The robbery hole is not big, only one person can get out.

For me, escape is enough!

It's just that after a short period of excitement, my heart sank a lot.

Although the cave is there, Mr. Suspected Dragon died from the poison of the corpse head mushroom, and it is not known whether the cave wall is poisonous...

It's not that easy for me to get out.

After standing still for a while, I made sure that the tomb showed no signs of shaking.

Take out the fixed compass again, pay attention to the pointer on it.

At this time, the pointer has formed the Fushen protector with the needle again, which means that the vitality here has stabilized.

These 24 Mountain Town Dragon Talismans are really extraordinary!

I walked forward quickly, and walked to the dead body of Mr. Suspected Dragon.

Looking at his corpse from a quiet distance, the toxin of the corpse head mushroom has completely destroyed his appearance.

The swollen square face and chubby chin made people have goosebumps all over their bodies.

When so many gentlemen in the yin and yang world flocked to Mr. Da, now he has such a miserable death, which is really embarrassing.

After looking at the corpse for a moment, I looked up at the robbery hole again.

Inexplicably, the word fate rose in my heart.

Mr. Suspected Dragon found another way, and originally avoided the feathered corpse, but ended up being tricked by the corpse head mushroom in the corner of the tomb.

He couldn't even see Guan Xiantao's grave.

Now I want to use his robbery to escape, it is considered that he saved my life in the dark.

I hesitated again and again, took a deep breath, and murmured: "Everything in the world has its own destiny and cause and effect. Mr. Yang, please save me, then I can't watch you die and get poisoned by this poison. Although the feng shui here has fallen a bit, it is especially important to be angry. Now, I took Guan Xiantao's corpse pill away, if after many years, you can transform a corpse pill, it will assimilate with this place."

After saying that, I left without hesitation.

I took out the gray fairy gloves from my pocket and put them on my hands.

After carefully checking that there was no damage, I didn't move Mr. Suspected Dragon's body right away.

I looked back at Guan Xiantao's coffin, and then looked at the graves we dug up next to the coffin.

I went back to the coffin, picked up the shovel on the ground, and started digging up the grave soil again!

The center of the hole is not completely occupied by a single coffin, the grave is full of holes.

Only a small area is needed to bury Mr. Suspected Dragon.

Soon, I dug up the grave.

Then, I pulled Mr. Suspected Dragon's body over.

His body was limp, as if he had no bones left.

In this closer contact, I also noticed that his chest and abdomen still fluctuated slightly.

Sure enough, the corpse head mushroom retained a little bit of his energy and formed a special living corpse.

Similarly, it was this toxin that kept his corpse from decomposing without transforming evil spirits.

Put Mr. Doubtful Dragon in the grave.

I'm about to start filling.

But the place on his chest suddenly opened, and something fell out...

It was a copper box the size of two palms.

And a rope around his waist snapped off, and a compass and a long and thin copper braze fell out.

I don't know if it's because of my action just now, or something else...

Mr. Suspected Dragon's head slightly turned towards me.

His face was expressionless, his face was full of anger, and the corners of his mouth were still curled up.

To be honest, his face and expression are extraordinarily frightening.

But what surprised me was what fell out of him...

The compass and copper brazing are the business of Mr. Suspected Dragon, but what is inside the copper box?

I buried him, and he wants me to take these things? !

Previously, by accident, I learned from the mouth of the paper man Xu that he was here.

Suspected Dragon Sutra has also become the first goal of our trip to make everyone twist together!

After that, is the inheritance of Guan Xiantao...

But just now, I was not in the mood to take away the Suspected Dragon Scripture.

Mr. Suspected Dragon's stolen cave became my escape route.

He saved me, and there's no way I'd be emptying his dick anymore.

As for me taking Guan Xiantao's corpse pill, I really had no other choice.

I must bear the debt of taking the pill, but in the same way, Guan Xiantao brought people here and harmed many people, and the debt was finally offset.

If I take the Suspected Dragon Scripture insatiably again, fate will cast aside me.

But now...

I tried my best to calm my mind, and looked at Mr. Suspected Dragon's face complicatedly.

After a long time, I murmured: "Sir, you saved my life and let me take away the inheritance. My elder brother Jiang Pan is the inheritor of Tianyuan Xiangshu, and Li Yinyang is also the No. 20 sixth generation of Hei Yinyang."

"Li Yinyang hereby promises to Mr. Xiao that the Suspected Dragon Sutra will never be handed over to Xiao Xiao. Those who learn this sutra will definitely worship you as their teacher!"

After finishing speaking, I carefully took out the copper box, compass, and copper braze.

I tore off a piece of cloth from the Tang suit and wrapped it up.

In the process, I also checked it carefully to make sure that there is no corpse mushroom on it.

I ended up wrapping the wrap around my body.

After filling in the grave and bowing to Mr. Suspected Dragon, I turned around and walked to the front of the robbery cave.

There are some cracks on the edge of the robbery hole, and I can see that there are some corpse mushrooms inside.

After shoveling it off with a shovel, I looked in again.

What made my head buzz was that the robbery hole was further inward.

There is still a dead body!

Mr. Suspected Dragon still has someone with him? !Who is that corpse? !

Vaguely, I can roughly see that the corpse was also poisoned by the corpse head mushroom...

My heart sank even more...

Then this robbery hole is completely poisonous...

How can I go? !

The position where the corpse was, after being close to two meters away, I had to get in and pull him out before I could leave.

But I got in, even with clothes blocking it, I didn't feel safe...

Sweat dripped from his forehead.

Suddenly, I remembered what Liao Cheng said.

He said that when a good corpse emerges, all poisons will be unraveled.

I took out the Shanshi Pill and stared down at it, my eyes gradually becoming hot.

Now, I have no choice...but to try...

Holding my breath, I took the Shanshi Pill into my mouth.

When the Shanshi Pill was in my hand, it was as warm as jade, but after I took it in, it was as hot as a piece of iron!

I snorted, sweat profusely profusely on my forehead, and I felt something indescribable pouring from my mouth all the way to my whole body!

Originally, I was exhausted before, and my strength has weakened a lot.

But now I feel that all the strength has been made up!

But this feeling of recovery can't compare to the hot mouth, and the pain that seems to be splitting all over the body.

Panting heavily, I squatted down and lowered my head, took off the gray fairy gloves on my hand, stretched out an index finger, and slowly touched the base of the wall.

In the black soil there, there are many corpse mushrooms...

My movements were extremely sluggish, my heart beat faster, and my eyes were hot as if they were about to bleed.

Soon, my finger touched the cap of the corpse mushroom...

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