Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 739 I brought out a surprise

My pupils constricted into a small dot, and I suddenly stopped in place!

We are very far away, let alone tens of meters away, we can't see the appearance of that person clearly at all.

In this place, there is only our team, how can there be outsiders? !

I paused for about a breath.

That person didn't come close, and I couldn't let go of my worries about the others, so I stopped looking at him and left at a faster pace.

After walking away, the feeling of being watched disappeared...

From afar, I saw the entrance tomb passage!

However, when I walked in, my head buzzed!

Because this tomb passage has been blocked by chaotic rocks...

The surface of the tomb bag mountain has not changed much, but the interior should have collapsed with the part of Guan Xiantao's tomb, and the rest of the place has also collapsed a lot...

I widened my eyes and stared at the rocks.

My heart is tormented, almost my eyes are tearing apart!

Mr. Suspected Dragon's robbery cave, let me escape from birth...

But Jiang Pan, the paper figurine Xu, Liao Cheng, Tang Ding and the others... were blocked to death in the tomb? !

I just felt a tightness in my chest, and that uncomfortable feeling began to make my eyes darken.

Raising my fist violently, I slammed it hard on a rock...

"Big Brother...Uncle Xu...Brother Liao..."

I almost screamed tremblingly.

The joy just now has completely disappeared, and what is left is only the despair that breeds.

This tomb passage is very deep, and it is definitely not possible for me to dig it alone.

I'm going out now, and I'll look for someone outside the mountains, and when I bring someone back, even if nothing happened to the feathered corpse.

No one else could last that long...

I can already feel a fishy sweetness in the corner of my mouth, I don't know if it's the rush of blood, or I just gritted my teeth!

But at this moment, there was a rush of footsteps and shouts of surprise from behind him!


I'm all in a daze.

This voice is very familiar, ecstasy and shock in the old age...

I'm hallucinating? !

Turning around tremblingly, it turned out to be the paper figurine Xu!

He was about 30 meters away, and he rushed towards me!

At this time, the setting sun was dazzling, and the burning clouds made the whole sky look like a sea of ​​blood.

It wasn't until the paper figurine Xu walked in front of me and his one arm grabbed my arm that I was sure that it was not an illusion!

The paper figurine Xu has a lot of strength, and I have a lot of wounds on my body, and it hurts me a lot from scratching.

Pain, but more sober!

As soon as my eyes were hot, I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Uncle Xu..." I grabbed the paper figurine Xu's arm with my backhand, and my heart trembled even more.

"When did you guys come out? Where are Big Brother and Brother Liao?" I blurted out and asked hastily.

The paper figurine Xu asked me almost at the same time, how did it come out?

At this moment, there was a bit of horror in his eyes again, staring at my face, he said anxiously: "They are fine, but why... so many injuries on your body... and Yin Yang your eyes?!"

Hearing what the paper figurine Xu said, the boulder in my heart finally fell a lot.

I quickly asked him, where are they?

Then I said, the process of my coming out is a long story.

Wait until I meet you first, and then talk about it in detail.

The paper figurine Xu nodded again and again, and said in a low voice: "It should be like this, it should be like this! Mr. Liao is decadent, Mr. Jiang is sad, Lai Qian is urging us to leave quickly, we have been waiting for two days, everyone thinks you can't come out ..."

"If Yin Yang comes out later, I'm afraid we will miss it."

The paper figurine Xu had a complex expression, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Moreover, there was more apology in his eyes.

Of course I know the source of this apology.

It's because it's been two days, and they decided that I can't get out...

I didn't feel the slightest bit of blame. Instead, I smiled and said, "Uncle Xu, this is destiny. It's a very difficult decision for you to leave. I have stopped in this dangerous place for two days. I came out before I left. Doomed in the dark."

"Don't think too much about it, let's go there first and meet, I brought out a surprise."

I heard clearly what the paper figurine said just now.

Jiang Pan is sad because of me.

Liao Cheng must also feel bad, not only because I broke into it, but this trip was all in vain.

There is no good corpse pill, and there are not even some spells of the zero and positive two gods...

Even though the Five Jedi Books and Ten Aspects of Physiognomy are powerful, they are still not what Liao Cheng wants the most...

And now, not only do I have the Good Corpse Pill, but I also have two books on Mr. Yin's body!

Liao Cheng must be delighted to see him!

My thoughts were quick, and the paper figurine walked forward to lead the way.

The two of us walked quickly towards the forest where we came.

The setting sun was getting heavier.

In the time for a cup of tea, we went back to the front of the forest.

After walking a little further, we almost arrived at the place where we came out of the stone road.

From far away, I could see a bonfire burning there.

On top of the campfire was an animal that looked like a hare, being roasted.

The sizzle and crackle continued.

There are a few people sitting around.

They are Jiang Pan, Liao Cheng, Lai Qian, and Tang Ding who is turning the bonfire.

Jiang Pan's eyes were red, and he was very negative. Liao Cheng was not much better, his face was pale and bloodless.

Lai Qian was talking, and he said in a low voice: "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Liao, life is destined to die, and Li Yinyang is indeed unable to come out. But this is also fate."

"Mr. Li is righteous, let everyone go first and take the pills by yourself. If it is not the case, Mr. Liao or you will stay below."

"Both of you are talented gentlemen, you are more reasonable, and you can think about many things clearly. How many people have we died along the way?"

"More than [-] people came here, and almost all of them were lost here. There are only five of us left, but we are not returning empty-handed. Guan Xiantao's inheritance, those two inheritances are comparable to geology!"

"I'm afraid, this is also a fate in the dark. The world does not allow such a powerful yin and yang technique to appear at the same time, so when the Five Jedi Books and Ten Aspects of Physiognomy are born, the geography is..."

Lai Qian spoke quickly, he was obviously very urgent, and he always had a earnest expression.

The paper figurine next to me, Xu, had an extremely ugly face, gloomy like water.

Jiang Pan turned his head, he stared at Lai Qian firmly, and said word by word: "Mr. Lai, don't force me to bring up the old score again, we will go out, but not now."

"If you continue to chatter and despise the fate of yin and yang, I will argue with you carefully, and you will give me an explanation!"

Lai Qian's face was very ugly, and he still wanted to speak.

At this moment, Liao Cheng suddenly turned his head to look at us without warning.

With a calm expression on my face, I said in a deep voice, "Mr. Lai thinks that when those two books come out, geology and geology will be damaged?"

"In my opinion, after so many years, no one has dared to make such an evaluation of the geomancy."

The moment I finished speaking, Liao Cheng had already looked at me.

His eyes were full of shock and horror.

Jiang Pan's body trembled, he raised his head, his eyes were dull!

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