Liao Cheng's face suddenly changed.

I also changed color.

Everyone behind was stunned, especially Xu Guangjian, who shouted in surprise, "Mr."

Jiang Pan stood firm, his expression was much colder.

After glancing at Liao Cheng, Jiang Pan didn't speak to him.

After scanning everyone behind him, he also didn't speak.

Just when he looked at me, he said: "Yin Yang, the next step, how do we go?!"

I looked at the fog in front of me vigilantly, and I was relieved that the fog did not roll over, which meant that my calculation was indeed correct.

Xu Guangjian clenched his fist. There was obviously a bit of unwillingness and bitterness in his eyes, but he didn't say it out.

Jiang Pan's character is too generous. In fact, he saw Liao Cheng's behavior just now, but he didn't have time to stop it.

This second time, even if he couldn't stand it, he wouldn't let Liao Cheng do it.

After I breathed a sigh of relief, my heart was also filled with bitterness.

Although Jiang Pan's approach is benevolent, it is not suitable for him to really set foot in dangerous places...

Especially if he does this now, it won't make everyone feel very grateful, but they will think that he is acting on his own will.

It will even dissatisfy people like Xu Guangjian who are willing to come out to explore the way.

Because they believe that Liao Cheng feels safe, and there is a high probability that they will be safe, and they can get a lot of extra attention and rewards.

Jiang Pan's behavior is equivalent to directly killing their opportunities.

Soon, I suppressed these thoughts.

Because Jiang Pan was still looking at me.

I took a deep breath and replied: "The next step, I still have to test." After saying that, I walked directly to Jiang Pan's side.

After getting down to earth, I looked forward with the stone slab, and what I saw was different...

Jiang Pan and I looked forward together, and his face changed slightly.

The fog ahead is still there, but it is no longer a mist, but wisps, which become much clearer.

In the fog, some people were walking slowly.

One of them is the Mr. Lu just now...

The rest of the people dressed differently, and the age difference in clothing was not small.

I was even more shocked, and murmured: "After being dragged...not dead, but like them? Wandering here? Guan Xiantao, what did he do..."

Jiang Pan's face was also ashen and ugly, and he whispered: "Whether he really wants to find an apprentice or something else, this method is too harsh."

"There are so many angers that the people here are dying. They should be trapped in some kind of formation and have been tortured."

"Over the years, I don't know how many gentlemen have been imprisoned here."

"It seems that there are feathered good corpses in the hole, but in fact, there are countless sad and unwilling souls around them who cannot be freed."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the bewildered and puzzled eyes of the people behind me.

Obviously, they didn't see what Jiang Pan and I saw, and they didn't know what we were talking about.

Instead of explaining right away, I started measuring the third row of slabs.

After I found out the exact location, I wanted to go there first, but Jiang Pan was still one step ahead of me.

After the two of us landed, we found that the surrounding fog had thickened a bit, and those wandering people in front seemed to look up at us, but they quickly lowered their heads and continued to walk aimlessly.

Then, I measured the fourth stone slab, and after choosing the location with the most auspicious sunny side, I walked up with Jiang Pan again.

Until now, I was completely sure that there was no problem, so I went back.

It was only then that I realized that among the people behind, except for Liao Cheng, paper figurine Xu, and Tang Ding, their expressions were still determined.

The faces and eyes of the rest of the people were all nervous, as if they were afraid that after Jiang Pan and I passed by, they would no longer care about them.

My eyes met Liao Cheng's.

Liao Cheng and I nodded.

I solemnly opened my mouth and roughly told Liao Cheng that the people behind should form a group of two, remember the path we just walked, and then walk up.

I strictly told them not to go wrong, otherwise something will happen.

Joy appeared in the eyes of those people.

After that, there was a group of Liao Chengzhi, Tang Ding and Xu Guangjian, who followed behind.

After I measured the exact location, Jiang Pan and I walked deeper into the stone road.

Time passed little by little.

When we walked to the second half of the stone road, we even passed some people...

They treat us like nothing...

I was very calm at first, and saw that the stone road was almost at the end.

But what shocked me once was that among those wandering people, I saw a chubby person.

Isn't that person Mr. Wu Yan, Li Heng...

There were many wounds on Li Heng's face, blood stains on his chest and abdomen, and his clothes were damaged a lot.

He was different from everyone else, not even from Mr. Lu.

Although he was following those people, his mouth was squirming slightly, as if he was saying save me...

Also, his head was barely turning towards us.

However, his face is still expressionless...

There was a look of unbearableness in Jiang Pan's eyes. I raised my hand and immediately pressed his shoulder. I didn't say anything, but my eyes told him that he must not be soft-hearted!

Of course, I also want to know what happened to Li Heng.

What is so weird about this place that can control people to such an extent.

But once we make a wrong decision and attract the other "people", we may be in danger.

Finally, we walked through the last section of the stone road.

After I walked out, I felt a burst of sweat all over my back.

Jiang Pan's face was cloudy and uncertain.

Liao Cheng and Xu Guangjian came first, followed by Tang Ding and Xu Guangjian.

After that, Dongyang and Shangqing...

The rest of the people gradually and safely passed the stone road.

My breathing has finally stabilized a lot.

After everyone came down, the fog became thicker and gradually became unclear.

Those gentlemen all clasped their fists at me, with fear and lingering fear in everyone's eyes.

Liao Cheng murmured: "The Golden Ruler for Tongqiao should be a rare thing. Lai Qian and the others were able to come here, but they only lost one Li Heng. I don't know what method they used. Could it be that they also have the Golden Ruler for Tongqiao in their hands?" ?!"

Everyone looked at each other, but Jiang Pan didn't speak.

I looked towards the back, and found that at the end of my line of sight, there was a huge existence like a round mountain.

"The tomb is almost here..." I muttered with my eyelids twitching wildly.

The eyes of the rest of the gentlemen showed excitement, and they barely suppressed the embarrassment along the way.

They were all pleasantly surprised, saying that thanks to Mr. Li and Mr. Liao, everyone finally got here...

But I still feel that something is not right.

There is a throbbing feeling in my heart, the danger is still behind...

At this time, Liao Cheng was looking at me.

I glanced back at him, and Liao Cheng nodded to me.

I lowered my head and clenched my fists, but I hid my fists in the sleeves of my Tang suit so that no one else could see them.

Not to mention the danger before taking the corpse...

Even if it can survive, the corpse will still be dead!

Thinking about things more clearly, these people may be Liao Cheng's choice...

They still don't know what kind of fate they might encounter...

Of course, I think Lai Qian and others who are leading the way may be a choice.

But right here, Jiang Pan suddenly squatted down and pulled in the turf on the ground.

Soon, he pushed aside a lot of turf, revealing a stone slab.

On the slate, there are dense seal characters engraved!

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