Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 745 Divination of a Hexagram

Lai Qian's face paled for a while.

When everyone looked at Lai Qian again, resentment, anger, and even murderous intent appeared in their eyes!

Liao Cheng glanced at Tang Ding and nodded with him.

Tang Ding immediately took a step forward, and said angrily, "If this old thing hadn't stolen the map, horses, and food, and ruined our plan, how could we have traveled so hard?!"

"Gentlemen, let him go. Although I am a little servant, I can't stand it. I think Mr. is too benevolent!"

"In the end, Mr. agreed to this old man and asked him to give everyone an explanation!"

What Liao Cheng said was not so clear, at most it was a guide.

But what Tang Ding said was much clearer, and he directly ignited the spearhead!

The eyes of everyone changed more and became more resentful.

Lai Qian shook, his body softened a lot.

A Mr. Shaman came out from the crowd, he went straight to Lai Qian, raised his hand, and slapped Lai Qian on the face!

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed Lai Qian's hair and pulled him towards the crowd!

Jiang Pan's face changed slightly, Liao Cheng directly raised his hand to block Jiang Pan, he said in a deep voice, "It's all sir, you have your own measure."

The crowd pulled Lai Qian out more than ten meters away, and after a certain distance from us, everyone surrounded him.

We won't see what happens after that.

It's just that I heard a lot.

In addition to cursing, there were punches and kicks, as well as Lai Qian's screams!

During this period, people came down from the other side of the road and above the mountainside.

A lot of excitement suddenly appeared on Tang Ding's face!

He immediately raised his hand to signal, and those people all rushed towards us in a hurry.

They are all servants who stayed here that day and did not go in with us!

A few days passed, everyone was in a lot of embarrassment, and the clothes on their bodies were damaged to varying degrees.

Everyone held something in their hands, or wild fruits, and some dirty wild vegetables.

Obviously, they weren't there before, they went to the surrounding mountains to find food...

It's just that the mountainous area here is barren, far less than that in the concave crypt, where there are so many wild animals.

Tang Ding directly removed the hare and pheasant hanging from his waist, and asked them to add a bonfire and give everyone a full meal first.

I glanced at everyone, hugged them all, and said in a deep voice, they have suffered a lot with me during this trip, and when I return to Tang Town, I will reward them one by one.

All the servants looked surprised and excited!

Tang Ding urged them to hurry up and make a bonfire.

Only then did the crowd disperse, some went to light the bonfire, while others skinned the rabbits, plucked the feathers of the chickens, and began to prepare for food.

After tossing for more than an hour, the overflowing aroma scattered on the mountain road.

Those yin and yang calculations are back.

Lai Qian was also pulled back.

Of course, the current Lai Qian is tied with a circle of ropes.

He was extremely embarrassed, his face was bruised and purple, and he was covered with scars.

Everyone was sitting in front of the bonfire, while he was pushed to the side of the road and slumped on the ground.

Tang Ding shared the grilled meat with everyone. There were not many items, and everyone could only share one piece of meat.

In the end, when Tang Ding gave Lai Qian's head and butt, he was snatched by a Mr. Yin, saying that so many Mr. are under the nine springs, and now they can't even get a little incense. Why can Lai Qian still eat meat? ? !

And some of them said that after leaving, they will jointly issue a notice in the Yin and Yang world. In order to satisfy his greed, Lai Qian broke his promise and killed many colleagues!

This person is not worthy of being a gentleman, let alone in the world of yin and yang!

Liao Cheng was obviously very satisfied, besides nodding, there was approval on his face.

Jiang Pan couldn't talk much anymore.

I'm just more careful with my heart.

After everyone had finished their meal, I meant to say that we would leave tomorrow.

But Tang Ding suggested to me that he would wait a little longer for a day and a half. He wanted to take a few brothers down the plank road and catch some pheasants and hares to eat on the way out.

I shook my head resolutely to let him dispel the idea. We can go out harder and find some wild fruits.

But you must never enter the cave again, the hidden dangers there are not yet known.

Come out safely, and then go in, dead people are more harm than good!

After that, Tang Ding didn't say anything else.

The morale of the crowd has been raised a lot. When they rest at night, they are all talking and laughing.

I am also much more relaxed now.

After leaving the cave, I dared to take a good rest.

It was night, and we each found places to sleep on the road.

In the early morning of the next day, when it was just daylight, I was woken up by loud human voices.

After getting up, I found that everyone was gathered in one place.

Tang Ding immediately came over to report to me. He said uncomfortably that Lai Qian was gone... He must have escaped last night while everyone was asleep!

I noticed that Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng were also in front of the crowd, so I walked over with a frown.

Everyone was still talking about it, but they all gave way to me.

Where Lai Qian sat before, there were only some broken ropes left.

But I was puzzled, Lai Qian really ran away? !

Everyone's methods against him are extremely ruthless, without leaving any reputation or opportunity.

But he is alone, and it may not be so easy to get out of this place...

At this moment, Liao Cheng walked up to me and patted my shoulder.

He shook his head slightly with me.

I immediately felt that there was something strange here.

I glanced at everyone, and I found that although a few gentlemen were talking, their eyes were wandering and they seemed to be absent-minded.

I figured it out right away, Lai Qian... definitely didn't leave by himself...

Or even, he might not be able to leave at all? !

But things have come to this, I don't really want to pursue anything because of Lai Qian.

After a brief discussion among the crowd, someone suggested that even if Lai Qian ran away, everyone's notice should still be sent out. It is definitely impossible to keep Lai Qian's reputation as Mr. Yuchi!

After that, they said, can we leave? !

Jiang Pan also came to my side, he hesitated to speak, and in the end he didn't say much.

I won't delay any more, and signal everyone to set off!

After getting on the road, at the entrance of the second mountain, there was a sound of tapping and tapping on the mountain road on one side.

The paper figurine Xu turned his head first, and he said in amazement: "Yin Yang, those two horses!"

I was taken aback, and immediately looked back.

It was only then that I realized that those two big horses of the Qiang people were actually walking over the narrow mountain road!

There are still some packages on the horse...

And the reins wrapped around their necks showed signs of being bitten off.

Jiang Pan murmured: "Lai Qian and the others killed ordinary horses, so they should have left these two horses with them for food. Before entering the hole, they should have hidden the horses nearby..."

When the two horses came close to me, they came to rub my face affectionately.

Tang Ding excitedly checked the packages and told us they were all food!Just save some, enough to get out the mountain!

Afterwards, we spent about four days leaving the Guoyin Mountains.

After going out, we hurried to Yuncheng immediately.

That night, Liao Cheng also booked a restaurant, which was to clean up the dust for everyone.

The exhausted boats and cars along the way, and the trip to the Yin Mountains for more than ten days, had already exhausted everyone.

Even the paper figurines Xu and Jiang Pan drank two glasses of wine.

Jiang Pan was overwhelmed and drunk, and the paper figurine Xu took care of him.

The rest of the gentlemen were all drunk in the end, and after everyone was sent to rest by Tang Ding and the others, only Liao Cheng and I were left at the table.

I have not touched a drop of alcohol, still sober.

Liao Cheng told me that he made a divination.

He couldn't go to Zhou Jingyi's group.

In addition, he will use the good corpse pill to change my life in Yuncheng.

After doing this, he must go to Li Cang immediately, otherwise something will happen!

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