Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 741 Brother Liao, You Don’t Need to Be Sad

The sky here is getting darker and darker, and the afterglow of the setting sun has completely dissipated.

The bonfire became a light source, and the surroundings were shadowy.

Not only did Jiang Pan look in his eyes, but his tone was also extremely worried.

Liao Cheng, the paper figurine Xu, and Tang Ding looked similar.

Although Lai Qian is depressed now, he also raised his head inadvertently. Obviously, he really wants to hear how I got out.

Naturally, it is impossible for me to tell about Mr. Suspected Dragon's robbery in front of Lai Qian.

Otherwise, who knows what he will come up with in the future? !

After thinking for a moment, I said: "After you left, the tomb below collapsed twice. Bi Zonghua was completed and became a living corpse. I almost died in his hands. Then a collapsed rock hit him, and I Taking advantage of the chaos and fleeing, he suffered a lot of injuries and passed out in the end."

"When I woke up, I was already outside the tomb, walking towards the tomb passage, and I saw Uncle Xu."

Just after I finished speaking, Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan were both thoughtful.

Tang Ding was puzzled, and the paper figurine Xu became quieter and didn't speak.

Lai Qian looked up, he looked at me in astonishment, and said, "Come out after being in a coma? Mr. Li, if you say this...who will believe it?"

"After I'm in a coma, it's safe to wake up, Mr. Lai, believe it or not."

Lai Qian: "..."

"It's getting late, and we'll leave this place when it dawns tomorrow. Yinyang, take off your clothes and check your injuries for Brother Wei." Jiang Pan took over the conversation.

There are too many things on my body, where can I take off my clothes, just tell Jiang Pan that I am fine.

Then I lifted my sleeves and motioned Jiang Pan to look.

Jiang Pan showed shock, and Tang Ding gasped even more.

Liao Cheng walked up to me suddenly, he stared down at the top of my arm, and then looked up at my face.

There was shock in his eyes, and there was also a flash of ecstasy.

Just from this look, I feel that Liao Cheng seems to have guessed something? !

I stared at the wound on my arm, my forehead was also sweating.

The wound on the skin of the arm seemed to be cracked, covered with scabs of blood.

Thinking back to the feeling that I was almost bursting with the good corpse pill in my mouth, I still shudder.

"It looks like a skin trauma...the wound is a bit..." Jiang Pan said in a low voice.

Liao Cheng immediately interrupted Jiang Pan's words, saying: "It's indeed a skin trauma, it's harmless, Brother Yin Yang escaped from death, so we don't have to keep asking him, rest well for a night, and leave here tomorrow."

Lai Qian lowered his head again and stopped talking.

Tang Ding began to split the hare that was roasting on the campfire.

In the end, Lai Qian was only given a rabbit head and a butt.

I was indeed very hungry, and I was devouring it, while Lai Qian ate the rabbit meat in small mouthfuls. Even the rabbit's head was carefully shaved off the last bit of meat.

After that, everyone leaned against the tree trunk to rest.

The paper figurines Xu and Tang Ding alternated vigil.

I just woke up not long ago, and I didn't feel much sleepiness.

Lai Qian is too inconvenient here, I can't say anything.

In addition, when I came out, I was watched secretly. Who was that person?We just ignore him and leave?

Will this cause any hidden danger? !

He might have seen where I came from after all...

Also, there are more than a dozen yin and yang calculation masters guarding outside the mountain.

Lai Qian knew that we have the inheritance of Guan Xiantao.

Is it possible to divide the Ten Views of Physiognomy and the Five Jedi Books? !

My thoughts are getting deeper and deeper. It is difficult to measure and deal with this matter. No matter what I do, it will be difficult to satisfy everyone.

At that time, if it spreads in the world of Yin and Yang, there will be more risks of innocence and guilt...

The more I thought about it, the more awake I became. At the same time, I noticed that Lai Qian had fallen asleep.

At this point, I made a decision.

In fact, we and Lai Qian have already torn our faces, and it was all because Lai Qian could bear it that we didn't do anything.

Then don't care about making Lai Qian feel more uncomfortable.

At this point I got up.

The paper man Xu on the side immediately looked at me with a questioning look in his eyes.

I nodded, and the paper figurine Xu arrived in front of me immediately.

He asked me in a low voice what's wrong? !

I told him softly, let him look after Lai Qian and don't let him go anywhere else.

Then, I went to Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan.

As soon as they arrived between the two of them, they woke up almost at the same time, and their sleep was very light.

Lai Qian remained unchanged.

After the paper figurine Xu walked over, he sat next to Lai Qian.

Obviously, with this attitude, the paper man won't let Lai Qian do anything, whether he's awake or not.

I made a leave gesture.

Both Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng got up.

I turned around and walked towards the way I came from. Jiang Pan and the two followed me. About the time of a cup of tea, we reached the edge of the woods.

After walking a little further, we almost reached the foot of the huge tomb, in front of the blocked tomb passage.

"Brother Yinyang, I thought that if you really want to go out and talk about it later, it will cause a lot of trouble at that time." Liao Cheng's voice was slightly sad.

I roughly explained, saying that I also thought about these issues.

Then, I carefully took out the Shan Corpse Pill from my bosom.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the surface of the Shanshi Pill exudes a lustrous luster.

A stream of warmth emanated from it.

Jiang Pan's eyes fell on the Shanshi Pill, and his breathing was almost stagnant.

Liao Cheng's chest and abdomen rose and fell a lot faster, and he gently reached out to my hand.

Without hesitation, I handed the good corpse pill to Liao Cheng.

"Life is flowing, warm and moist like jade. What is contained in it is an extremely large amount of two-five essence energy. It is a treasure that can only be encountered but not sought after. Shanshi Pill... I am afraid that in the past and present, few Mr. Yin and Yang have obtained it. it……"

"Brother Yinyang, the injury on your body, from my own point of view, is too rich in vitality, so abundant that your flesh and blood can't bear it, and your body is almost broken to death. You should have swallowed this good corpse pill for a while."

Liao Cheng's voice was extremely fast, and his eyes were even brighter.

I nodded and said, "Brother Liao is right, it is true."

A smile appeared on Liao Cheng's face, and he said: "We have achieved a lot of our goals during this trip. We have obtained the Shanshi Pill and the inheritance of Guan Xiantao, which can be regarded as consolation."

Apparently, Liao Cheng still had a bit of bitterness in his eyes, but it didn't show much.

He took out a jade box, put the good corpse pill back, and handed it to me.

He told me how to use the good corpse pill to change my life. I have to do it after I go back. Simply swallowing it is useless. If it weren't for my special body, I'm afraid I would have died long ago.

I was a little startled.

Soon, I suppressed that emotion.

The next moment Jiang Pan asked me again, how did I get here?

The bitterness in Liao Cheng's eyes was suppressed even more, and he also showed doubts.

Obviously, the two of them understood what I said before, but it was just perfunctory Lai Qian.

I whispered: "Mr. Suspected Dragon dug a robbery hole, I crawled out from there, swallowed the corpse pill, it was a last resort, I wanted to understand the poison of the corpse head mushroom, besides, Brother Liao, you don't need to be so sad, I also brought out some things."

Liao Cheng frowned, and he said, "Suspected Dragon Sutra?"

After a pause, he continued: "Brother Yinyang, we have already obtained Guan Xiantao's Yinyang technique. At our age, even though we are not old, it is impossible to change the sect, even Suspicious Dragon..."

Before he finished speaking, I interrupted him and said, "What if it's not the Suspected Dragon Sutra?!"

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