Jiang Pan murmured: "Yin Yang Chi Road, the land is facing 24 mountains...so that's how it is..." I also looked down and read the seal script.

This script written in seal script is actually the arrangement here.

What is used on the stone road is indeed the yin-yang ruler.

And the road between the gaps between the stone roads is actually using another kind of Feng Shui technique, the site is facing 24 mountains...

As long as you enter the scope of this road, whether it is a stone road or a gap road, you will enter one of the bureaus.

If they go to the wrong place, the living corpses wandering in the Feng Shui Bureau will restrain them and assimilate them together, and they will never leave again, and they will not be able to rebirth.

Liao Cheng pondered for a moment, then said in a low voice: "Looking at it from this point of view, Lai Qian and the others should be walking through the gap, so even if they have no way to measure, they still come here."

"Li Heng is mostly used to find the way." Liao Cheng said again.

Jiang Pan stood up, looked back, and said: "If you look at it this way, there should be an inscription under the plank road, which will write the function of those fungi. It's a bit weird to tube fairy peaches."

I nodded and said in a low voice: "The bloody road should be quite dangerous. It was broken by Lai Qian and the others. I don't know if there are any dead people there, or the corpses were taken away..."

The atmosphere in the venue has become a lot more depressed.

After a while, the paper figurine Xu broke the restraint. He pointed to the end of his line of sight, and said cautiously: "Although this trip is dangerous, we have retained a lot of strength. The tomb is in front of us. If you are here, come down. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to get out..."

The words made by the paper figurine aroused the emotions of many gentlemen.

Everyone is talking in low voices, roughly speaking, that is, we have arrived here.

Then entering the tomb is considered to have completed the trial of Guan Xiantao looking for an apprentice!

Although the road is dangerous, there will be the inheritance of Guan Xiantao, the Ten Views and the Five Jedi Books.

And Mr. Suspected Dragon's inheritance Suspected Dragon Sutra!

Huge risks are also accompanied by huge rewards. After we get the things, we have to leave here safe and sound.

And later everyone will settle accounts with Lai Qian and others!Don't be intimidated here.

While everyone's mood was improving, Jiang Pan also looked at me.

In fact, what he looked at was not only my face, but also the side of my head.

I knew that he was looking at my giant bone.

Liao Cheng took a deep breath, raised his hand, and said in a deep voice: "What you said is very true! Seeing that the tomb is in front of you, let's not relax our vigilance, let's go!"...

The last section of the road is really not dangerous.

We passed through easily.

When you reach the end of the road, what you see is a round mountain!

In fact, a more appropriate description is not mountains, but graves!

There is no grass or trees on it, it is completely polished and flat.

The overall range, at least tens of meters in size, is almost the same as a small hill.

It's just that its top is not a mountain top, but an arc, and the bottom is also an arc.

In the very center, there is a small stone road leading to a dark passageway in the middle of the tomb...

On both sides of the tomb passage, there are two vertical stone slabs with engraved characters.

The distance is still far away, and the specific words on it are still unclear.

It's just that the existence of this stone road has shocked everyone a lot.

They whispered to each other, roughly speaking, will this stone road have the same effect as the previous road?

Liao Cheng explained that before the tomb passage, it is impossible to do calculations.

Moreover, the road is narrow and there is no layout around it, so there can be no more traps.

At the same time, Liao Cheng walked up directly.

He walked a few steps without incident, and the crowd followed closely behind.

During this time, I looked around.

Our group actually seemed extremely small.

Before the great tomb, we were like grasshoppers.

The surrounding area of ​​the tomb was also empty, and there was a large open space on both sides of us, and we didn't see any people at all.

Lai Qian and the others should have entered the tomb passage.

After a while, we came to the end of the small stone road.

Stopped at the entrance of the tomb passage, looking at the two vertical stone slabs on the left and right.

On the left side it says: "Ten Physiognomy Techniques reveal the good and evil in the world." On the right side: "The Five Jedi Books Break the Life and Decline of Ten Thousand Dragons."

In fact, at the top of the tomb passage, there is also a hidden stone slab on which the final horizontal batch is written.

"Tube-style burial to the sky."

If someone else wrote something like this, I would definitely scoff at it.

Good and evil in the world?Wanlong rises and falls?

It even says, Burial in the sky!

It can be entered from the Guoyin Mountains on the top of the Seventy Black Mountains until the tomb passage.

We spend too much time and energy.

Especially in our group, there are still eight yin and yang masters, two Taoist priests, and more than twenty yin and yang calculation masters.

The role of Liao Cheng, the role of Jiang Pan and I, and the other variables caused by Yinshu and Mr. Yangshu...

And after Lai Qian and the others destroyed the team, they were at the front, and they were helping us find the way...

A lot of danger is dispersed.

If it was a single team of one or two people, even Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng and I would not be able to come here safe and sound...

Guan Xiantao is indeed qualified to write such words.

In fact, what faintly makes me feel even more frightening is that we were on the road, except for the first part of the content of Shiguanxiangshu.

We haven't seen the content of the Five Jedi Books, and we haven't even touched its feng shui.

All the dangers were arranged by Guan Xiantao back then...

While thinking, I raised my head and glanced up.

From this angle, I saw this huge tomb again...

No, now I think he looks more like a human head.

The tomb passage is his mouth.

I looked up and could see his slightly protruding nose and cheekbones on both sides.

This tomb definitely uses a special Feng Shui technique!

I think back, when we first came out of the cave, looking into the middle of the hollow, it was like seeing a human head.

As a result, when I came out just now, I only thought it was a round mountain tomb.

Now at a close distance, the silhouette of the human head can be seen again...

The throbbing in my heart became more and more intense.

Suddenly I heard Jiang Pan calling me in a low voice, saying that everyone has gone in.

When I came back to my senses, I noticed that Liao Cheng had already walked in with many Mr. Yinshu and Yangsuan.

Even the two priests, Shangqing and Dongyang, entered the tomb passage.

Only Jiang Pan and the paper figurine Xu are left by my side...

Paper figurine Xu looked worried, and he whispered, "Yinyang, I haven't seen fear on your face for many years. In the past, you weren't afraid... This place is very evil."

Jiang Pan also raised his head and glanced at the top, and he said in a low voice: "They are right, we are here, we can't come in vain, the Shanshi Pill is right in front of us... we have to go in."

I saw the tomb passage again, and for no reason, my body was covered in cold sweat.

"Brother, have you noticed a problem, the tomb here is on the surface."

"The yin and yang qi are flowing, even Xu Fu and Master have to dig a foot in the ground."

"The anger that circulates on the surface is too heavy... Such a heavy yang can be said to be evil yang, and it can be raised to become a corpse?!" I said extremely uneasy.

Without a pause, I continued: "Guan Xiantao is a big gentleman, wouldn't he understand this?"

"There is a problem with the parchment, and I think there is a problem with this place too... they have to be called out!"

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