I snorted, steadied my body suddenly, and maintained my balance...

There was another muffled bang.

The top of the tomb seemed to sink downwards!

The originally flat ceiling actually bulges down!

If you look at it from above, it means that the tomb is sinking downwards...

Suddenly, a cold voice rang in my ear.

"Are you leaving just like that?!" Originally, it was very quiet here, and I was the only one, so it was impossible for anyone to speak...

It's even more impossible for Guan Xiantao to speak...

Shocked, I turned my head away.

Only then did I realize that it was Bi Zongzheng staring at me quietly.

He couldn't move at first, but now he can.

The bluish skin gave off an extremely cold feeling.

The head was slightly tilted forward, and the eyeballs were also turning blue.

His face seemed to have shrunk, he looked a bit like Guan Xiantao!

My heart was even colder.

Before Bi Zong was plotted by Liao Cheng, the silver needle pierced his throat, and the life protection failed to save him.

Before he could swallow his breath, he began to dissolve his evil spirit.

Unexpectedly, in less than half an hour, he was washed away by the anger here and turned into a living corpse? !

No, it should not be just a matter of anger, but also that he is a gentleman himself, and he has too much resentment after his death...

Also, is it really Bi Zong who is moving now? !

My thoughts were too fast, and at the same time, I took two quick steps forward.

Behind him, "Bi Zong" said quietly again: "You are young, but you are very courageous. After taking the inheritance, you have to dismantle the corpse to get the pill. You are too cruel and greedy."

I've already reached the entrance of the cave, and Bi Zong didn't chase me, so I'm going to go straight in!

But what I never expected was that there was another overwhelmed buzzing sound from the tomb.

Below the wall, it collapsed...

The entire tomb was at least one foot shorter!

This collapse directly blocked more than half of the hole that could only be drilled by one person...

Although Xiantao's narrow body can get out, I can't get out!

My heart sank to the bottom in an instant, my eyes widened, and I suddenly turned back to stare at Bi Zong!

Bi Zong still looked at me quietly.

What made me shudder even more was that at some point, Guan Xiantao's body stood upright from the coffin...

No, he didn't just erect the corpse, it was the bamboo frame that stood up...

If the Tang suit was still on the bamboo stand, it would be a headless corpse!

The bright red blood slowly overflowed from his abdomen, making the white clothes on his lower body extremely blood red.

"You, you can't leave." Bi Zong spoke again, and he suddenly moved.

He walked towards me boldly, raised his arms, and made a gesture to pinch my neck!

On Guan Xiantao's corpse, two bloody tears flowed out of his eyes, while on the face of Shan Corpse there was pain and struggle, as if he wanted to open his eyes.

My eyes were wide open, but I didn't confront Bi Zong head-on, but dodged suddenly.

Dodge to the other side to escape!

Bi Zong missed nothing, he immediately turned sideways, and chased after me again!

I didn't stop at all, another dodge!

While dodging and dodging quickly, my hand quickly touched my chest.

There's another talisman there!

However, this is not the talisman of the townspeople...

Dunkong drew two talismans. In fact, Lai Qian didn't say the one who restrained the feathered corpse just now. I don't even know the name.

Only the first one that Dunkong gave me, 24 Mountain Town Dragon Talisman, I know the name...

Probably I still know the function, this is the use of Zhenshan.

It is said to be a mountain, but in fact the mountain is a thing!

But things are not people, if I use it to control Xiantao, will it be useful? !

In a blink of an eye, Bi Zong rushed to my door again.

This time, I couldn't dodge in time, and he slapped me hard on the shoulder. The pain was like trying to crush my shoulder...

Under the pain, I groaned and almost half-kneeled on the ground!

The next moment, Bi Zong raised his fist again and hit me hard in the face.

I was beaten to the ground, and my back hit the ground hard.

This moment almost made me faint...

Immediately afterwards, Bi Zong raised his hands again, forming palms and knives, and pierced my chest with the palms facing down!

This time, the purpose is to tear me open!

There was a muffled sound.

The tomb collapsed by at least half a meter!

A huge rock also fell from above, and it happened to hit Bi Zong on the shoulder!

Bi Zong's body suddenly tilted to the side. He failed to hurt me, but was thrown several meters away!

I resisted the severe pain and bit the tip of my tongue hard. At the same time that I became more awake, I rolled over from the ground and got up.

The tomb is still shaking...

My complexion changes again and again...

In fact, now, my heart has not only sunk to the bottom of the valley, it can be said to have fallen into the abyss...

The exit passage has been completely blocked.

I want to go up to the tomb above, it is completely impossible.

With the good corpse pill on his body, there is no way to escape. Could it be that he was buried alive here as Guan Xiantao said! ?

Sweat dripped down his forehead in big drops.

I stared at Bi Zong, who got up from the ground again.

But there was a sense of staring from the side, my heart trembled, and I turned around to look, it was Guan Xiantao's body, which was tilted, and actually faced my direction, as if looking at me...

The tomb was still trembling, and it might collapse again soon.

I gritted my teeth tightly, almost bleeding.

I thought of one more thing...

This place is the center of the holes in the entire seventy black hills crossing the Yin Mountains.

The hole collapsed because I pulled out the good corpse pill.

I changed the feng shui here!

If this place is really destroyed, will the entire Guoyin Mountain Range change drastically? !

Jiang Pan, Liao Cheng, paper figurine Xu, Tang Ding... can they still go out? !

I can't get away...

I absolutely can't let them leave...

My heart is trembling, and I want to take out that good corpse pill again...

Although I was unwilling in every possible way, my reason told me that I had to stuff it back into Guan Xiantao's belly.

At the same time as I touched the Shanshi Pill, my hand touched the 24 Mountain Town Dragon Talisman that Dun Kong gave me!

My heart suddenly trembled.

I opened my eyes wide, and instantly took out the talisman and pill at the same time!

Staring at Shanshi Pill, then at 24 Mountain Town Dragon Talisman.

I'm still not reconciled, my head is at a critical juncture, but I'm a little sober.

I don't need to take care of Xiantao.

This place is a hole, I can completely suppress the hole!

If this talisman is useful, it can temporarily stabilize the tomb and the entire mountain!

In this way, Feng Shui is stable, and Guan Xiantao can be suppressed.

I can still find a way to go...

If it is useless, only the good corpse pill can be left behind.

I don't want to die. If I lose my life and get nothing, He Zhi and Dun Kong will be left with orphans and widows...

At the moment of thinking, I raised my legs and walked quickly to the front of the coffin.

Holding the talisman in my hand, I slapped it hard towards the top of the coffin!

With a bang, the talisman paper fell onto the coffin and was tightly attached...

The next moment, the trembling tomb was actually calm...

A strange scene happened, Guan Xiantao's body fell back with a bang.

Just as Bi Zong stood up tremblingly, he froze in place, motionless.

I was stunned, but my heart was pleasantly surprised.

The sound of clattering came from the side.

Shocked, I turned my head to look.

I just saw that there was a big hole on the other side of the south wall.

Many falling rocks are rolling out of it, and there is an extra corpse on the ground.

It was a man in his fifties, with a full face, wearing a Tang suit...

My heart seemed to be clenched by one hand, and it was difficult to breathe.

Just now my mood was in the bottom of the valley, but now, I am extremely ecstatic!

The tomb collapsed, blocking the entrance of Guan Xiantao's hole, but by mistake, Mr. Suspected Dragon's robbery hole was revealed!

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