Jiang Pan's eyes were red, and he looked at me for a long time.

His lips moved several times, but no words came out.

After a brief silence, Liao Cheng said cautiously: "Brother Yinyang, remember to come up immediately after taking the pill! If we really can't take it out, we have to leave immediately and find another way."

I looked deeply at Liao Cheng, without saying a word, but at the same time made a gesture of please, motioning him and Jiang Pan to leave.

There are two reasons why I actually want to take pills by myself.

First, this process must be dangerous.

It is impossible to get the corpse pill that has turned into a good corpse so easily.

I don't want Liao Cheng to take risks because of my affairs.

Second, I must have the Shanshi Pill, but Liao Cheng doesn't have to...

If it is really dangerous, and make a comparison.

Ninety-five percent of the danger, half of the safety, then Liao Cheng can reach [-]% at most, he should step back and guarantee himself.

But I can go to ninety-five percent!

Many times, if you want to change your life, you have to fight...

In my thoughts, my expression became more determined.

Liao Cheng and I looked at each other, our eyes were much deeper, and there was a bit of complexity on our face.

I think Liao Cheng has already understood.

"Brother, don't waste time. Although fate is determined by the sky, those who change their fate must believe in the destiny of man, and nothing will happen to me." I looked at Jiang Pan again, and said in a deep voice.

Jiang Pan didn't say much anymore. When he turned his head, he said in a low voice: "If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid that there will be no firewood."

I smiled and didn't answer.

Soon, Jiang Pan got into the passage, followed by Liao Cheng into the hole.

He looked down at Liao Cheng's dagger.

I squinted my eyes slightly again, looking at Guan Xiantao's body, and soon my eyes turned to his abdomen.

Without wasting any time, I climbed directly onto the coffin, and my feet fell to the bottom of the coffin.

Bending down, I reached out and lifted his clothes.

What makes my eyelids twitch wildly is that there are also a lot of white feathers on his abdomen, which is much more than his head and face.

I took a deep breath, then held my breath, and cautiously put my hands up, pressing on his abdomen.

The ordinary corpse was stiff to the touch.

Guan Xiantao's body was not like that at all.

Not only was the body soft, it was even warm, just like a normal person...

I pressed down slightly with my hand, looking for that kind of hard object feeling.

Not long after, I felt a hard object on the lower side of his lower abdomen.

Without hesitation, I directly pierced his lower abdomen with a knife, and stretched him about the width of an incompetent hand.

Blood spilled out all at once.

The blood of the feathered good corpse is even brighter red than that of normal people!

It flowed to the feathers on the abdomen, dyeing them bright red.

I felt that the warmth around me became stronger, the anger was almost viscous, and the air seemed to be moistened with water.

Taking a deep breath, I used my right hand to directly penetrate into the wound on his abdomen...

Warm, squirming, sticky...

I even felt that Guan Xiantao was still trembling slightly, as if he was still feeling pain in his deep sleep? !

It’s not that I haven’t cut open a pregnant woman’s belly when I’m taking vaginal contact, but I really haven’t experienced the feeling of begging for something in the belly of a living person.

I pursed my lips, looked extremely serious, and groped his belly inch by inch with my hands.

Soon, I came across a round and hard object!

Immediately, my heart trembled!

My hand clenched the pill instantly, and I yanked it out fiercely!

There seems to be a suction in his body, I can't move my hand no matter what...

Even if I try harder, his body will be pulled up by me!

My eyes were stern, and I whispered, "I offended you."

The next moment, I directly raised my leg, stepped on Guan Xiantao's chest and abdomen, let out a low growl, and pulled out my right hand forcefully!

"come out!"

Suddenly, there was a tremor in the surroundings, as if the tomb had shaken and become unstable.

Then, I felt that my hand was pulled out a little bit!

A sharp scream rang in my ears.

I just felt my scalp go numb, and then I watched Guan Xiantao's face.

He obviously didn't open his eyes, and there was no expression on his face, but it gave people the feeling that he was in extreme pain!

I try again!

Because of the adhesion, his abdomen was pulled upwards by me, and I stepped on his chest, the upper half of his body was still at the bottom of the coffin!

I used almost all my strength.

There seemed to be an overwhelmed buzzing in my ear...

With a scoff, it seemed like flesh and blood were separated!

My hand was abruptly pulled out from Guan Xiantao's abdomen!

What I hold in my hand is a bead about less than an inch in size.

My hands were covered with bright red blood, but the beads were as white as jade, without any blood stains.

A faint warmth emanates from the beads...

I opened my eyes wide and stared at it.

My heart trembled, and I was excited.

This is the good corpse pill? !

Without the giant turtle bone, I will change my life with the good corpse pill!I got it? !

My heart was beating wildly, almost to the point of my throat.

Just as I was about to turn over from the coffin, I noticed another thing fell out of the chest of Guan Xiantao's corpse.

It was still a scroll, but it wasn't a map.

Frowning, I bent down, wiped off the blood on Guan Xiantao's body, placed the Shanshi Pill close to my chest, and then picked up the parchment.

Looking down, the parchment scroll was written in neat seal script.

"I have buried my bones so far, and I will surely grow into immortality."

"However, I have been familiar with the changes of dragon veins, the distinction between yin and yang, and the art of human heart in my whole life, but I have no disciples to pass on."

"Therefore, a sheepskin map is set up to attract people from the yin and yang world to come here. If you want to find a fellow with a firm heart, determination, and yin and yang skills, you can pass on the Five Jedi Books and the Ten Aspects of Physiognomy."

"This yin and yang technique subverts the cognition of ordinary yin and yang techniques. It uses the dragon's veins to derive all things, and the human heart is ever-changing."

"An ancient language, the heaven and the earth unite and all things come into being, and the yin and yang meet and change."

"I use the ten views to view people, and the five absolutes to lock the land and form a system of its own."

"Those who read this volume should kowtow to Yu and get the rest of the utensils. If they don't respect them, they will be buried alive here and will not be reborn."

My face changed several times.

Guan Xiantao said something about his yin and yang skills, and also said...he still has magic tools left here...

This kowtow to salute is naturally a ceremony of apprenticeship, if you do it, your fate will be implicated in the dark.

But it wasn't me who took those two things.

Even if Jiang Pan did not leave, he would not be able to change his family and learn from Guan Xiantao...

More importantly, those who disrespect will be buried here alive and will not be reborn? !

I broke Guan Xiantao's body and took his Corpse Pill. I'm afraid that would be disrespectful...

Faintly, the throbbing in my heart became several times stronger.

Turning sideways, I turned out of the coffin.

We are about to step towards the entrance of the cave!

But what made my face change suddenly was the moment I left the coffin.

There was another overwhelmed hum from the tomb...

There was even a depression under my feet, and my body fell backwards!

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