At least four or five hours have passed since my paper man Xu, Jiang Pan, and Liao Cheng reunited with each other until it got dark.

How could that person have been there and never left? !

The speed under Liao Cheng's feet became much faster, and Jiang Pan and I followed closely behind.

After a while, we arrived at the front of the woods.

In the shadow of an old tree, there is a man.

The quiet moonlight shone on him, and his cheeks were extremely thin, as if sunken into the bones of his face.

The clothes on his body were tattered, as if they had been weathered by the wind and rain all year round.

This is not a living person, but a corpse...

And around the waist of the corpse, slender iron chains were wrapped around it!

No wonder he couldn't leave, how did the corpse leave? !

Jiang Pan's face changed first.

Liao Cheng suddenly showed a thoughtful look.

The three of us walked up to the corpse.

What happened next left me horrified.

After that person, there was another person a few meters away.

The man was leaning against another bush, his head bowed, and he was also a mummy.

This is just the beginning, the slender iron chain has been worn by at least thirty people!

And every three or four people, the iron chain will be wrapped around the tree, and finally there are two iron chains in the middle that are completely locked!

These people are trapped in this place!

Judging from their clothes, none of them are gentlemen, let alone Taoist priests or low-ranking people, all of them are ordinary people.

Liao Cheng murmured: "Sure enough."

"Xu Qianzhang, the master of the paper figurine Xu, used paper to arrest many strong men in the city. These people are the basis for the resentment and death of Mr. Suilong and Mr. Yin after they entered the tomb."

"They want to explore the way first, dig out the robbery cave, and then bring these people in one by one, but the two of them died in the robbery cave, and these people are locked here, locked up for life." Liao Cheng said There was a bit of embarrassment in the words.

Jiang Pan was very silent and kept looking at the corpses without saying a word.

Washed away by anger, they didn't rot, but simply turned into mummy, let alone transform into evil spirits.

In fact, I feel like a stone is blocked in my heart, and I feel indescribably uncomfortable.

In fact, the people who came here according to the parchment scrolls were all for the inheritance of Guan Xiantao, or to become a good corpse.

Guan Xiantao's method of finding apprentices is very cruel.

Of course, now we have no way of knowing whether Guan Xiantao has other purposes.

But there is a cause and effect, if not driven by this greed, the gentlemen would not come here.

In order to dig graves to obtain treasures, death is fate.

Only these dozens of ordinary people are all innocent.

Whose father and whose son are they? !

Xu Qianzhang, Mr. Suspected Dragon, Mr. Yin...the group of people they used to commit more crimes.

No wonder Mr. Suspected Dragon died in the robbery cave so aggrieved...

Just as I thought of this, Jiang Pan whispered, "Remove all the corpses from the chains and bury them."

Liao Cheng shook his head immediately, he frowned and said, "It takes too much time, no way."

Jiang Pan raised his hand and slammed his fist hard on a tree trunk, causing his eyes to turn red.

Liao Cheng continued: "We rely on hunting in the woods for food, and the people outside don't eat much. At least five days have passed. I don't know how they persisted, and whether anyone has left."

"It's been more than ten days since I entered the Guoyin Mountain Range as a whole. In addition, we have to go out for more than half a month, and we still have to go to the Jiugong Dojo. It will take more time. I still have a very important thing to do, so I can't delay it any longer. gone."

"If there is any further delay, then only you two, brother Yinyang and Mr. Jiang, can pull Zhou Jingyi out. I absolutely cannot delay that matter."

My heart skipped a beat, what Liao Cheng said was to find Li Cang.

Time is really running out...

I took a deep breath, and also began to persuade Jiang Pan: "Brother, we really don't have the time to bury more than 30 people. It's not so easy to dismantle these chains...I'm afraid we can only find another opportunity in the future."

Jiang Pan was silent for a longer time before he turned his head in silence and walked towards the direction we came from.

Liao Cheng and I looked at each other, I was slightly embarrassed, Liao Cheng nodded, showing me a non-obstructive look.

On the way back, Liao Cheng suggested how to arrange the affairs of those gentlemen after leaving.

Only then did Jiang Pan open his mouth, repeating that he would set up a sect for Mr. Suspected Dragon and accept disciples in Tang Town.

As for the inheritance of Guan Xiantao, Jiang Pan looked at me, he pondered for a moment, and then said: "Tianyuan Physiognomy has its own lineage, and it has been like this for hundreds of years, but geology can accommodate all rivers, Yin and Yang, you can delve into it." If this yin and yang technique is beneficial in the world, it should be included in the geographer, if it is not beneficial, it should be destroyed or sealed up."

After a short pause, Jiang Pan said again: "Lai Qian will definitely spread a lot of information, even if we don't tell him that we have the good corpse pill, he may say that we have it in the future, and there will always be people who come to ask for trouble, or even ask for the corpse. Danhe inheritance, but there are Mr. Tianyuan and Mr. Dixiang in Tang Town, and there is no one to be afraid of."

Regarding Lai Qian, there is actually no solution.

Either kill him, or there must be hidden dangers.

With Jiang Pan here, it is definitely impossible to kill people, and hidden dangers cannot be ruled out...

Liao Cheng had no objection to Jiang Pan's arrangement.

Apart from being interested in repairing Ling Zheng Ershen's Yin-Yang Art, he even dismissed other Yin-Yang Art.

During the discussion, we returned to the front of the stone road.

At this time, the bonfire was almost extinguished, and Lai Qian was still asleep and did not wake up.

Of course, it didn't matter whether he woke up halfway through or not.

When the paper figurine Xu saw us coming back, he was very happy. Tang Ding also got up from the ground and saluted me.

I told them, wait a little longer, and we will set off at dawn.

Tang Ding whispered to us that he would catch another rabbit or bring some other wild animals with him, otherwise we would not have food on the way.

I nodded yes and he disappeared into the bushes.

The paper figurine added a lot of bonfires, and the flames burned much more intensely.

It will be dawn in a short while.

Lai Qian just woke up and turned around. He wobbled and sat up straight, and rubbed the space between his eyebrows.

After he seemed to be awake, he asked us, how did we rest last night?

Liao Cheng and I both ignored him, only Jiang Pan nodded and said something good.

Lai Qian still smiled with us, but he didn't feel embarrassed.

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, Tang Ding finally came back with a wild rabbit and a pheasant hanging from his waist.

Lai Qian glanced at it, and he obviously swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva.

Tang Ding glared at him, and said, "Old guy, what are you looking at? If you look again, you can only eat your head and butt. You can't do anything. You'll only make trouble. I don't have to eat!"

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