The moment I finished speaking, Jiang Pan's face suddenly darkened a lot.

After a while, a sigh appeared on his face, and he said in a low voice: "We have come to this point, Yin Yang, in front of the tomb, can you stop them?"

"Even if the parchment led us to this path, now that we have arrived here, it is almost impossible to find another path on his path."

My heart was suffocated even more.

Jiang Pan's words are very pertinent...very correct...

The paper figurine Xu also said in a low voice: "Yin Yang, Mr. Jiang is right. I'm afraid you stopped them. Except for Mr. Liao who is okay, everyone else will think that you have two hearts. Our team, say Let it go."

"Since you're here, you'll be safe. With so many gentlemen, are you afraid that you won't be able to break the scheme of a dead man?!"

"We also have no choice..." The paper figurine Xu's complexion became much more complicated.

The words of the two of them completely dispelled my other thoughts...

Under Guan Xiantao's arrangement, we have already come here, and it is indeed almost impossible to find other ways, even this place, there is no other way.

We are already in the game.

If you want to break the game, you can only break the plan of Guan Xiantao!At this moment, another person hurried out from the tomb passage in front, it was Tang Ding.

He looked nervous and puzzled, and said, "Sir, why didn't you follow in?"

I no longer hesitated, my mind settled down, I nodded and said: "Let's go."

Tang Ding nodded immediately, and our group finally walked into the tomb passage.

On the stone walls on both sides, there are some simple murals carved. Under the nourishment of vitality all the year round, the murals themselves are still very complete, and the colors have not fallen off.

Liao Cheng and the others in front walked so fast that they almost disappeared from our sight.

Our speed was extremely slow, because I was looking at the content of the mural almost bit by bit.

There are two kinds of people on the first mural, one is very thin and the other is slightly taller.

They fight around a piece of grassland, the grassland is of different heights, there seem to be three lakes in the distance, in the middle, and near.

The thin and small people were beaten so helplessly by those tall people that they were trampled under their feet!

On the second mural, those tall people are nomadic on the grasslands, while the thin ones have become slaves and have been raised in captivity.

My pupils constricted. Isn't this grassland and these three lakes exactly what we saw on the way here?

This is the grassland below the Guoyin Mountains? !

Those tall people in the murals are intruders?A thin person, an aborigine?

Here, the mural was interrupted, and it jumped to a picture that I couldn't understand, and I immediately looked to the opposite side.

Sure enough, on both sides of the tomb passage, the murals are progressive.

On the mural here, a person appeared among the thin and small aborigines.

This man is taller and stronger than ordinary people, but he has no head...

He led those thin people against the invaders.

During this process, the tents of the intruders caught fire, the ground cracked, and even wild beasts invaded it, and some people cried bitterly while holding babies...

There is a saying in ancient times, which is called the winner and the loser.

Guan Xiantao is the winner, he might also deify some of his actions.

In my opinion, those weird phenomena are the use of Yin art feng shui.

Afterwards, those thin and small people respected the headless man incomparably, built higher altars, and worshiped a large number of livestock.

Until the end of the mural, the headless man led a large number of people to work in a continuous mountain range above the grassland.

In the murals in this area, you can see that those people climbed to the top of Heishantou and carved human faces on the mountain...

The tomb passage gradually came to an end...

There is only one last mural left. In an empty hall, a tall and burly man stands beside a coffin.

Under him is an altar, which seems to be in the form of an altar of gossip.

Around the altar, there are densely packed people kneeling...

This is the end of the mural.

There was a door one or two meters away in front of him, and people could be seen behind the door. Obviously, other gentlemen followed Liao Chengjin in.

They certainly didn't look at the murals carefully.

But after I read it, I didn't find anything special.

At first, I thought that there must be some information clues, but now it seems that this is like Guan Xiantao's life...

Perhaps the only meaningful thing is the last picture...

That is, before Guan Xiantao was buried, everyone was still bowing down to him?

I did not immediately pass through the door and enter the tomb.

He looked carefully at the last mural again.

I found some secrets in it...

The kneeling figure is drawn in a slightly more detailed manner, instead of the simple stick figures of the previous dwarfs.

If you look carefully, some of them actually have discs hanging around their waists, and some tortoise shells...

These, sir? !

Liao Cheng shouted from behind the door, let's go in quickly!

My pupils have shrunk into a small spot, and I looked at the person on the central altar.

His body seemed to lean forward slightly, as if he wanted to salute.

I always feel that there is a big problem here!

However, the paper figurine Xu urged me in a low voice, and Jiang Pan also called me, so I could only follow in first.

The moment you enter the tomb from the aisle.

It is an extremely empty hall!

My heart suddenly shook!

Because the center of the hall is an altar.

The altar actually has two floors, the one in the middle is the tallest, and the one below is half a meter shorter, and the two floors seem to expand organically.

This is not an ordinary stone altar, more like copper?

But after a few more glances, I felt that this was not a copper altar, it was much colder and more like an iron block.

In the middle of the altar, there is a huge coffin.

There are a lot of complicated and mysterious lines engraved around the coffin, which are roughly the things on Feng Shui, and there are some runes.

In fact, the most astonishing thing is not the coffin.

Even if he is Guan Xiantao's coffin, it is not the most shocking thing now.

The most astonishing and faintly frightening thing is that there are many people kneeling and kneeling around the hall...

Most of these people are wearing Tang suits, with some other clothes scattered here and there.

The one in Tang suit is naturally Mr. Yinjutsu!

Other costumes are more like Taoist priests...

There are still nine yin and yang calculation masters left in our group, plus five of us, a total of 14 people.

Everyone gathered together and no one dared to separate.

Liao Cheng's face was extremely livid, and he looked to the right.

I, Jiang Pan, and the paper figurine Xu also looked over.

What makes our hearts even more chilling is that there are two people kneeling on the right.

Those two people were actually Zhang Yan and Duanmu Yi!

They bowed their heads and closed their eyes tightly, as if they had lost the slightest breath...

As for Lai Qian and Bi Zong, they were nowhere to be seen...

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