Soon, the two Taoists Dongyang and Shangqing came to the corpse. Dongyang Taoist lifted the body, and Shangqing Taoist inspected it on the ground.

After a while, they came back to us.

The broken body was placed on the ground, and at close range, I recognized him with just one glance. He was Xu Shuang...

Cracked Yintang, broken eye corners, sunken nose, broken cheekbones.

He is even more scarred...

Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I have been tortured a lot. Not only was I beaten, but I was also rolled down the mountain."

"I'm guessing that Xu Shuang should have overpriced halfway, or maybe they think that Xu Shuang is useless."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone answered from behind: "It must be that Xu Shuang is useless. Those old bastards feel that there is no need to bring Xu Shuang, an ordinary person, when they get to the place. They just kill them and hurry up."

Jiang Pan and I looked at each other, Jiang Pan's eyes clearly showed a look of unbearable, he whispered: "No matter what the reason is, Xu Shuang can be ignored, and there is no need to brutally kill him."

Dongyang and Shangqing also nodded at the same time.

Before, the two of them didn't go to the front of the crowd very much, and I didn't have a deep impression of them.

Now I am much more impressed, except for the similar incorruptibility and thinness.

Dongyang has a goat face with a little beard, while Shangqing Daozhang has a long and narrow face with straight eyebrows.

Dongyang is more serious, while Shangqing is colder.

Daoist Shangqing answered a sentence and said: "The murderer will always be killed. No matter who did it, he must give an explanation."

Jiang Pan agreed.

Under the signal of Liao Cheng, another Mr. Yang Suan stepped forward to check the things on Xu Shuang.

The result, of course, was nothing.

Finally, Jiang Pan wrapped a white cloth around Xu Shuang's head.

Seeing that it was almost time, I whispered something and set off!

Everyone set off on the road again.

The distance between the two mountains is about 600 meters.

We arrived at the foot of the last mountain, and there was no road to this mountain.

The whole mountain is integrated, and the edge is even steeper and towering. That kind of slope is completely impossible for people to climb and pass.

Looking up from below, the headless body is even more majestic, as if the whole mountain is his body!

There is no road on the mountain, and the road seems to be cut off by the whole mountain, but it is not.

At the end of the road ahead, there is a narrow entrance.

The entrance is too small, with a width of less than one meter and a height of just over two meters.

I went to look at the map of the parchment, only to find that this is the last road. The mountain was drawn on the parchment, and there is a small hole below it, and there is an exit on the other side of the mountain.

After the exit, there is that blurred area...

I was at the front of the line and went all the way to the entrance of the cave.

Blackened rock caves with sharp edges and corners.

What came out of the cave was actually a gust of warm wind...

In fact, all the places we passed were mostly Dead Dragon Mountains and Stone Mountains, where the geomantic omens were extremely poor, and there were mostly dead qi, and the qi was very weak.

This warm wind is actually anger!

This further shows that behind the cave that crosses the mountain is a place full of vitality and geomantic omen.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the anger to escape that far...

Not only me, but also Liao Cheng, Jiang Pan, and even those Mr. Yinshu have noticed.

Someone took out a compass, and someone closed their eyes and concentrated on the feeling.

I also took out the fixed compass, and after keeping it stable in my hand, I looked down at the pointer above.

The pointer of the compass presents a red needle, which indicates that the God of Fortune will protect the Dharma!

"Through this cave, you will arrive at the tomb." I said in a deep voice, and said to the people behind me.

Looking back at this moment, my heart trembled even more.

Because I just saw the rear, there are many staggered hills.

It happened to be noon at this moment, the sun was shining directly down, and the faces on those black hills were exceptionally clear.

Their looks, expressions, or greed, or excitement, or pain, or struggle...

At first, I thought they were watching us intruders.

Now I feel more like this...

Builders of tombs, guide us in with parchment...

Even this parchment leads us on the right path.

Although we can't figure out many things, we can definitely determine that no one would want his body to be exhumed after his death.

He invited us in, there must be a conspiracy.

He has great confidence that he can make all the people who are scheming come to nothing, and even die here!

Also, there is another possibility.

If there is no such parchment, those who conspired against his corpse will definitely find a way to break the feng shui situation here.

The parchment has actually become a subtle tool, and we didn't destroy anything when we came in...

In terms of feng shui, this road may not be's just that you can get in...

I also thought of another point.

If you don't use the sheepskin rolls, if you can't enter this feng shui place, then you don't have enough strength.

If the strength is enough, it will naturally break this place at a glance, and all the dangers are under control...

Master said that if you are not strong enough, it is best not to intervene in it. If you intervene, you will have to bear the consequences yourself...

Of course, I was able to figure this out because of my master's previous entrustments.

Most people would definitely not think of it, and would only regard the parchment as the only path map to enter here.

At this point in my thoughts, I retracted my gaze and turned to look at the people behind me.

I looked at the faces of those people very deeply.

Almost everyone, the first reaction is to dodge!

Sir, there are rules, you can't directly look at the faces of your peers, and spy on other people's fate.

The next moment, several Yang Suan gentlemen covered their faces and said solemnly: "Mr. Li, is there anything wrong with you looking directly at our faces?"

I took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Some people are not allowed to enter this cave."

The moment my voice fell, there was silence in the field.

The next moment was the uproar!

Most of the people stared at me angrily, and some couldn't help but said, "Mr. Li, what do you mean by that? Everyone came here after suffering all the way, and they couldn't enter the tomb before?!"

"Could it be that you are self-reliant as a proselytist, just like Lai Qian and those old guys, you look down on us Mr. Yin, Mr. Yang?"

"But don't forget, this is not the Dixianglu, nor what you say, we have to listen!"

Liao Cheng looked at me thoughtfully, his expression was rather calm.

Jiang Pan's eyes were full of doubts.

In fact, what Jiang Pan thinks is not as deep as mine. This should be related to what Guo Tianyu taught him. Mr. Tianyuan is not as good as Mr. Geography in some aspects.

"Yinyang, you have to give everyone an explanation, why can't you enter?!" Jiang Pan asked.

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