
In Nuo Da's tomb, everyone's breathing can be heard in the silence, and even the heartbeat can be heard.

After a while, Liao Chengcai murmured: "The coffin is still here, Lai Qian and Bi Zong failed, where did they go?!"

His voice broke the silence.

Jiang Pan walked a few steps forward, and arrived in front of Zhang Yan and Duanmu Yi.

He was about to raise his hand to touch the necks of Zhang Yan and Duanmuyi, but he stopped half way out.

"We are only about one night ahead of us. Even if we rest more on the road, they will only have one more day. Mr. Zhang and Mr. Duanmu are already dead..." Jiang Pan sighed heavily.

"Is it possible that they died halfway?" Mr. Yinjutsu who spoke was still the one who hurt the paper man Xu in his words.

Liao Chengxian shook his head and said: "Others may die, but Lai Qian and Bi Zong, the two old foxes, will not be so easy. They should hide elsewhere, or there is something strange here, they ran away?!"

Liao Chenggang finished speaking.

Suddenly, Xu, the paper figure next to me, suddenly stepped forward a few steps.

He walked directly past Jiang Pan, past the corpses of Duanmuyi and Zhang Yan, and came to another corpse.

With a bang, the paper figurine Xu knelt heavily on the ground, and he tremblingly raised his hand to touch the corpse.

It was an old man with thin cheeks and even more skinny.

The old man has a bamboo basket on his back, and many steel wires are wrapped around his body...

I immediately thought of it, this old man is the master of the paper figurine Xu!Xu Qianzhang!

The paper figurine Xu kowtowed heavily, his voice hoarse and trembling: "The poor apprentice Xu Wu, kowtow to the master..."

My face suddenly sighed a lot.

At this time, someone in the crowd was discussing again in a low voice, muttering: "Guan Xiantao's body is in the coffin, Mr. Suspected Dragon should be among these corpses, first find the Suspected Dragon Scripture."

"What are you in a hurry for? The Suspected Dragon Scripture must be here, but Guan Xiantao's coffin is here. After opening the coffin, there are also the Five Jedi Books and Ten Aspects of Physiognomy!"

"The two old foxes Lai Qian and Bi Zong thought that they would get ahead of us by getting rid of us, but they lost their righteousness. The two old foxes couldn't break through the coffin. There are so many of us, and there is still heaven and earth! The inheritance is ours!"

After a few sentences of discussion, all other thoughts of the crowd were suppressed.

I didn't call the paper figurine Xu immediately.

He hasn't seen his master for many years, and it's been a long time since the farewell. I can't interrupt it now.

I called Big Brother in a low voice, and I looked up again, looking at Liao Cheng again.

Liao Cheng also nodded slightly.

He said softly: "Mr. Suspected Dragon, we don't know what they look like, so we first break open the coffin, and then look for the things on these corpses." Everyone immediately became quieter.

The three of us walked forward and came to the altar.

The altar on the bottom floor seems to be suspended.

But this is not a real suspension, there must be a supporting cornerstone in the center, so that it gives people the illusion that the edges are suspended.

I looked down at the edge of the altar, its outermost extension was like a compass, with many scales.

The three of us began to move slowly around this scale.

On the outer circle, there are written birth, nourishment, fetus, death, tomb, death, illness, decline, prosperity, coming, crown, mu...

There is another circle next to it, engraved with Shenkun, Weiding, Wubing, Sixun, Chenyi, Maoshen, Yingen, Chougui, Ziren, Haigan, Xuxin, Yougeng...

After walking around the altar, the three of us raised our heads almost at the same time.

Jiang Pan opened his mouth first, and he said in a deep voice: "The [-] Palaces of Longevity are the foundation, and the Eight Bureaus of Yin and Yang are the motivators. One altar covers a lifetime of life. Guan Xiantao's Yin and Yang skills are indeed extremely superb."

I frowned even tighter. Although what Jiang Pan said was correct, it still felt weird to show me the coffin on the altar.

This place... is indeed not underground, but the surface.

The yin and yang qi are in the most perfect harmony underground, but on the surface, there are more yang evils.

Could it be that Guan Xiantao landed here after she became a feather, and she is not afraid of evil spirits at all?

"When you open the coffin, you can see him. At least there will be no traps in the Zodiac of Longevity and the Eight Bureaus of Yin and Yang." Liao Cheng said in a deep voice.

Jiang Pan and I looked at each other.

Greed appeared in the eyes of those people in the rear.

After Jiang Pan hesitated for a moment, he nodded.

Liao Cheng turned his head to look at the back, and after a glance, he also nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Liao Cheng looked at me again, and suddenly said: "Brother Yinyang, you may have a choice, you have to put big things first, your wife and children are still waiting for you at home."

My heart suddenly suffocated.

Liao Cheng is already reminding me.

Jiang Pan still doesn't understand the complete reason, but I know...the coffin will be opened later, if the corpse cannot be retrieved, it will cost lives...

Now Lai Qian and Bi Zong are not here, and the other Mr. Yin Yang are all dead.

The lives we can use... are these yin and yang calculation masters...

I was silent and didn't answer.

Liao Cheng took a leap, and he jumped directly onto the altar.

The moment he landed, the altar clicked, and the outer altar turned slowly...

The iron altar gave off a scalding feeling.

Jiang Pan patted my shoulder heavily, and he said in a low voice: "Brother Liao is right, Yin Yang, this trip is for you to change your life, we really want to get the Shanshi Pill."

The moment he finished speaking, Jiang Pan also turned on the altar.

I settled my thoughts, but I just found it complicated. After Jiang Pan knew that he was going to kill someone, he didn't know what state of mind he was in.

Following Jiang Pan on the altar, the three of us soon came to the central altar.

Walking to the front of the coffin, the huge iron coffin is not cold, but more scalding. It seems that after a few more glances, an indescribable irritability arises in the mind.

The anger here is too strong, which makes me feel extremely depressed.

Liao Cheng stared straight at the coffin, and he murmured: "Guan Xiantao's coffin... a corpse..."

After speaking, Liao Cheng glanced around again, and whispered: "There are feathered corpses to ask for. It should be that both Mr. Yin and Suilong died here. This is my chance!"

During this period, those Mr. Yinjutsu and Mr. Yangsuan all came to the altar.

What they have in common is the color of longing.

Liao Cheng took out a dagger in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his attention to the two priests, Dongyang and Shangqing, and said word by word: "Two priests, please come up and open the coffin!"

Without hesitation, Dongyang and Shangqing stamped their feet on the ground, and they jumped up beside us.

They went straight to the coffin, both of them were behind, and they slapped the coffin lid hard!

There was a muffled bang, the lid of the coffin hummed, and then slid down halfway forward...

I was shocked by this scene, and the rest of the people were as quiet as a cicada, without making a sound.

Liao Cheng said quietly: "Please ask the two priests to pull out the bones inside, okay?!"

We were all a little behind and couldn't see what was inside the coffin.

As a result, Dongyang and Shangqing's bodies became stiff.

Shangqing suddenly trembled and said, "Flee!"

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