I glanced at it, and my body trembled slightly, as if I was immersed in it.

It's just that the immersion didn't last too long, and I broke out abruptly.

I frowned, looked at the inscription, and murmured it out loud.

"Generally, when looking at a person's appearance, first look at the bones, and then look at the five elements..."

"Ten views of his face, one to take the majesty, like a tiger descending the mountain..."

"Secondly, look at the spirit, the body is like a boat of tens of thousands of dendrobium...

"Thirdly take clear and turbid...fourthly look at the round head, forehead..."

"Five look at the five mountains and stop three times...Six take the five senses and six mansions..."

"Qi Qu has a round waist and a thick back, a flat chest and a pendant abdomen, three armors and three renowns, and a delicate and tender body..."

"Yatori's siblings... Jiutori's voice and dantian..."

"Ten Views and Five Elements..."

It's just that every time I read a paragraph, I have to pause for a moment.

After reading this part, I was left with nothing but shock.

Because this is a book about yang calculations, its complexity is almost comparable to the bone physiognomy of geophysics!

The reason why I stopped after reading a paragraph is because the book is incomplete.

Just immersed in the artistic conception of wanting to delve into it, I quit because of its interruption.

At the bottom of the stele, there are two lines of writing.

"I have buried my bones here, waiting for the opportunity to ascend to the sky. However, in this life, I have no disciples to inherit the mantle. Gu released the sheepskin picture, hoping that the virtuous from the Yin and Yang realms will enter here. It can be seen that the rest of the people should take the ten contemplations and the five absolute books."

"People without virtue and incompetence should stop here. -Guan Xiantao's letter"

The people in the field, even those who hadn't noticed just now, are all looking over now.

The 12 people headed by Zhou Fangquan looked even more envious.

Especially Zhou Fangquan, his eyes were reddened, and he was so excited that his eyes filled with tears.

"They will regret it if they didn't come in. Not only is there the inheritance of Mr. Suspected Dragon, but also the mantle of such a Mr...."

"Mr. who arranged the Nuo Da Feng Shui Bureau and turned himself into a fairy, it is our chance to come here!" Zhou Fangquan's tone trembled even more, but his face changed.

I noticed a redundant horizontal line on Zhou Fangquan's forehead.

Zhou Fangquan's forehead has not changed, so the horizontal stripes are a big problem.

There is a saying in the bone phase, a horizontal line is born on the forehead, also known as a serpentine line, which dies on the road!

Not only did his appearance change, but his life gate also changed.

The black pattern on the gate of life is in the form of cricket feet, and it is called a ghost book. Those who have this pattern in front of their left ear, big or small ghosts and those in their lips, will die!

His former face was that of death.

But the latter's appearance of death is an appearance of certain death!

Indeed, in the fate, there is a fate that can be changed.

But when the mortal appearance appears, it cannot be changed.

Zhou Fangquan is not a villain, but a real seeker of magic.

He doesn't have to die here...

"Mr. Zhou, you are indeed going out. This place is not a place for you to stay for a long time." I looked directly into Zhou Fangquan's eyes and said word by word.

Zhou Fangquan's face suddenly turned violent. He stared at me with wide eyes and said, "Mr. Li, didn't I tell you? So what if you know my fate? Don't tell me!"

"Today, Zhou Fangquan is going to die, and he will die in this geomantic treasure. If I don't die, I will be famous in the world of Yin and Yang in the future!"

More people's faces were full of excitement and joy, and everyone was full of fighting spirit.

I still wanted to talk, but Jiang Pan also looked solemn, and he raised his hand to grab Zhou Fangquan's shoulder.

During this period, Jiang Pan gave me a look, and I immediately understood that he might be kidnapped, and he would throw Zhou Fangquan out.

I took a step forward to stop Zhou Fangquan.

But in the next moment, Zhou Fangquan walked directly towards the plank road near the stone tablet.

His reaction and speed were very fast, and he got on the plank road right away!

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Fangquan hurried down!

"Mr. Zhou!" Jiang Pan shouted again with an ugly expression.

The rest looked at each other in blank dismay.

Obviously, everyone also has expressions of eagerness to try.

Liao Cheng raised his hand, and he said in a deep voice: "Don't rush to go, I am afraid that one of these two roads will not work. Why do we need to build two roads that can go down by one plank road?"

"If this Guan Xiantao wants a capable person to be his apprentice, I'm afraid there will be more dangers along the way."

My complexion changed.

Liao Cheng said directly on the stone tablet, what Guan Xiantao said about accepting disciples.

How could that be his real intention?

However, it is more than enough to encourage ordinary gentlemen.

Everyone looked at Liao Cheng with a look of conviction.

Liao Cheng looked down the plank road, and Zhou Fangquan had already run a long way down.

The paper figures Xu and Jiang Pan and I also went to see Zhou Fangquan.

The plank road presents a form of repeated z, going back and forth staggered down the mountain.

Not long after, Zhou Fangquan had already traveled a half way.

But at this moment, Zhou Fangquan suddenly stopped.

As if he saw something, he stood still on the plank road.

This pause, he stopped for a long time.

For a full quarter of an hour, Zhou Fang didn't move at all.

My eyelids twitched slightly, Liao Cheng frowned, and he suddenly called out Mr. Zhou!

His voice is very loud, but the place here is too open to form an echo at all.

Zhou Fang's whole body trembled.

He turned around slowly.

A ray of sunset light shone on his face.

What made my complexion change was that his face was actually swollen several times. He had a square face before, and his facial features were still as if they were cut by a knife.

Now he actually has a swollen round face.

Although they were far apart, that round face made people feel even more terrifying.

Because the chin position at the bottom of the face hangs down like a lot of air roots.

There are also small holes...

Zhou Fangquan seemed to be in extreme pain, and raised his hand to grab us.

However, this became his last move.

The next moment, Zhou Fangquan wobbled and fell forward.

The railings on the edge of the plank road couldn't stop the weight of his body, so he turned over and fell out, falling into the hollow...

I just felt that my scalp was numb, and goose bumps kept coming down from my whole body.

"What the hell...how did this happen..." Tang Ding was the only ordinary person, and he was so frightened that his body kept shaking.

The rest of the Yinjutsu and Yangsuan masters were not much better.

Especially how many people almost followed Zhou Fangquan up the plank road just now...

"Mr. Zhou is too impatient. If you say a few more words, you won't force him to leave."

Liao Cheng was full of regret, and he murmured: "However, if you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening. Although Mr. Zhou has never heard the truth, we can't forget him. On the day of Gongcheng's departure, we will erect a grave for him. "

After speaking, Liao Cheng pointed to another road and said: "This plank road should be the right road. Let's go down the mountain from here."

After speaking, Liao Cheng walked straight forward.

Those yin and yang calculation masters behind were afraid, but the greed and desire in their eyes obviously suppressed other emotions.

Jiang Pan followed behind, and I hesitated for a moment, feeling that there was something else wrong here.

But now I can't think of it, I can't figure it out, so I can only follow from behind.

But, I kept thinking, what happened to Zhou Fangquan, and he quietly turned into that ghost...

Is it poisonous?

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