During this process, I felt that there was no sound in my ears, and everything was left with nothing but silence.

Especially the moment my finger touched the corpse head mushroom, I felt its softness, and my whole body was covered with goose bumps, as if something was about to come out of the flesh...

In the next moment, a numbness replaced the softness.

It seems that something got into my finger!

my face changed...

To test the poison myself is the choice I have no choice, otherwise I can only watch the robbery cave, waiting to die here, or die halfway...

I don't want to die here!I can't die either!

The unwillingness in my heart rose instantly, and I stared at my fingers with wide eyes!

The next moment, a slight crack appeared on the finger.

A little drop of blood spilled from there.

The location of the crack and the blood drop happened to be where I touched the corpse mushroom.

The blood stuck to the corpse head mushroom, and the corpse head mushroom withered immediately...

The good mushrooms shrank in an instant...

My eyes widened, and my heart was filled with more ecstasy!

Immediately, I reached out and touched another corpse mushroom.

It's still exactly the same, the corpse head mushroom is directly sluggish...

I didn't dare to pause any longer, and went straight into the robbery hole.

Because in just a short while, I feel like I can't take it anymore.

I have to go out immediately and spit out the good corpse pill, otherwise I will definitely explode...

In the dark environment, it is almost impossible to see.

After I got in, I quickly reached the front of the corpse, and I grabbed it and retreated.

After pulling the body out, I realized that the robe the man was wearing looked so familiar. !

Soon I remembered.

When we went to hunt down Ma Kuan, when we came back, we met the team of Ji Niang marrying a husband, and at the head of the team we saw Mr. Yin from Ji Niang Village.

Isn't he just wearing this gray robe? !

Liao Cheng said that Mr. Yin, who knew part of the magic of Lingzheng Ershen, followed them, and they knew to arrest people, and they were ready to destroy their anger with death and resentment when they came here.

It dawned on me that Mr. Suspected Dragon's troops were divided into two groups, and they must take Mr. Yin and a group of people who were going to die.

Otherwise, it would be useless for him to come down alone!

If Liao Cheng is at the top, he must have gained nothing...

There is also an old saying, "If you step through iron shoes, you can't find a place."

Without hesitation, I squatted down and rummaged through the corpse.

Mr. Yin has a part of the inheritance of the two gods of zero and righteousness, which belong to their betrayal of the master.

The latter Mr. Yin was taken back by Liao Cheng's master, but the one who died here was before that.

Soon, I found out everything.

Including a transparent bottle, but there is no water in it, only two dried and dead shrimps are left.

In addition, I also found two books.

No, not two, but one and a half.

The first complete book, on the contrary, has no name, but the half of the book has a few words "Buried Shadows Viewing Mountains" written on it.

I frowned, staring at the half of the book.

I always feel like I'm thinking of something.

But the swelling and pain on my body felt too strong, and even my fingers had cracked more and were bleeding out...

No, it's not just my fingers, I should be bleeding too...

The Good Corpse Pill is too powerful, I can hardly hold it anymore.

Quickly put away the two books, I think what Liao Cheng wants must be in that complete book!

Immediately afterwards, I got into the robbery hole and quickly climbed up...

My vision is really blurry, not only is it pitch black, but I also feel that my eyes may be bleeding...

At the beginning, I was a little sober, but at the end, I only had a mechanical consciousness, and I was climbing up!

I feel that every breath is so long...

I don't know how long I have been suffering, but finally there is a glimmer of light ahead.

However, this kind of light is like blood.

I will continue to climb forward.

Finally, when I climbed out of the cave with difficulty, a gust of wind blew on me, my body trembled, and I was finally awake.

Opening my mouth, I quickly spit out the good corpse pill in my mouth.

The last consciousness before coma was that I held the Shan Corpse Pill in my hand, with difficulty withdrew my hand, and pressed it under my body...

My consciousness collapsed, and I felt like my whole body fell into a dark abyss...

I don't know how long it has been.

Anyway, the darkness haunted me, and I kept hearing someone talking in my ear.

After a while, there was a childish and milky voice calling for Daddy, wake up.

After a while, it became a female voice again, and she was calling my name...

I even heard a familiar voice, he told me that the geography and geology cannot be interrupted in my hands, and there are some places that I can't go to now!

I just felt a tremor, the broken consciousness, barely regained my sobriety...

The body still hurts, the pain is like countless lacerations.

I was breathing more heavily, my chest was heaving up and down, and the pain was intensified several times.

Get up from the ground with difficulty.

Only then did I see everything around me clearly.

Behind me is an arc-shaped mountain wall, looking up, it looks like a circle.

At the junction of the mountain wall and the ground, there is a hole, a bottomless hole...

There are many bloodstains on the hole, which has become dry now.

I looked down at the Tang suit on my body, there was more blood on my head, and the clothes seemed to have been soaked.

However, apart from the pain in my body, my spirit is still full, and the strength is also the same...

Spreading out my palm, the Shanshi Pill lay quietly in my palm.

However, it is not as lustrous as when I first took it out...

Is it because I use it to detoxify and hold it in my mouth for such a long time to consume some vitality? !

All in all, the Good Corpse Pill was not damaged any more, and I came out safely, which made me feel the joy of the rest of my life.

Breathing hard several times to make my head clearer, I put the Shanshi Pill close to my body.

I took a few steps outside, then looked back, and then I saw it clearly.

This mountain is the mountain with holes!

It's just that the position I'm in now should be behind the mountain.

I looked at the robbery hole in a complicated manner, and the whole person was silent for a while.

If we had searched for a while before and didn't immediately enter through the tomb passage in front, would we have found this hole?

We don't need to fight that feathered corpse to find Guan Xiantao's tomb...

So there won't be so many casualties? !

But the next moment, my heart was cold again.

Because I thought again that the corpses of Mr. Suspected Dragon and Mr. Yin were poisoned by the corpse head mushroom.

Even if we find that the entrance of the cave is here, if we go down, someone must die...

At that time, I didn't have the good corpse pill to detoxify.

The corpses of Mr. Yin and Mr. Suspected Dragon, as well as the corpse mushrooms growing in the robbery cave, are the best protection!

Even if we go through this robbery hole and dig out another hole, it is very likely that we will follow in the footsteps of Mr. Suspected Dragon...

I dismissed my pointless thoughts.

Immediately thinking of Jiang Pan, Liao Cheng, and the possibility of the paper figurine Xu being in the tomb above, his heart tightened.

Turning around, I changed the direction directly, and wanted to walk along the big tomb.

As soon as I walked out a few steps, I felt a hairy feeling, as if someone was staring at me from a distance.

Turning my head suddenly, I looked further ahead obliquely.

There is a dense forest over there...

At the entrance of the forest, there seemed to be a person standing!

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