The qi circulates in the big acupoints. In fact, for raising corpses, it is not good to be angry with Chongyang or Yin. The anger of Chongyang is Yang evil.

Just like the anger in the tomb is Yang Sha, it seems that there is no problem, but it will make the corpse restless.

For example, this feathered evil corpse is warmed and raised in the evil spirit of yang, which is so terrifying.

When I entered it earlier, I felt that there was a problem here, and it was also because the tomb was on the surface.

I think it is impossible for Guan Xiantao, a big gentleman, to not understand such a basic question, and let himself be buried on the ground where the evil spirit is so strong.

Seeing this hole now, all I can think of is that Guan Xiantao's calculation of the feathered corpse is his knife to kill all those who enter the tomb, and it is also his tomb guard.

What he said about looking for apprentices may not be false...

As long as you break the feathered corpse and find the path in the coffin, you may be able to see his corpse...

The moment my thoughts settled down, Lai Qian had already clung to the edge of the coffin with one hand.

Although he was old, his bones were still flexible, and he jumped into the coffin and went straight into the hole.

Bi Zong murmured, "We can't let Liao Cheng monopolize the Five Jedi Books and Ten Aspects of Physiognomy."

The moment the voice fell, he turned over and followed in.

Jiang Pan nodded to me cautiously, and he climbed directly into the coffin and got into the cave.

I followed closely behind, but the paper figurine Xu didn't follow.

His brows were tightly furrowed, almost forming a pimple.

"Uncle Xu, we're about to arrive. Come down with us to avoid further changes." I turned my head, put my hands next to the hole, and called the paper figurine Xu in a low voice.

The paper figurine Xu breathed out, shook his head and said, "I'll stay up there and watch that damn thing."

"The Ten Aspects of Physiognomy and the Book of the Five Jedi are useless to me. If he breaks the talisman, we really have nothing to do. You should not have a second talisman like Yin Yang. I will give you a signal, as long as Hear my reminder, you must come up immediately!"

"Even if we don't get the corpse pill, we have to go, so that the green hills remain, so we don't have to worry about running out of firewood! Yinyang, do you understand?!"

My heart trembled slightly, my eyes became more resolute, I nodded and said: "I know, I want to go back alive, Dunkong protected me, I have to protect their wives."

The paper figurine Xu then nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the paper figurine Xu glanced into the coffin again, and he said unnaturally: "I have seen Mr. Suspected Dragon. When he left with the master, I clearly remembered his appearance. There is no him in these corpses, I think ...He might have gotten in, so be careful in everything."

My complexion suddenly changed again, no longer wasting time and talking too much, I turned around and got into the deep hole...

The conversation with Xu, the paper figurine, took a while, and there was no one in front of me...

It took me about half a cup of tea to climb the dark sloping tunnel, and my head poked out of the cramped cave wall.

Looking up, I got out of my body, only to realize that I came out of a wall obliquely...

The purpose of entering is a tomb with a strange shape.

This tomb should be octagonal, revealing a faint white light.

The light source comes from oil lamps on the walls.

The lamps protruding from the wall turned out to be complete human heads...

The heads and necks of those people were cut off and bound with gold, and the bronze was pierced from the position of the neck bones, pierced into the wall and fixed.

Their faces were turned upwards, their mouths were wide open and filled with grease.

The finger-thin wick is burning faintly...

Each head is extremely large, with a square face, and their braids are drooping and long...

In the middle of the tomb, stands a tomb...

There are still a few people in front of the grave.

One of them was Liao Cheng with a pale face and bleeding from the corner of his mouth. Jiang Pan stood beside him, looking at the other two with vigilant eyes.

The other two were Bi Zong and Lai Qian.

In this dark environment, Bi Zong held a short blade that seemed to be polished from human bones in his hand, and Lai Qian also took out the white whip that he had just used.

In fact, I recognized it before, this is the eight house whip I gave to Jiang Munu.

Lai Qian's seniority is old and he is old. He has eight house whips, which doesn't surprise me...

At this moment, both Bi Zong and Lai Qian looked at me warily.

The corner of Liao Cheng's mouth turned cold, and he said word by word: "Three against two, you two old bastards, I don't know how to survive until now, but what are you going to grab?!" Liao Cheng's eyes were extremely cold.

Apart from that coldness, there was also a hint of excitement.

I got out of the hole.

The vigilance and coldness in Lai Qian's eyes became more intense, and his old tone became more serious: "Liao Cheng, we all came to this place after going through untold hardships, and the three of you want to monopolize it, and you can't get a piece of it , is too greedy."

Liao Cheng sneered, and he said again: "It's been a lot of hardships? Just now we were dealing with the feathered corpses. I don't know how you can cover up people's eyes and ears, but now you come out and say that you have worked hard?"

"It's Xu Shuang, Li Heng, Zhang Yan, and Duanmu Yi who died on the road. It's not you two old things."

Bi Zong squinted his eyes, but there was a bit of murderous intent in those gray eyes.

"Liao Cheng, if you insist on monopolizing it, don't blame me for being cruel. It's not certain who can get out of this place alive."

"Either, share the five unique burial books and the ten contemplations of physiognomy together, or don't get out alive!"

"You don't suffer, you and Li Yinyang still want Guan Xiantao's corpse pill!" I didn't say anything, I could actually see the excitement in Liao Cheng's eyes, it was definitely not because of seeing Guan Xiantao's real grave.

It's because the dead are still needed here...

It's not that easy for us to pull Guan Xiantao out of the tomb.

It is necessary to use my husband's death and resentment to wash away the real yin and yang reconciled anger here.

God knows what plan Liao Cheng is planning now, let Lai Qian and Bi Zong fall into his trap first.

And I think that this calculation definitely does not include asking us to fight recklessly with the two of them...

Jiang Pan didn't speak, but his attention was on Bi Zong.

He was very vigilant because Bi Zong reached out and took something out of his pocket.

I glanced across the tomb.

The entire tomb is at most thirty or forty square meters in size, but it is actually very tight.

I'm looking for "someone else"...

Mr. Suspected Dragon must not have died on the road, and he was not among the gentlemen kneeling outside, the paper figurine Xu should be right, he must have arrived here.

It's just that he probably couldn't take the corpse away, otherwise the feathered corpse outside would definitely not be like this.

The tomb of Guan Xiantao in front of him could not have been destroyed.

I think that maybe Mr. Suspected Dragon came down alone and encountered some kind of accident...

Or in other words, he was left alone in the end, unable to retrieve the body? !

His eyes moved quickly in the tomb.

I found a scene that made my heart tremble.

Under the corner of the wall of the tomb, there are actually several rows of dark soil.

On those soils, there are tiny white mushrooms.

At the root of the south wall, there is a small opening.

A hand protruded out and just grabbed a piece of black soil. The exposed palm of that hand looked extremely swollen, and there were a few white mushrooms growing on it...

Covering the arms are the sleeves of the Tang suit...

My heart trembled.

That hand belongs to Mr. Suspected Dragon?

Back then, he didn't come down from the main tomb, but found another way? !

I immediately thought of a possibility...

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