Lai Qian's face twitched, but he was still smiling.

This made my heart a little more hazy.

The more Lai Qian tolerated, the greater the hidden danger.

A dog that bites does not bark, and we must pay close attention to this matter.

After Tang Ding finished scolding Lai Qian, he asked me respectfully, should we leave now?

I nodded.

When I was about to leave the stone road, my body froze.

It's been too long, and I can't remember too clearly the specific orientation on this road and the correct stone slab.

But knowing the golden ruler, I fell into the tomb while dealing with the feathered corpse...

At that time, my body was full of Yin Qi, and I was in a bad mood. The golden ruler hit me once, so I couldn't kill Bi Zong at that time, so I didn't pick it up immediately...

"Brother, brother Liao, we are going to use another method on this stone tablet to get out."

"I have left behind the Golden Ruler for Tongqiao Point..."

I am very unnatural and Liao Cheng, Jiang Pan said.

Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng looked at each other.

Suddenly, Lai Qian showed a bit of excitement, and he immediately said: "Mr. Li, we came in with the solution of 24 mountains on the ground. It's time to go out, explain a few words to those people outside, don't you really want to make this old man..."

The paper figurine Xu walked up to me, and he took out something from his pocket.

Isn't it just the golden ruler I left behind? !

The paper figurine Xu glanced at Lai Qian, and he told me that I left such an important thing without paying attention at the time, and he would never forget it. After talking a lot, he forgot to give me back the golden ruler first.

I quickly took over the ruler, and I felt a lot of joy when I found it again.

Jiang Pan said calmly: "Mr. Lai, don't run away."

Lai Qian: "..."

I immediately re-identified the road with a golden ruler, and we passed the stone road in a short while.

After walking for half a day, I returned to the foot of the mountain on the plank road.

In a few days, more than a dozen people came here, including Lai Qian and his party, there must be more than 20 people.

As a result, there are only six left now...

I also felt a lot of regret in my heart.

Before going up the plank road, Liao Cheng asked Lai Qian to point us to where he saw the stele describing the corpse head mushroom.

Lai Qian took us there.

The stele is hidden on the edge of the plank road, very obscure.

There are a lot of things written on it, the general introduction is that corpse head mushroom is a strange poison in the world, but it is also a wonderful medicine for life extension.

The poison lies in the fact that there is almost no solution to it, and the medicine lies in that the person suffering from this poison will retain the last breath of [-] essence, turning into a living corpse!

If you want to breed a feathered corpse in a short time, you need enough energy.

Either when a person is in his prime, he will directly bury himself alive, or when he is dying, he will take the poison of the corpse head mushroom.

In addition to these two methods that are sure to produce feathered corpses.

People who are completely dead want to become immortals, except for places with great geomantic omens, it can only depend on chance.

As for how the poison was cultivated, or where Guan Xiantao got it from, the stele didn't say anything.

We didn't pause much, and continued on the plank road.

When you reach the stone platform on the mountainside, you can look down from here.

In the center of the depression, the large tomb with human heads is still there.

However, the overall Feng Shui here is too weak...

We went back into the cave again, and began to walk through the long silent passage...

By the time we got out of the tunnel, it was already dark outside.

There are many people sitting on the side of the road, lighting a bonfire.

At a glance, it seems that the people left behind at that time are still there...

Everyone didn't react for a while, and looked at us blankly.

The next moment, their eyes were full of excitement, and almost everyone jumped up.

They were very excited and called Mr. Liao first, followed by Jiang Pan and me.

But soon, their eyes became suspicious.

More people looked at Lai Qian vigilantly, with resentment and disgust in their eyes.

In addition, those doubts and anxiety did not dissipate.

A Mr. Yang Suan walked up to us, he looked at Liao Cheng uneasily, and said, "Mr. Liao...Where are Zhou Fangquan and the others?"

Liao Cheng showed a complicated look on his face. He lowered his head, sighed lightly, and said: "Fate."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Sometimes words need not be too blunt, especially when the facts are already in front of us.

"Is it... very dangerous inside?" Mr. Yang Suan asked cautiously again.

"Emerging Evil Corpse." Liao Cheng raised his head, he closed his eyes, his expression became more complicated.

The faces of the ten or so gentlemen were even more shocked!

"It's not a good's an evil corpse? Then, Mr. Liao, don't you...have nothing?!"

Mr. Yang Suan was very disturbed, and the eyes of many people showed happiness, but there was also a look of disappointment.

Jiang Pan shook his head, and he said, "That's not the case. We did obtain some things, such as the inheritance of Mr. Suspected Dragon Yang Song." The moment Jiang Pan's voice fell.

Of the ten or so gentlemen, almost everyone looked excited and shocked!

Someone cautiously asked: "Then Mr. Jiang... Will you follow what we said before..."

At this moment, everyone's expression became hesitant.

Jiang Pan didn't pause, he said directly: "As I said before, anyone who can learn from the inheritance of Mr. Suspected Dragon can learn it. When I suspected Mr. Long, it fell out of Mr. Long's arms."

"After leaving this place, Yin Yang, Brother Liao and I will set up Mr. Suspected Dragon's sect in Tang Town."

Everyone's hesitation suddenly turned into ecstasy!

After almost everyone looked at each other, they still couldn't believe it!

Liao Cheng walked up to Jiang Pan, and he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, don't be too happy, Liao, there is one more condition!"

Obviously, Liao Cheng's words are like a basin of cold water.

Everyone was quite quiet, and they all looked at Liao Cheng seriously, waiting for him to speak.

Liao Cheng sighed again, and then said: "The people who followed us in did not come out safely. You did not enter the cave, but you can share the inheritance. Most of them depend on them to fight to death."

"Liao's condition is that those who are skeptical of the Dragon Scripture must support the widow, orphan, or old parents of a deceased gentleman.

A moment ago, the joy of everyone was washed away a lot.

Instead, it was dull and everyone's sighs.

"Mr. Liao and Mr. Jiang are not only keeping their promises, but also benevolent and righteous. I have never entered the acupuncture point, and I can obtain the Yin-Yang technique. It is indeed a huge advantage. I must complete this matter, otherwise, I will be spurned by the Yin-Yang world." !"

One person began to swear to the sky, followed by a second, and a third...

After everyone made an oath at the end, I had to admire Liao Cheng.

The same result, different approach, but gained the trust of more people...

And this time, the trust was not only given to him alone, including Jiang Pan, but also me...

In the end, Liao Cheng glanced at Lai Qian and said: "As for Mr. Lai, you are the only one responsible for the deaths of so many gentlemen. You can tell me how to explain it."

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