During this back and forth, everyone's previous negativity has completely receded, leaving only excitement and hatred towards Lai Qian and others.

They believed in Liao Cheng the most and respected Jiang Pan a lot.

It's just that everyone is still faintly afraid of me.

I motioned for everyone to bring all the food they had divided with them.

Although the horses were taken away and most of the large water bladders that stored water were emptied, everyone still had their own small water bladders, so it was no problem to persist for at least a certain distance.

This time it was Liao Cheng who led the way.

We don't have horses, which is actually a lot more convenient, and the journey is much faster.

It's just that we didn't go far, and we saw some horse corpses, abandoned on the road...

Everyone looked extremely gloomy.

Tang Ding followed me all the time, deduced in a low voice, "Almost all of them are dead, only those two big horses are left..."

"In fact, two big horses are enough to carry things. They don't use ordinary horses, and they don't let us use them." Everyone didn't say much, and everyone naturally understood Tang Ding's words.

It took us about half a day to return to the previous fork.

There are some traces of camping on the ground.

There are two forks on the left and right, one of which is flat and wide, while the other is narrow and cramped.

There were still some signs of people passing by on the broad road.

Liao Cheng paused for a moment, then walked directly towards the narrow road.

Among the people in the rear, someone suddenly said anxiously: "Mr. Liao, the road here... should be walked by them."

Liao Cheng didn't stop, let alone look back, he just said flatly: "It's just a cover-up, Lai Qian and the others also know that we won't all leave, there must be some people who will follow."

"You look at Lu Kuan, and there are still traces. It means you haven't seen the parchment, or you don't understand it."

"Whoever walks that way may not be able to get out alive." Liao Cheng's words immediately made people shudder.

He led the way and let us enter the narrow road.

This narrow road is a gap between two mountains. The overall width is at most two meters, and it will be narrow if three people walk.

It was afternoon and the sun was shining, but it was impossible to penetrate the mountain and enter the narrow road.

Looking up, there are slopes on both sides, and looking up, there are two rock-carved faces.

Someone shouted in amazement: "Look! The face appeared again! Sure enough, this is the right way! Last night, the mountains around the three-way road, where is there any face?!"

Someone else said in a low voice: "I see that along the way, Xu Shuang played a lot of tricks. We saw faces in some places, but sometimes they didn't. Those two bastards, Lai Qian or Bi Zong, are messing with each other."

Along the way, everyone's tone was indignant, but it was not so dull.

During the walk, I simply did not avoid suspicion and took out the original parchment scroll.

After I watched for a while, Liao Cheng's hand suddenly pointed to one of the positions.

The place he pointed to happened to be the narrow path we were walking on.

Follow this route, and there are three more hills away, and you can reach the tomb.

It is said to be a tomb, but in fact, that section has no path and is completely blurred.

It is very likely that there is a new path, and perhaps you need to find it at the Jinding point.

While I was thinking, Liao Cheng said: "Here, they should have to detour for a long time." Liao Cheng pointed to the second mountain, and I immediately understood that it was the place where he did his tricks.

We were on our way, without stopping or relaxing.

When it was dark, we had walked the remaining three mountains, a third of the way.

That is to say, we have come to the front of the second mountain.

The mountains here are not as bare as before. There are a lot of vegetation growing on the mountains, but the color is dull.

Liao Cheng told everyone that there is a source of water here.

And he took out Mr. Lingzheng's magic weapon, the transparent bottle containing the goldfish.After calling in a few people, I went to find the water source.

We'll stop here.

Lai Qian and the others drove us in the middle of the night first, probably two-thirds of the way has already been traveled. Of course, they may not have left this second mountain...

After all, Liao Cheng moved his hands and feet.

Tang Ding led the servants to make bonfires and tents.

The paper figurine, Xu Mao, hunched over and climbed onto the sloping hillside. He actually tied up the green corpse paper and hung it out!

Under the bleak night sky, the green corpse paper was hung on the dark old tree. The wind blew, but the paper did not move, which was particularly infiltrating.

In particular, the reflection of the moonlight actually made the paper bundles glow with a faint turquoise light, adding a bit of hostility.

During this period, Liao Cheng came back with the few people just now.

They really filled the water bag and distributed it to everyone.

We sat around the bonfire and baked pancakes to satisfy our hunger.

The paper figurine Xu arranged all the paper bundles, he came back to us, and said faintly: "Before, I restrained myself a little bit. If along the way, I used paper bundles every night to watch the night, even if I didn't look at them, they would I have some skills. I won’t let those people..."

Before the paper figurine Xu finished speaking, Liao Cheng shared a piece of dough pancake for him, and said with a smile: "Old man, if you keep it with paper, I'm afraid they will take out some of themselves, and if you break your paper at night, you will be damaged." Your strength."

"After all, he is still Mr. Yin Yang, with his own uniqueness."

"Now that they are gone, it may not be a big bad thing."

"It's not easy to divide the good corpse pills. There is only one Suspected Dragon Sutra." Liao Cheng's words immediately made the paper figurine Xu's eyes focus.

Paper figurine Xu didn't say anything more, and finally only said one sentence, from now on, he will keep vigil.

The night gradually deepened.

We went back to our tents to rest.

Had no issues overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, we broke camp and set out on our way.

Along the way, we found many traces, but they were very messy.

Moreover, in this second mountain, there are many old trees and denser shrubs, so it is not a bare mountain at all.

It was about noon when we came out of the mountain pass.

Further back, you can see a huge mountain.

That mountain is one-third higher than the normal Black Mountain.

And there is no longer a human face on the top of the mountain, it seems that the top of the mountain has been chiseled into a human body, but that body has no head...

"It seems that if you pass through that mountain, you can see where the tomb is." Liao Cheng murmured.

At this moment, the two thin Taoist priests suddenly murmured at the same time: "There is a bloody smell." The next moment, the two of them rushed down towards the rocky slope on the side.

At the exit of this mountain, there is indeed a road leading to the last mountain ahead.

On the right side of the avenue is a hillside, about 30 meters high, and at the bottom is a pool, deep and bottomless.

Dongyang and Shangqing Daoist were walking quickly on that hillside.

We looked down almost simultaneously.

At a glance, I saw a dilapidated corpse at the junction of the bottom of the hillside and the pool. The blood stained many rocks, and some even flowed into the pool...

Lai Qian and his team consisted of five gentlemen, plus one Xu Shuang...

Who is dead? !

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