Fan Yu's tone was too choked up, with a tone of longing and pleading mixed with despair, which made people feel even more complicated.

13 years...eight years...

The poison of a tiger does not eat its offspring, and the poison of a human is unbearable to family. There are many family affections in the world.

I think of the past three years, in order to escape the empty body, I almost tried my best.

Thinking of Jiang Pan again, for the safety of his wife and daughter, he first sent them to Tianyuan Shidao, separated from his wife and daughter, then what method he used to avoid the danger, I don't know everything, but he paid no less than me ...

Jiang Pan pondered for a moment, then said: "I don't want your life, I just want you to beat me, how about it?"

Fan Yu was stunned for a moment, his whole body bowed directly to the ground, and said word by word: "Don't say one hammer, ten gongs and blows will not frown!" Jiang Pan nodded, and then asked Fan Yu again, asking him to tell about his wife. The reason why the child is bedridden.

At the same time, Jiang Pan gave Tang Ding a look.

Tang Ding immediately went to help Fan Cui get up.

After Fan Que stood up, he whispered uncomfortably, "I don't know why."

Jiang Pan frowned and said, "I don't know why?"

Fan Kuang pursed his lips, and said in a low voice: "It's not a disease. The doctor came to see them and said they have a strange disease, but it's not accidental. Where can there be any sneaky things that can enter my house?"

"My house has no problem with Feng Shui. I have never done anything evil. I just beat gongs to make more... Logically, even if God gives retribution, it shouldn't be retribution on me..."

Fan Yu's tone was more tormented.

Jiang Pan turned around and walked out of the house. I knew he was going to see the Feng Shui of the house.

I didn't follow, but walked to the bedside of Fan Yu's wife.

I looked down at the woman's face.

There was some black air faintly lingering on her face, but it wasn't in the cheekbones, nor in the Yintang, nor in the middle of the crowd.

Once the black air appeared in those places, people would have died long ago.

The origin of these black qi is strange.

I hesitated for a moment, and took out the golden ruler for Tongqiao points.

I put the ruler flat on the old woman's face to keep my balance.

Under the lingering black air, it seemed that part of it climbed up the ruler and formed a thin line.

The thin line didn't stop until the fourth grid.

The yin ruler surface is one foot, one inch and eight minutes, divided into ten grids, which are Ding, Harm, Wang, Bitterness, Righteousness, Official, Death, Prosperity, Loss, and Wealth...

Each grid has four small grids, which represent different fates.

The fourth big grid is "bitterness", and the position where the black energy stays is in the first two small grids, which is lost, official ghost!

I squinted my eyes slightly, and murmured: "Dead people are entangled with things, I didn't recruit ghosts, but I still recruited official ghosts, it's Fengshui." .”

While I was talking, Tang Jiugong kept looking at me, with envy evident in his eyes.

After speaking, I immediately stood up.

But in the back, Fan Yu was too close to me, and I almost bumped into his face.

Tang Ding immediately gave Fan Kuang a hand, and he staggered back two steps.

I looked at his face deeply, and said in a deep voice, "Did someone die in your family 13 years ago? Where was it buried? Could the dead person be related to your wife or son?!"

My tone was firm and I spoke very clearly.

Fan Wei was stunned for a moment, then said anxiously: "My daughter-in-law died...buried in the mountain behind...she..."

Apparently, there was a bit of trouble on Fan Yu's face.

I frowned and said, "Your wife has been lying in bed for 13 years, and your son has been lying in bed for eight years. What else can you say?! Don't want to save them?!"

At this moment, Jiang Pan entered the house, and said solemnly: "The Feng Shui of the house is fine." But the next moment, his expression froze and he didn't say much.

Tang Ding immediately went to Jiang Pan and whispered a few words to him.

I still looked at Fan Yu deeply.

Then he said with a bitter face, "My daughter-in-law has a bad stomach and is not in good health. They have always been rough with their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. One day, my daughter-in-law suddenly suffered from abdominal pain and asked her mother-in-law to call the doctor." "As a result, my mother-in-law left When I went to the village, I saw a big opera being performed in the village, so I went to see the troupe. When I remembered it, after calling the doctor back, my daughter-in-law was dying, bleeding all over the place." "The doctor felt the pulse and said I said a word, the fetus is not in the uterus, there is no way to save it, and the person left after preparing for the funeral."

At this point, Fan Yu sighed heavily, and said: "My son's husband and wife are harmonious, and as a result, he will no longer marry a wife, and I have not treated my daughter-in-law badly, so I will be buried with glory." "But after that period of time, Nothing happened to our family, and the burial place also looks good, although I didn't invite the gentleman to handle the errands at the time, most people in the village were buried there..."

After Fan Yu finished speaking, his expression became even more disturbed.

My eyelids twitched slightly, and I frowned and said: "I am pregnant, and the mother and child are buried? Mother and child are evil?"

Looking up, Jiang Pan and I looked at each other.

Jiang Pan said: "Go to the burial place and have a look, the feng shui of the Yang Zhai is indeed all right, the problem must be in the Yin Zhai, which somehow affects the fate."

Only then did Fan Wei turn around, and walked out of the house in panic.

We follow.

After leaving his house, he went deep into the village until he reached the end of the village, and saw a short mountain.

Fan Wei didn't go up the mountain here, but walked around from the foot of the mountain.

It took about half an hour to bypass this low mountain, and it was a higher slope.

Further down, there is a hill.

We stood at an angle that was just right enough to sweep over these hills, most of which were rounded like upside-down beads.

My complexion changed immediately, because there is a saying in Feng Shui of Yin Houses.

The shape of the mountain is like a counting bead, the main evil!

If the abacus has many mountain shapes and the outside is in all directions, like an abacus, it corresponds to a kind of feng shui situation.

It's called "It's like a calculation, everything is confused!"

I looked farther and saw the edges of all the hills.

Unbiased, the terrain is just like an abacus, and the shape of the mountain is like abacus, disorderly, disorderly arrangement up and down.

Jiang Pan turned to look at me, and I nodded.

Once we make eye contact, we know that the other party has seen the Feng Shui situation.

I said in a deep voice: "Everything is not going well, coupled with a fierce spirit, if there are some problems in the tomb, it will indeed affect people's unconsciousness and deep sleep. Fan Yu, take us to the tomb to have a look."

What I said already frightened Fan Xing quite a bit.

He led the way again, and he stopped when we reached the middle of the low hills.

On the edge of one of the low hills, a grave was erected. The mound was covered with withered grass, and there were even many small holes, as if something had penetrated into it.

Jiang Pan frowned, and said, "It's been many years here, and no one has worshiped it? These holes...should have been drilled by snakes." After speaking, Jiang Pan took out Yang Gong's pan and held it up with his right hand.

He looked down at the pointer on it, and at the same time raised his left hand, a handful of copper coins fell on the grave.

A strange scene happened...

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