The person I hit let out a miserable scream, I don't know if it hurt the feathered corpse, or he woke up...

After all, there are still two Mr. Yinjutsu left, strangling my neck left and right!

Their strength is astonishing.

For a moment, I felt like my neck was going to break.

I retracted my hands and grabbed their necks respectively, exerting all my strength!

But they seem to be unresponsive...

I felt a lot of cold in my heart, and even more palpitations.

Those who bumped into each other, unless they were woken up, besides, how could they be in pain! ?

Jiang Pan couldn't come to help me, so the paper figurine Xu could only entangle two of them.

At the same time, both Bi Zong and Lai Qian went to the altar.

Lai Qian didn't know when a white whip appeared in his hand. He shook his hand and wrapped the whip around the neck of Mr. Yinjutsu on my right!Squeeze it hard!

That Mr. Yinjutsu suddenly let go of my neck...

On the other side, Bi Zong was holding the head of another Mr. Yinjutsu with both hands, his gray eyes stared at the face of Mr. Yinjutsu, and growled: "Wake up!"

"Mr. Li, stop him!" Lai Qian growled at me.

But he was not looking at me, but at my chest.

No, I think what he was looking at was the talisman that I took out and put away just now!

Mr. Shaman, who Bi Zong was holding, also let go of my neck.

I didn't think much about it, Lai Qian and Bi Zong used some means to cover up the eyes and ears of the feathered corpse, and were able to hide in the tomb!

Now is my only chance!

They don't seem to last long!

Black mist grew from the feathered corpse again, and the red mist from the ground was about to gather towards the altar...

Moreover, two tears of blood flowed from its eyes...

Not to mention how terrifying it is.

When I took out the talisman, I suddenly stepped forward.

Three steps and two steps, I arrived in front of the feathered corpse, the talisman in my hand was raised high, and finally slapped it fiercely on the face of the feathered corpse!

The moment it touched him, the talisman swished, as if it had shrunk, and it was all attached to the face of the feathered corpse!

A weird scene happened.

I feel like I've almost forgotten the facial features of this feathered corpse.

His square face turned into an oval, with two eyebrows of different shapes, eyes of different shapes, a straight nose, a sharp sword, and thick lips...

There was no expression on this whole face.

But there is no expression, but a kind of awe.

Moreover, his face became very white, so white that there was no color at all, let alone a trace of black feathers...

The sound of bang bang sounded one after another.

Xu, Jiang Pan, Bi Zong, and paper figurines, as well as those masters of yin and yang calculations who were in a stalemate with Lai Qian, collapsed to the ground almost at the same time.

It was as if the collision suddenly stopped...

My eyelids twitched wildly, this feathered corpse was really suppressed? !

Jiang Pan's expression was even more astonished, he stared blankly at the Taoist talisman.

His eyes suddenly turned red, and he trembled: "Old man..."

The moment the words fell, Jiang Pan's knees fell suddenly, and he knelt directly on the ground.

What appeared in Lai Qian's eyes was fear and embarrassment. He also stared at the face of the feathered corpse, and murmured: "Five Sacred Destiny Talismans, decades have passed, and Xu Fu, who took office as a geographer, is dead. After so long, I never thought that there are still his remaining talismans in this world?"

"Xu Fu is indeed a Xu Fu. After so many years of death, a talisman still has such a strong effect, and it has not completely dissipated yet..."

Bi Zong's gray eyes were devoid of expression, but his normal eyes revealed extremely strong fear.

I pursed my lips and trembled slightly after putting down my hands.

But as the warmth gradually entered my limbs, my hands calmed down a lot.

But my heart couldn't calm down, I just felt the urge to kill...

Especially looking at Bi Zong and Lai Qian, they took the lead in betraying us, if not, our complete team would not have been dismantled.

When dealing with this feathered corpse, he would not be so exhausted, with so many casualties...

The old fox Lai Qian came out just now, definitely because he recognized the Five Sacred Destiny Talisman I used. He recognized it as Xu Fu's talisman. He felt that this was the only chance to leave or break the game, so he would help!

I don't doubt that Lai Qian will recognize this talisman.

Back then Xu Fu was famous, and Lai Qian was old, at least eighty or ninety years old, even older than his master.

When Xu Fu was famous, Lai Qian was probably just a little gentleman?

In my thoughts, I glanced coldly at Lai Qian and Bi Zong.

Wipe your hands on your waist respectively, and the dagger and the divination knife of the corpse fisher enter your hands respectively.

I didn't show any sign of this action.

The moment I got the dagger and divination knife, I raised my arms and wiped them directly on the necks of Bi Zong and Lai Qian!

Bi Zong's reaction speed was not slow, he raised his arms suddenly, and directly grabbed my right wrist.

But my speed was equally fast, and there was a bloodstain on the right side of Bi Zong's neck.

Bright red blood spilled from the neck.

He hesitated a little bit, and his throat would be cut off and he would die.

Lai Qian suddenly coughed twice.

There was no sign of his cough, and he just avoided my knife.

In the next moment, he stepped back a few steps in surprise, avoiding the range of my attack!

I looked extremely gloomy.

I know that this is the protection of Lai Qian from fate.

Bi Zong was almost killed, but he also blocked me, probably because of fate.

"Mr. Li, we gave you a helping hand. We just suppressed the feathered corpse. Why did you kill him?!" Lai Qian's expression was cloudy, and his tone became more severe.

Bi Zong even blocked my arm tightly, because the strength in my hand has not weakened!

He can only block me with his arms!

I was disgusted and the corners of my mouth curled up, although I couldn't see my face.

But I know that my expression now must be a mocking and cold smile.

"Painful killer? Compared with Mr. Lai when you killed Xu Shuang, you didn't feel like you were painful."

"When we took our horses, food, and water away, or let them go, or slaughtered the horses, we didn't think it was a murder."

"Let's not talk about Li Heng who was used to scout the way. Come to think of it, you also think that you didn't kill someone, right?!"

After I said this coldly, the other empty hand quickly raised and grabbed Bi Zong's neck!

This time, Bi Zong couldn't dodge.

I strangled his throat tightly, the coldness in my consciousness made me want to pinch his neck directly!

All this happened so quickly, Jiang Pan, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly woke up.

He growled: "Yin Yang! Calm down! Don't hurt anyone's life!"

Bi Zong wriggled his lips with difficulty, and squeezed out a few words: "Li...Li"

His eyes were full of struggle, pain, and fear.

"Before I was in my 20s, I really didn't live like a human being." I replied lightly, with more strength in my hands!

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