I immediately recalled that Pan Yu's attack was astonishing, and Jiang Pan had indeed said that day.

Unexpectedly, Tang Jiugong remembered very well, and he even had news about the watchman...

Although the gentleman is higher than the lower class, the special features of the lower class cannot be underestimated.

In the water, no matter how powerful the gentleman is, he may not be the opponent of an experienced corpse hunter. The coffinmaker's ax kills him, making it even more difficult for him to parry.

The strength of the paper maker, relying on the tyranny of the corpse skin, can be improved to a very high degree.

Let's talk about the delivery of the dead by the Yin woman, the skills of the executioner, the coffin bearer for the funeral, etc...

360 lines, each line has an irreplaceable place.

Besides, Xia Jiuliu is not so easy to find, especially a watchman who can stabilize the soul.

The watchman Zhou Jingyi found back then should have this ability.

My thoughts settled down quickly.

Tang Jiugong looked at me expectantly, with longing in his eyes.

"Where's the watchman?" I asked directly.

The surprise in Tang Jiugong's eyes was even more, and he immediately said: "After going down the mountain, go west for twenty miles, there is a village there, and the watchman lives in the village all year round, his name is Fan Yu!"

"Zhou Jingyi found these low-level people, and they all agreed to some conditions first, or imposed some yin and yang techniques."

"Fan Kuang's wife and children are suffering from a strange illness, and he can't solve it. Zhou Jingyi promised to help. Now that Zhou Jingyi is dead, Fan Kuang probably has nothing to do..."

I narrowed my eyes slightly, and said, "You have already prepared to investigate this person. In fact, you are also waiting for us to come back?"

"If it wasn't for the Suspected Dragon Scripture, you would probably want something else."

I looked at Tang Jiugong deeply.

Tang Jiugong was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes dodged slightly.

But immediately afterwards, he replied cautiously, saying that he did not have any malicious intentions, but that he was old now, and he still hadn't achieved much in Yin Yang.

It was his chance for Zhou Jingyi to find him, but now he knows that he has gone the wrong way, but as long as he returns from the wrong way, it is not too late.

At this point, Tang Jiugong smiled wryly again: "If I knew this, I wouldn't have thought badly about you two back then."

Jiang Pan raised his hand and patted my shoulder.

I know that what Jiang Pan meant was the previous incident, there is no need to argue with Tang Jiugong.

I didn't want to care about anything, I just guessed what Tang Jiugong meant, so I clicked it directly.

His calculations are not deep, but as long as someone keeps calculating in the dark, it will always make people uncomfortable.

I mentioned it directly to him in this way, and then he will have to weigh it again.

"Brother, let's go find Fan Yu after dawn." I suppressed my thoughts and said.

Jiang Pan nodded.

Tang Jiugong immediately made a gesture of invitation.

I looked back at the cliff again, then went down the mountain, followed Tang Jiugong, and headed back to the Jiugong Dojo.

After arriving at the place, Tang Jiugong invited me and Jiang Pan into different rooms.

I lay down with all my clothes on.

That night, I slept very lightly, and when I fell asleep, I always felt that there was someone standing beside the bed.

In the second half of the night, I actually woke up several times, and each time I opened my eyes and looked at the side of the bed.

But there was no one beside the bed... I could only close my eyes and sleep.

It was a long night, and I woke up at dawn the next day.

Although I slept not long ago, it was difficult for me to sleep peacefully, and the feeling of heart palpitations surrounded me all the time.

Going out of the room, someone has already come out of the dojo compound.

It is our accompanying servants, delivering food to the hall.

Apparently, they were preparing before dawn.

Tang Ding walked up to me in a hurry, saluted me, and asked me why I got up so early, it was only five o'clock, and he asked me to go to rest again.

I said no to Tang Ding, so he didn't mention it, and asked me to go to eat first.

Not long after I sat down, the paper figurine Xu also came into the hall.

After saying hello, Jiang Pan also came soon.

He called Uncle Xu first, and then looked at me suspiciously.

I immediately understood what Jiang Pan meant and shook my head first.

The paper figurine Xu frowned, looked at me for a while, and Jiang Pan for a while, and said, "You two brothers, you two have been playing charades for so long."

I showed embarrassment, and Jiang Pan smiled wryly.

Then Jiang Pancai said: "Uncle Xu, we have to go down the mountain and find someone to cooperate with our operation this time."

"Who?" Paper figurine Xu stared.

I took a deep breath and said, "The watchman Zhou Jingyi used last time, Fan Yu, is nearby. If we can get him to beat the gong, we have great confidence."

The paper figurine Xu's face immediately changed, and he murmured: "Fixed soul... If it is fixed... then the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse..."

Apparently, longing appeared in the eyes of the paper figurine Xu.

How could I not understand what he meant?

After hesitating for a moment, I said: "Uncle Xu, after pulling out Zhou Jingyi, if we have the ability, we will kill the evil corpse. If the danger is too great, we can only give up. The green corpse is not a big threat to us. can get it."

The paper figurine Xu lowered his head, but he didn't speak.

Jiang Pan also bowed his head, but his face showed a pensive expression.

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