There was more fear in Jiang Pan's eyes, and he roared: "Yin Yang, kill Mr., you may hurt your life, there is an essential difference between doing justice for the sky and killing someone's life! Don't..."

Jiang Pan's words made me feel an unspeakable struggle.

I snorted, and felt that there seemed to be another feeling in my cold consciousness, wanting to control my body...

That feeling is still me...

I gritted my teeth tightly, but my hands were even harder.

Bi Zong's face gradually became the color of a pig's liver.

My neck is about to be pinched and deformed...

In the cold consciousness, another consciousness became a little clearer again, and I struggled to stop what I was doing.

But I still can't stop...

That cold meaning seemed to whisper in my ear.

Saying that I am merciful and soft-hearted will definitely cause serious trouble.

My breathing became heavy and wheezing, and my eyes felt extremely hot, as if they were about to bleed!

Bi Zong's hand suddenly lost strength.

I stabbed down hard with my hand, but instead of hitting Bi Zong's neck, I hit the back of my hand instead!

The severe pain made me grunt and let go of my hand a little bit.

Above the top, there was a whistling sound.

The next moment, an almost copper-yellow halo flashed across.

I just felt that my right arm was hit hard, and my hand suddenly let go...

Bi Zong staggered back, and his whole body fell backwards!

There was a soft clang, and the golden ruler fell to the ground...

I was even more gasping for breath, staring at the golden ruler, and then at the bloody hole in my right hand...

Fate once again protected Bi Zong, otherwise, the moment he missed, he should have been cut off by me.

But I feel that the fall of the golden ruler is not to save Bi Zong...

It's trying to save me, to wake me up! ?

The sound of stomping footsteps came.

I raised my head as soon as I reflected it.

It was Jiang Pan who walked up to me quickly, and pressed his hands and five fingers on top of my head!

I just felt a burst of scorching heat coming from the top of Tianling Gai, and that scorching pain made me very painful.

But in addition to the pain, the coldness seemed to be dispelled a lot, and the other consciousness was also a lot stronger, allowing me to regain my thoughts...

At that moment, I was gasping for breath, clutching my chest, my legs went limp, I staggered a few steps forward, almost fell to my knees on the ground.

Jiang Pan raised his hand to support my shoulder, and he whispered: "Yin Yang, you have external evils entering your body, calm down!"

The hotness of Tianling Gai became more and more intense, and I let out another muffled groan in pain.

During this period, the paper figurine Xu walked up to us quickly, and he said in a low voice, "Mr. Jiang, that's enough!"

In fact, Jiang Pan couldn't bear it all the time, he stared at me.

I also looked up at him, and I thought my eyes should be much clearer.

There was a flash of joy in Jiang Pan's eyes.

His hand immediately moved away from the top of my head.

The paper figurine Xu supported me vigorously, and Jiang Pan also quickly supported my other arm to make me stand still.

My chest rose and fell violently, and I gasped for a few words: "Brother...I'm fine...Thank you..."

Jiang Pan showed a look of lingering fear, and murmured: "The hidden danger of giving birth to a child is really strong. In this situation, you have lost control. Fortunately, you are sober..."

Paper figurine Xu narrowed his eyes, staring at Lai Qian and Bi Zong.

He pursed his lips and said, "If it wasn't for Yin Yang killing them, the price they paid was too high, and they really wouldn't regret dying."

Jiang Pan's face froze.

At this moment, Lai Qian just walked behind Bi Zong and helped him up.

Bi Zong breathed hard, and finally the complexion on his face returned to normal.

He looked at me with extremely gloomy eyes, but in the normal eye, there was uncontrollable fear.

Lai Qian's face was cloudy and uncertain, but Lai Qian didn't say a word, didn't say a word.

Jiang Pan still wanted to talk, and it seemed that he wanted to persuade him.

I shook my head first, then turned to look at the feathered corpse.

He still remained motionless.

However, the talisman on his face showed signs of darkening.

Under the talisman paper, there seemed to be black feathers about to emerge.

The face that was shaped like an oval because of the talisman paper is almost becoming a square face...

My heart beat wildly.

After all, it wasn't the five-phase fate talisman drawn by Xu Fu himself. Duankong was only a beginner, but with his extraordinary talent, the earth branch brush, the heavenly stem inkstone, and the blood, he had a strong ability to suppress corpses.

It is always a talisman that cannot compare with Xu Fu...

Before I could speak, Lai Qian's voice came from behind, and he said gloomyly: "Xu Fu has been dead for too long, this talisman is powerful, and it won't last long. Yan, Li Yinyang, do you really want to die with us? If you really can't let us go, then we all die here!"

"Lai Qian, you don't have to speak harshly to me. If it wasn't for the elder brother just now, I would have killed Bi Zong first, and then I would have time to leave!"

I gave Lai Qian a cold look, and said again: "You are too old, even now, I can kill you just like Uncle Xu, but I listened to my elder brother now and gave you a chance."

The moment my words fell, Lai Qian immediately pursed his lips, not daring to hold back a word.

After being supported by him, Bi Zong's face was pale and bloodless, his expression was no longer tough, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Get out of here quickly... Otherwise, it's too late..."

On Jiang Pan's face, there was a look of embarrassment.

He quickly let go of my shoulders and walked towards the coffin!

Jiang Pan's actions coincided with my thoughts.

Liao Cheng fell into the coffin just now, but there is no response now, how can we leave directly?

I immediately followed Jiang Pan, and the paper figurine Xu followed me, and the three of us walked quickly to the side of the coffin.

Almost three people looked into the coffin at the same time.

My complexion suddenly changed.

The eyes of Jiang Pan and the paper figurine Xu were also full of surprise.

The paper figurine Xu said tremblingly, "This... how is it possible?!"

The paper figurine Xu's voice immediately caught the attention of Bi Zong and Lai Qian.

The two of them did not leave, but walked towards the coffin at the same time.

Soon they came to the front, and after they had seen it, Lai Qian's tone was hoarse, and he murmured: "It's so?! There are acupuncture points in the coffin?"

Jiang Pan looked up at me, and I met his eyes, but my brows were tightened.

Only now did I understand why there was no sound coming out when Liao Cheng fell down just now...

Because, in the coffin, there is no mystery!

At the bottom of the two slightly smaller coffins, there is a hole about one meter wide.

The feathered corpse lay on top of it, and could sleep on the coffin board both front and back, so there would be no problem.

But that hole is big enough for one person to get through...

Before Liao Cheng fell, he must have fallen into that hole...

And I thought of another layer.

Lai Qian's eyes were deep in thought, Bi Zong was the same, and Jiang Pan's eyes were also narrowed.

I think they all figured it out...

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