Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 711 Chao Wendao, You Can Die In The Evening

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and made a soothing gesture, telling everyone not to talk too much.

I thought for a moment, and then said: "The sheepskin scroll is a conspiracy, and here is to invite you into the urn."

"Look at those mountains behind you, look at those faces, are they looking at us? Watching us walk from the mountain to here, watching us walk into this passage?!" After I finished speaking, everyone turned their heads. go.

Including Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan, they all turned around.

I didn't pause, and continued: "Which gentleman would take the initiative to invite people into the grave to dig up his body? The conspiracy of inviting you into the urn is that he thinks that the people who go in are not as good as him, and he will definitely not be able to break his feng shui situation. Exceptions die inside!"

"When I say that some people are not allowed to enter, I just want to observe their face and appearance. If there is a sudden death appearance, all of them will stay here."

"My eldest brother and I invited you here because we wanted everyone to conspire to become a corpse, but if we knew that someone would die and let that person in, wouldn't it be murdering your lives?"

Many people turned their heads, and they all looked unwilling!

But no one refuted me.

I was about to keep talking.

Another voice came from the crowd!

"Whether it's the body of the feathered corpse or the Feng Shui bureau inside, it's a great temptation, let alone the Suspected Dragon Sutra?!"

"If you don't go in before arriving at this treasured place, I'm afraid you will never have the chance to see such a great Fengshui place again in this life! Surrounded by many dead dragon mountains, there is a big cave that is big enough to become a feather. This is a Fengshui situation that hasn't even appeared in thousands of years!"

"Mr. Li, you, Mr. Jiang, and Mr. Liao are already Mr. Yin-Yang. Those of us may have obtained Yin Art and Yang Calculation, but we cannot enter Yin Yang Art. We have no chance!"

"The opportunity is right in front of us! No matter what, I must follow up! Either die inside, or learn the Suspected Dragon Sutra from a teacher!"

The moment he finished speaking, the man stepped out of the crowd and reached the front.

However, he had a square face, his eyes were double up and down, and there was a bit of gold in the black pupils.

This eye is also called Yanyan eye, which means following the rules and regulations, emphasizing benevolence and righteousness, and achieving success in career.

He didn't cover his face, but at the same time he cupped his fists at me, and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Li, I, Zhou Fangquan, you can look at my face as you like."

"Zhou can trust what you said just now. After this trip, Mr. Jiang is generous, Mr. Liao is resourceful, and Mr. Li, you have clear likes and dislikes. I believe that not only Zhou can understand."

"But Mr. Li, look at it, I hope you don't tell Zhou."

"There is a saying that, if you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening. Zhou wanted the Dragon Sutra. If he couldn't get it and died in this acupuncture point, that's my fate! I want to give it a try. Fate!"

After Zhou Fangquan finished speaking, some of the people in the back looked suspicious and uneasy.But there are also some people who look eager, and also show desperate expressions.

"I heard it in the morning, and I will die in the evening." Liao Cheng murmured, and he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Zhou's words are good!"

"When we entered the world of yin and yang and learned yin and yang arts, it was not all for the purpose of understanding more fate. Sir, it is not my own fate, but I am afraid that fate will be counted. When I know the result, I am afraid that I will not be able to break it. If you want to fight for your fate, If you have the same idea as Mr. Zhou, take a few steps forward, and if you want to leave, wait here for us."

Liao Cheng paused, and then said: "If there is income, we will share a part as usual."

"Brother Liao, you!" Jiang Pan's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately looked at Liao Cheng.

Liao Cheng looked calm and did not answer.

About half of the people in the crowd were separated, and they were unwilling to move forward. There were only seven Mr. Yinjutsu and five Mr. Yangshu.

I recognized that there was a Mr. Yinjutsu among them, who was the one who had mentioned Uncle Chen at the beginning.

There was no fear in their eyes, but a faint longing instead.

I could see why Jiang Pan was dissatisfied, and even more why Liao Cheng encouraged others to follow suit.

But of course I can't say that directly.

He glanced at the two priests Dongyang and Shangqing again.

They didn't hide from me, just from the appearance, the two of them didn't show any danger.

Finally, I looked at the servants headed by Tang Ding.

Except for Tang Ding, the rest of them vaguely showed signs of death.

They can't go into the cave with us.

There are too many variables this time, and I have to bring at least one person with me. The gun arranged by Tang Song will definitely come in handy.

"Tang Ding, you come with me, and everyone else stays and waits for me here." I waved at Tang Ding.

Tang Ding immediately walked towards me, and when he got to my side, his expression hardened a lot.

Jiang Panjian also said a few words to the people behind, telling them not to be too decadent.

Without further pause, I walked directly into the cave.

The light suddenly became quite dim.

The cave was too tight and cramped, but the warm wind blowing over washed away this feeling.

The sound of footsteps in my ears was very noisy. There were more than a dozen of us, and the team was always quite large.

The process of going through the cave is very dull and boring.

The hole is too long, at least there is some light at the beginning, but after going far, there is no light at all.

We didn't prepare torches in advance, so we were completely in the dark space.

If it weren't for the cave wall that can be touched with both hands, and the sound that can be heard behind, you will feel that you have walked into the abyss...

I don't know how long I kept walking, but I finally saw some light in front of my eyes.

The speed under my feet suddenly accelerated a lot!

The light became more and more obvious, and the rock wall could be seen clearly...

The exit of the cave finally appeared in front of him.

When we walked out of the cave, our sight suddenly opened up.

The location of the stone platform is halfway up a mountain.

In front of our eyes is a huge sunken pit.

There are green forests on all sides, descending obliquely from the mountain, filling the entire depression.

In the middle of the depression, there is a huge tomb.

It is said to be a tomb, but it is more like a piled head...

The head was carved with all the facial features, and even had a sense of lifelikeness.

I immediately thought of the huge headless statue on the top of the mountain when we entered the cave.

This head is its?

At this moment, the paper figurine Xu murmured, "There are two roads here, which one should we take?"

Mr. Yinshu and Mr. Yangsuan, headed by Zhou Fangquan, are still looking ahead.

I looked back and found that there are indeed two plank roads on the left and right sides of our stone platform.

The plank road is built close to the mountain wall. The mountain wall is no longer like the bare rocks outside, but is covered with vines, giving people a feeling of vitality.

I looked forward along the left and right plank roads, and then looked down.

Finally, the plank road disappeared into the dense forest at the size of a huge pit...

Jiang Pan said solemnly: "There are inscriptions."

My complexion changed slightly, and I looked back at the initial position of the plank road, only then did I see a stone tablet firmly established on the right edge of the cave!

A large number of characters are densely carved on it.

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