The grave was almost half-shoveled, and Liao Cheng and Lai Qian also made clanking noises.

We went from digging to cleaning up excess gravel.

Soon, all the graves were removed.

What appeared in front of us was a very special coffin.

This is actually a copper coffin...

Copper coffins have the function of warding off evil spirits and transforming evil spirits. Logically speaking, only copper coffins are used to bury murderous corpses.

But after thinking about it, where is the evil spirit in the feathered good corpse?

A corpse with no evil spirit, put in a copper coffin and placed in the hole of vitality, naturally there is no other problem.

Looking carefully at the entire coffin, the surface of the copper coffin is extremely smooth, even if it has been buried in mud all year round, its luster has not been affected.

The coffin with the small top and the large bottom is different from other coffins.

A normal coffin is larger at the top and smaller at the bottom.

Liao Cheng murmured: "The copper coffin is used to raise corpses. This coffin has no rust, and is even as bright as new. The corpses in it must have become feathers, and they will start to raise copper when they are angry..."

But at this moment, I heard a slight crackling sound in my ear!

This... is actually a gunshot? !

No, the sound was by no means slight. I turned my head abruptly and looked towards the exit of the passage we just came down from.

Gunshots from the tomb above!

Did Tang Ding shoot? !

We have been fighting feathers and turning into corpses before, Tang Ding is just an ordinary person, I only noticed that he was hiding in panic, and I didn't see where he was hiding.

Now that he shoots, is there something else going on up there? !

I immediately started getting anxious.

When it came down, the talisman paper showed signs of turning black... Could it be that there was something wrong with the corpse.

Tang Ding's shot was fired by the paper figurine Xu, remind us?

Liao Cheng, Jiang Pan, and Lai Qian also looked at the passage almost at the same time.

With fear in his eyes, Lai Qian said, "Someone brought a gun? Li Yinyang, everyone fell down, is it yours?!"

There are even more fears in Lai Qian's words.

With a stern face, I said word by word: "I have to open the coffin quickly, there may be an accident above, that feathered corpse..."

Before I finished speaking, Lai Qian became even more surprised and said, "Open the coffin!"

Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said that the coffin must be opened quickly, otherwise Bi Zong's corpse would have sucked enough energy later, and if it turned into a green corpse and was not overwhelmed by anger, then we would be in big trouble.

Without further ado, Jiang Pan took out an iron skewer and stuck it directly into the gap in the copper coffin.

With a low shout, Jiang Pan began to pry the coffin.

All three of us drove the shovel into the crevice of the coffin in different directions.

There was a creaking sound, and the lid of the copper coffin was pried open!

With a bang, the coffin lid fell to the ground.

Another wave of warmth came from inside the coffin.

What shocked me was that there was indeed a corpse in the coffin...

However, this turned out to be a severed corpse?

Large Tang suit, burly body.

It's just that from the top of his neck, it's flat and seems to be cut off...

The hands on both sides of the Tang suit lay quietly at the bottom of the coffin.

The white down feathers cling to the skin on the back of the hand.

Tang suit's abdomen felt a slight fluctuation, as if the man was breathing...

This is Guan Xiantao? !

But how could he really be a decapitated corpse?

How could a decapitated corpse become immortal? !

Even a living corpse can't hold that breath!

I saw the Feathering Good Corpse and Feathering Evil Corpse for the first time today

The feathered evil corpse is okay, as expected, but this feathered good corpse completely overturned my imagination...

Jiang Pan frowned, Lai Qian was shocked and puzzled, and even Liao Cheng's forehead had a lot of sweat.

"It can't be a decapitated corpse..." Liao Cheng whispered.

He actually stretched out his hand directly to touch Guan Xiantao's body.

"Brother Liao, be careful." My heart beat violently.

"It's okay, there is no poison on Yuhua Shan's corpse, even if there is, anger has already eliminated it." Liao Cheng answered me at the same time, his hand had already fallen on Guan Xiantao's corpse.

He directly grabbed the Tang suit, and yanked it upwards!

With a soft bang, the whole Tang suit was lifted off.

What was exposed to our sight was a bamboo frame, which resembled a human figure, but it was a severed head.

In the bamboo frame, there is a man who is as gaunt as wood, short in stature, and looks like a dwarf.

He has a small face, but his arms are very long, and his palms are similar to those of normal people.

It's just that he is really too short, the tallest is no more than four and a half feet, and the whole person is extremely deformed, without the slightest imposing manner...

He was dressed in white with two books on his chest.

The book covers have words embroidered with gold thread, "Ten Views of Physiognomy" and "Book of the Five Jedi"!

My heartbeat kept accelerating, and I could even hear the sound of thump, thump, thump.

Lai Qian murmured: "Sure enough, it is the inheritance of Guan Xiantao... These two books must be as good as the world's strange books on geology and geology!" While muttering, Lai Qian was about to reach out to take it.

Liao Cheng raised his hand and slapped Lai Qian hard on the back of his hand.

Lai Qian snorted in pain, quickly retracted his hands and dodged.

"Mr. Jiang, you take the book." Liao Cheng said in a deep voice.

Without hesitation, Jiang Pan reached inside and took out the two books.

As for Liao Cheng, he found another thing, which was a dagger.

It's just that this dagger is different from ordinary ones, there are many blood grooves on the blade.

"Brother Yinyang, after I take the pill later, the anger here will change, and it may become much weaker in an instant...even this tomb may go up first!" Liao Cheng's tone was extremely serious.

Lai Qian's face suddenly changed.

Jiang Pan's face was full of uneasiness.

My expression also changed, and I looked at Guan Xiantao's body in the coffin in amazement.

His palm-sized face was covered with white down feathers, his eyes were closed tightly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, seeming to be smiling.

"Where is Dan?" I reached out and grabbed Liao Cheng's wrist.

Liao Cheng frowned and said, "Body, brother Yinyang, what do you want to do?!"

The strength in my hand suddenly increased a lot, Liao Cheng let out a muffled snort, his expression was pained, and the dagger was thrown out of his hand.

I catch it with my other hand.

Liao Cheng's face changed again, and he still wanted to speak.

I immediately said in a deep voice: "You guys go up first! I'm here to get the pill, and this matter is my business. Brother Liao, you have put in a lot of effort, and you have encountered a lot of dangers. Brother, you can't lose it here!"

Lai Qian was puzzled, and he immediately said: "Mr. Jiang, let's go! Li Yinyang is right, the overall situation is the most important thing!"

Jiang Pan looked angry, turned his head suddenly, and growled: "Get lost!"

Lai Qian's face turned blue and red, and he immediately said: "Hurry up and discuss, I will wait for you above, the inheritance has already been obtained, I don't think there is any need to take the corpse pill, after all, it is a good corpse..."

As he said that, Lai Qian glanced at Jiang Panshou with great reluctance, he turned around hastily, and went straight out of the hole.

Jiang Pan also wanted to speak.

I also interrupted his words and said word by word: "Brother, the overall situation is the most important! Brother Liao, you go up first, and there you have to find Mr. Yin who is suspected of being Mr. Lingtang. After taking the pill, you may need to run outside , don't delay!"

My eyes are extremely firm.

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