Soon we were on the plank road.

Liao Cheng walked in the front, Mr. Yinjutsu and Mr. Yangsuan followed, and at the end were me, Jiang Pan, paper figurine Xu, and Tang Ding.

"Everyone is on guard. Mr. Liao said, don't touch those vines. Mr. Zhou just looked at the things in the vines."

"We have to be on the safe side!" Mr. Yinjutsu spoke with an extra cautious tone.

Everyone else obeyed Liao Chengyan, and they kept a certain distance from the vines on the rock wall.

All of us extended into a line, slowly moving down the plank road.

I was still thinking about it, but Jiang Pan said in a low voice: "It's broad daylight now, it's impossible to run into ghosts, and the vitality here is particularly strong, even if it's corpse poison, it won't break out so easily."

"The poison follows the poison, but most of them see blood seal their throats. Zhou Shuangquan couldn't have been injured just now... I just took one look, and he died..."

Jiang Pan's tone was very dignified. He glanced at the vines on the rock wall, Shen Ning for a moment and said again: "Is there only one problem with the plank road? Or are there actually two?"

Tang Ding was terrified by his words, and his face was always pale.

The paper figurine Xu suddenly said, "I can take a look."

While speaking, the paper figurine Xu raised his hand.

It was only then that I noticed that his arm was actually covered with a layer of green corpse skin...

The most vicious method of the paper maker is to cover the body with the skin of a human body, as if a living person has bumped into a ghost, and consciously controls the body.

Although it is not dark yet, the tenacity of the green corpse skin is also equivalent to a layer of protection.

"It's best not to touch..." I just said.

Xu, the paper figurine, shook his head, and said, "I think it's best to take a look. If this thing is found here, it's inevitable that it's found in other places as well. It's better to be prepared in advance."

Jiang Pan nodded solemnly and said yes.

The paper figurine stopped for a while, and did not continue walking down.

He stretched out his hand extremely slowly, and pushed aside a vine beside us.

Nothing special was seen on the exposed rock wall.

The vines that have grown for too long are like old tree trunks, and there are some white mushrooms and bait on them from time to time.

I used to see fungus and bait growing on tree trunks on the edge of the Xuanhe River, and I was used to it.

"Wait until the bottom, and then look at other things."

The paper figurine Xu reached out and touched the vine, as if checking it, he murmured in a low voice at the same time.

We paused for a while, and there were people in front of us looking back at us.

Their speed obviously slowed down a lot.

After we followed up, someone looked at the paper figurine Xu's eyes with a bit of surprise.

The paper figurine Xu didn't pay attention to them, and took a look at that place again.

"Nothing special." The paper figurine Xu whispered.

Continue to move forward, and in a blink of an eye, we have walked a small half of the plank road.

Xu, the paper figurine, didn't stop to check it on purpose, but just pulled it away casually to have a look, and then walked down.

Jiang Pan and I also began to think, is there really a problem with the other plank road?

Then Guan Xiantao made two plank roads, is it really a preliminary screening? !

In a short time, we covered more than half of the distance.

As we go deeper into this depression, the air becomes a lot more humid.

The sun can't shine deeper, but the light here hasn't gotten worse, it's still normal.

The temperature didn't get colder, it was even more warm.

This means that the anger here is getting stronger...

The Mr. Yinjutsu and Mr. Yangsuan in front obviously relaxed a lot. They were all talking about Zhou Shuangquan's unjust death and being too impatient. Wait a little bit, they can also take this safe road.

After walking for another quarter of an hour, we reached the bottom of the plank road.

Straight ahead is a neat forest.

On the other side is the exit of another plank road.

It's just that, on the bushes and grass outside the plank road, some corpses fell crookedly...

Looking closely, the corpses looked particularly terrifying.

The whole face is extremely large, especially the chin, which is full of air roots.

Most people can't rest in peace, their eyeballs are wide open, but their whole eyes are gray...

Soon, I saw Zhou Fangquan's body. He was squatting on the ground, his head was smashed, but there was no bleeding from his head.

The location of the wound was dry, as if there was no blood.

Compared with other "human beings", perhaps Zhou Fangquan was barely human.

Those things are like monsters...

I didn't see any of Lai Qian's group.

It can be seen that they are taking the same path? !

Look at those "people" again, the clothes they wear are more simple, and even a considerable part of them has been weathered and tattered.

"People who have entered this place over the years... It seems that many of them have gone the wrong way." Jiang Pan murmured in a low voice.

The rest of the yin and yang calculation masters were discussing, and most of them said that they had never seen such a dead person. It was obviously not a demon, but the corpse did not rot.

Why on earth made the corpse look like this?

In their discussion, some people also said that it might be poison.

But they couldn't come up with a conclusion, what kind of poison is this...

In short, these dead people are unheard of, unseen...

Liao Cheng signaled everyone not to touch these corpses.

He walked up to me and Jiang Pan, glanced ahead again, and said, "Brother Yinyang, Mr. Jiang, what do you think? Let's go straight there?"

Seeing that we started discussing, everyone stopped talking immediately, and everyone was quiet without making a sound.

Jiang Pan thought for a moment, and said, "The tomb is right in front of you. In the center of this depression, so many people died on just two plank roads. Those who can walk here are not simple gentlemen."

"This forest must be difficult."

"It's best to analyze the feng shui of this place first, and see if there is a matching feng shui pattern."

Liao Cheng nodded and said, "That's what I mean too. It's getting dark, why don't we set up camp here, how about it?" Jiang Pan looked at me.

I also think what Liao Cheng said makes sense.

It can be said that the camp was set up, and there was no other manpower except Tang Ding, a servant.

We can only find a suitable place to sit on the ground outside this safe plank road.

Tang Ding went to collect some firewood from all around, and lit a fire for everyone to heat dry food.

Everyone has no other opinions, and now they all regard Liao Cheng as the backbone.

After everyone settled down, the paper figurine Xu began to arrange the paper bundles in various positions.

It was getting dark.

Both Jiang Pan and I took out pens, inks, papers and inkstones, and began to draw Fengshui maps of this place from memory.

Although we don't know the feng shui of the seventy Black Mountains since we entered the Yin Mountains.

After passing through the cave and seeing the depression for a moment, none of us could tell why.

But as long as we analyze the position of life and death, it will always be safer to enter from the place of death instead of going to the place of death.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and Jiang Pan and I were very serious about drawing.

Time passed bit by bit, and I don't know how long it has passed. Our drawings were less than half.

At this moment, there was a voice shouting in pain from the other end: "Let go of me! Paper doll Xu, I just went to see Mr. Zhou...I have an old relationship with him, I will see his body, take it out Isn't some of his relics okay?!"

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