Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 733 Peace is the most important thing!

I even think that even if Bi Zong didn't bring out such poisons as corpse head mushrooms, Liao Cheng would have guided Bi Zong and Lai Qian to dig their graves?

But I suddenly thought of another layer...

What if it wasn't Bi Zong and Lai Qian who came down, but us and a group of yin and yang calculation masters?

Or maybe, there is no other Mr. Yin Jue Yang Suan.

Just me, Jiang Pan, and the paper figurine Xu?

My whole person was quite silent.

He tried his best to dismiss other thoughts.

That kind of situation doesn't happen now, and if I think about it, I'm afraid it will destroy my trust in Liao Cheng.

Bi Zong and Lai Qian came down, this is their destiny.

Amidst the crackling sound, Bi Zong and Lai Qian dug down the grave soil one by one.

There was doubt in Jiang Pan's eyes.

Obviously, he didn't understand the two gods of zero and positive, and he couldn't think of the theory of human life.

Seeing that at least one third of the front of the grave was shoveled away, excitement gradually appeared in Bi Zong's eyes, and he murmured: "Guan Xiantao... Who will be your disciple, I am a dignified Mr. Dilong..."

Not only his voice and eyes, but even his whole body trembled with excitement.

At this moment, Lai Qian's hand suddenly sank.

He had raised his shovel to dig down.

But his shovel suddenly deviated, and it shoveled directly at Bi Zong's neck!

Amidst the whistling sound, the shovel was about to approach the back of Bi Zong's head.

Bi Zong finally came to his senses, his eyes widened, and his voice stopped abruptly.

At such a distance, it was too late for Bi Zong to dodge.

His whole body swooped forward!

Liao Cheng's complexion changed slightly, and his brows were tightly furrowed.

The next moment, Bi Zong threw himself on the grave, thus dodging Lai Qian's shovel.

When Lai Qian made a move, Jiang Pan also reacted. He stepped forward and shouted in a low voice: "Mr. Lai!"

Obviously, Jiang Pan didn't want to see them kill each other!

In an instant, Jiang Pan came to Lai Qian's side, grabbed Lai Qian's arm, and prevented him from making a second shovel.

Lai Qian glared at Jiang Pan, and he growled, "Mr. Jiang, don't be stupid! Bi Zong is cruel and greedy!"

While speaking, Lai Qian wanted to push Jiang Pan away with his other hand.

He stared at Bi Zong vigilantly!

Jiang Pan held Lai Qian's other hand with one hand, and the two of them stood in a stalemate.

But... Bi Zong didn't move...

He was lying on the grave, as if he had passed out, and he had no reaction at all...

It all happened really quickly.

Jiang Pan and Lai Qian found out almost at the same time, and both of them looked at Bi Zong in surprise.

At that moment, Liao Cheng's complexion became very serious.

He just glanced at me, put away that look, and nodded slightly.

After that, Liao Cheng's expression returned to normal.

However, in this small tomb, the atmosphere has changed.

Originally, this place was full of warmth, but now amidst the warmth, there was a sense of coldness.

This kind of coldness is accompanied by irritability, and even questioning and roaring can be heard in the ear.

But if you listen carefully, you can't hear anything, just like auditory hallucinations.

Lai Qian and Jiang Pan let go of their hands almost at the same time.

Then, on the grave, Bi Zong's body suddenly stood upright!

He turned his head tremblingly, but several silver needles were pierced at the neck.

The wide-open eyes are full of resentment, anger, fear, and unwillingness to despair!

The silver needles were not inserted neatly, but it could be seen that there was a cluster in the middle, and the edges slanted outward as if they were diverging.

Obviously, this is not what should be in the grave itself.

I saw Liao Cheng used silver needles more than once, this is his preparation!

Looking at the divergent arc, if nothing unexpected happens, Lai Qian didn't make a move just now.

When they reached the moment when the silver needle was triggered, both of them might die!

"Liao... Liao Cheng..."

Bi Zong raised his hand and pointed at Liao Cheng's face tremblingly.

Visible to the naked eye, a little bit of black fluff appeared on Bi Zong's face.

Soon, the fluff turned red...

Immediately afterwards, it was another light blue color!

The moment the blue color appeared, resentment suddenly grew in the entire tomb!

More cyan came from the wound on Bi Zong's neck, and it seemed to spread from there.

"Lingzheng Ershen's needle... Liao Cheng, have you planned to kill us?!" Lai Qian was extremely astonished, and he glared fiercely at Liao Cheng.

Jiang Pan looked at Bi Zong in astonishment, and then at Liao Cheng, his eyes were full of anger.

Liao Cheng's face was still calm, he didn't pay attention to Lai Qian, let alone look at Jiang Pan, all his attention was on Bi Zong.

I originally wanted to reach out to touch the golden ruler, but I realized that my body was empty.

Just now, the golden ruler hit me when it fell to the ground, but I didn't pick it up.

I looked at Bi Zong vigilantly, my whole body tensed up, guarding against his death.

With such a strong anger, Bi Zong was calculated to die, and his resentment was astonishingly heavy.

I didn't even swallow the breath just now, and it started to melt away!

But Bi Zong just looked scary.

His biggest movement was standing up and turning his head, squeezing out Liao Cheng's name.

Now he is motionless, with nothing but resentment left on his face, and there is no other movement...

The cyan on his body became heavier and heavier, and the life in this narrow tomb became more and more chaotic.

Only then did Liao Cheng take a sudden step forward.

He also pulled out a shovel from his waist, walked quickly to the grave, and continued to shovel the grave!

I also walked over quickly, picked up Bi Zong's shovel from the ground, and quickly dug the grave.

Lai Qian stared at us, he suddenly fell silent, and went to the other side, also digging a grave.

Blue veins bulged on Jiang Pan's forehead, and big beads of sweat rolled down.

Lai Qian's eyes were suspicious and disturbed. While digging the grave, he looked at Liao Cheng vigilantly, for fear that something else would happen.

But he couldn't restrain his desire and greed, and wanted to take care of Xiantao's things.

"Brother Liao, you must give me an explanation." Jiang Pan still spoke.

Liao Chengcai pursed his lips and said: "Bi Zong must die. Only after he dies can we open the grave. Otherwise, even if we dig out the Xiantao, we can't do much. The anger in this place is so heavy that if we don't die of resentment When the air is blown away, no one can dig out Guan Xiantao!"

"Mr. Jiang, this is fate! It is also the rule set by Guan Xiantao, to break the game? At least two people must come here to break the game! Only with a ruthless heart and good choices can you spy on the good corpse! Otherwise, you will return in vain! "

"Brother Yinyang must want this pill today, Brother Jiang, I made the decision for you again, you should be grateful to me instead of asking questions here!"

Liao Cheng's tone was too firm.

Jiang Pan's complexion suddenly became extremely pale.

The fear in Lai Qian's eyes lost a little bit, and he immediately said: "Bi Zong is dead, we don't need to tear ourselves apart, it was Bi Zong's suggestion to separate the teams before, Xu Shuang was killed by him, and Li Heng was pushed by him." Go in and lead the way, Zhang Yan and Duanmu Yi, he also asked to open the coffin as bait, and after discovering that it was a feathered evil corpse, we hid in the turtle's breath! I don't want so many things, Mr. Jiang will definitely distribute them fairly!"

"For the four of us, peace is the most important thing! How about it?!" Lai Qian's eyes became more anxious, and his attitude was extremely low.

During the speech, he moved his body even more faintly, leaning a little towards Jiang Pan...

Liao Cheng ignored Lai Qian.

Although I feel that this old thing Lai Qian is shameless, but I pay more attention to the grave and don't say much.

The shovel suddenly hit something hard and made a clang...

I know, this is Guan Xiantao's coffin!

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