Liao Cheng's voice stopped abruptly!

I took a deep breath and said seriously: "It's not just the Suspected Dragon Sutra."

After saying that, I took off the package wrapped on my back and opened it on the ground.

I didn't let the two of them touch it immediately, because I was afraid that Mr. Suspected Dragon would put these two things on for too long, and there would be deadly mushroom poison on them.

Immediately afterwards, I took out the copper box, a complete book and another fragmented book.

Liao Cheng looked at me with burning eyes.

And he was more eager to wait for me to speak.

I smoothed out some thoughts a little bit, and then told Liao Cheng that Mr. Suilong found another way.

Behind him was another person, wearing Mr. Yin's clothes.

This half of the book's Burial Shadow View Mountain and the complete book were all taken from Mr. Na Yin.

"Buying Shadows and Viewing Mountains? The name sounds strange, but it has nothing to do with Mr. Lingtang's yin and yang skills. You open this book and let me read it."

Liao Cheng had no interest in that half of the book and urged me to open another one.

But the next moment, he reached out and picked up the book.

I was shocked, and it was too late to stop me.

Jiang Pan also showed surprise: "Brother Liao, poison..."

Liao Cheng's nervous hands were trembling slightly, and he said in a low voice: "Brother Yinyang vomited the corpse pill, logically speaking, if it is poisonous, he will send out the poison first, there is no problem in this."

I breathed a sigh of relief, but smiled wryly.

Liao Cheng couldn't hold his ground because he was too impatient to wait.

He opened the pages of the book extremely quickly.

Lowering his head, Liao Cheng focused on watching.

I can't interrupt Liao Cheng.

After Jiang Pan hesitated for a moment, he picked up the copper box, opened it, and took out a quaint thread-bound book.

On the cover of the book is indeed written the words Suspected Dragon Sutra.

After a pause, Jiang Pan opened his mouth and said, "The Shan Corpse Pill, Suspected Dragon Scripture, Guan Xiantao's inheritance, and Mr. Yin's items...we have all of them. Dozens of people died here, and all the benefits fall into our hands." "Mr. outside the mountain, if you don't get anything, this matter will cause a lot of hidden dangers if it continues to simmer."

"From Brother Yu's point of view, the Suspected Dragon Sutra established a school for Mr. Suspected Dragon according to what he said in advance. If you want to learn, you can learn from it."

Jiang Pan said this while looking at me, with questions in his eyes.

I nodded and said, "Okay, when I buried Mr. Suspected Dragon, I also promised to help him find a successor, pass on the mantle, and repay him for saving his life."

Jiang Pan hummed, and said: "In this way, the gentlemen outside can be appeased. As for Lai Qian."

Jiang Pan frowned, and he said: "Since he agreed, let everyone judge if he wants to give an explanation. It is impossible to show him the inheritance of Guan Xiantao. Looking at Guan Xiantao's behavior style, it is quite vicious. So many people have died in this place over the years, this is also related to his yin and yang technique, which binds people in a certain place and cannot be reborn."

"This kind of domineering yin and yang technique is even more impossible for Lai Qian to come into contact with. No matter how we deal with it, we will discuss it in detail after we return to the Xianglu."

I said yes again and agreed.

Jiang Pan then signaled me to put away the Suspected Dragon Scripture and Buried Shadow View Mountain.

I just installed the Suspected Dragon Sutra, and when I picked it up to bury the shadow and watch the mountain, I looked at the four words on it, and I felt like I couldn't put it into words, as if I had read it myself?

No, it's not that I've seen it, but I have an impression...

I was eager to escape before, so I didn't have time to think about it.

Now in a quiet environment, I start to recall...

Brushing those words lightly with my hand, I murmured: "Buying Shadows and Viewing Mountains, my first teacher... Qiang people's geomancy..." ?!"

I just felt goosebumps all over my body, and even felt like my scalp was numb!

This Mr. Yin, part of Mr. Lingtang's technique, rebelled from the two gods of Lingzheng. He actually has this special Fengshui technique on him? !

I recall now that the Qiang people were taken to the Taoist Temple in Qiuchu by their ancestors.

The roads and houses built with the method of astrology are all mysterious and strange.

How did Mr. Yin get such a technique? !

Jiang Pan looked at me in surprise, and said in a low voice, "Yin Yang, is this something from the Qiang people?"

I nodded and said, "That's true, but the Qiang people now..."

Thinking of Liu Tianniu's current fate in all directions, the ancestors of the Qiang people suppressed the Liu family, which led to great changes in the Qiang people.

He even believed in people like Qiu Tianyuan who killed people.

I don't have the slightest sympathy for my former teachers, I just think they are insensitive.

I am not in the mood to give this book to the Qiang people again.

Liu Tianniu has kindness to me, but it is not the kindness that the ancestors of the Qiang nationality have to me.

But Jiang Pan said: "In this case, then return the property to the original owner."

I was silent for a moment, and said: "The Qiang family and the Liu family are one family, but the relationship is complicated now. This book can be returned to its original owner, but it must be handed over to the Great Elder."

Jiang Pan looked cautious, nodded and said: "This is also reasonable."

I don't say any more, and put away everything else.

I was not curious, so I went to open the Mountain of Burial Shadows.

I don't need to learn other Yin skills.

What's more, the things of the Qiang people are not without owners. If I read more and learn more, it will cause trouble in the future.

After a long time, Liao Chengcai finally raised his head. He closed the pages of the book with all his might, and said excitedly: "There is indeed a part of Mr. Lingtang's inheritance, but most of them are Yin techniques after stripping away the yang calculation."

"Yang calculation is not so important. With these yin techniques, I can slowly deduce and do some collection, maybe I can complete the two gods of zero and positive!"

Seeing Liao Cheng full of ambition, I was also very happy.

Jiang Pan nodded, made a gesture of invitation, and said, "In that case, let's go back, it's almost dawn."

I shook my head again and said that I can't leave right away, let's go to another place first.

Jiang Pan was surprised, and Liao Cheng asked me, did I find anything else? !

He hesitated for a while, and then said, even if there are any good things here, we can't take them. There are too many things in this business, too heavy, no matter how many, we may not be able to bear them.

I immediately explained that it was not a thing, but here, and there might be another group of people who saw me coming out.

I'm afraid we're gone, they are also hidden dangers.

Liao Cheng's complexion suddenly changed, and so did Jiang Pan.

Liao Cheng frowned, and he said decisively: "Could it be that the pedestrian from behind followed in? No, it's impossible, it's just some Mr. Yin and Yang calculations, and there is a sudden death. It is impossible for them to come here."

"Either they are latecomers, and the people outside are getting worse, or they are the ones who came here before us..."

"Regardless of the order, we must know who they are, otherwise, we will be guilty."

Liao Cheng immediately asked me to show the way, and I immediately walked in the direction of returning.

Jiang Pan said cautiously, we may not find anyone when we go back, and they will run away.

On the way, Liao Cheng and I didn't talk much.

It didn't take long before we arrived at the back of this huge cemetery.

From a long distance, I saw a person who seemed to be sticking to the front of the forest.

My heart skipped a beat, he didn't leave? !

Liao Cheng murmured: "There is a problem...

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