Although I didn't say exactly what happened.

But there are all gentlemen in the room, maybe some people are not as thoughtful as others.

But no one is really that stupid.

At a glance, everyone can see what happened.

Some people are already yelling, saying that Lai Qian, Bi Zong, Duanmuyi, Zhang Yan, Li Heng and others are immoral!

Not only do you want to eat alone, but you even want to cut everyone's way of life!

Some people also said that they slept too much last night, which was very wrong in itself, and they must have been drugged, which made everyone unresponsive at night.

I know they are right.

The amount of medicine they gave was not heavy, and it would not hurt their lives, so it was not reflected in their faces.

Jiang Pan suddenly said: "If I remember correctly, on the way back, we will pass one or two mountain passes with water sources. Lai Qian and the others did not completely kill the matter. The part of the food left behind is to let us know how difficult it is. And retreat, leave the Yin Mountains."

After he finished speaking, many gentlemen looked at each other in blank dismay.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Pan said again: "Since this is the case, I think that if someone wants to go back, they can bring some servants and dry food, and go back the same way. It will be difficult on the way, but they should be able to leave safely. Lai Qian and the others I did it because I didn't want to leave too many murders, and we were all starved to death here, and they couldn't bear the debt."

Jiang Pan was right.

In this way, Lai Qian and the others can not only enter the mountain by themselves, but also get rid of us without any karmic debts.

If we don't get out when we can, it's none of their business.

As a result, no one in the crowd responded to Jiang Pan's words.

On the contrary, someone said in a low voice: "Tang Zhen waited for four months, rushed for half a month, and entered the mountain for four days. Everyone came here for the Emerald Corpse and the Suspected Dragon Scripture, so they left like this, didn't they?" Cheaper than those five young people?!"

One stone stirs up waves, and when someone takes the lead, more people follow immediately. "Mr. Jiang and Mr. Li are benevolent, and they walked with everyone. They even listened to that old man Lai Qian and took out the map, but they actually took all the guides away!"

"We are not people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. It is impossible for them to achieve their wishes so easily!"

Jiang Pan frowned, but didn't continue to speak.

Liao Cheng walked two steps away from me, with his hands behind his back, with a calm expression, he said:

"Mr. Jiang, I don't think you need to let everyone leave."

"What you comrades said is very reasonable. Why do you have to work so hard, and when you are about to reach the tomb, let those five unrighteous and untrustworthy people pick the fruit first?"

"Besides, it's not that we don't have a map. It's a big deal to do more research." Liao Cheng's words were immediately catered to by everyone.

Immediately, someone said unwillingly: "That's right! What Mr. Liao said is the truth! Why let those ungrateful people take advantage of it?!"

"I saw that Lai Qian deliberately suppressed Mr. Liao before. It was clear that he had a conspiracy in mind. It can be seen that Mr. Liao is a righteous person! He deliberately alienated everyone!"

To be honest, I froze for a moment before I realized it.

Liao Cheng actually won everyone's hearts with just one or two words? !

Jiang Pan still wanted to speak.

I immediately gave Jiang Pan a look.

Jiang Pan just kept silent.

Liao Cheng and I nodded, and said: "Brother Yinyang, let the servants take stock of the food. If there are no horses, let everyone share the food. As for the water, we will find a way."

"Lai Qian and others want to use Xu Shuang to throw us away, but it's not that easy."

In fact, Liao Cheng doesn't need to say so much, I understand the meaning of a simple sentence.

But I understand better, he is using this method now to make the rest of the people more convinced of him.

Of course, I followed Liao Cheng and entrusted Tang Ding to do things according to his words.

Liao Cheng raised his hand at Jiang Pan, and said, "Mr. Jiang, that parchment of yours." Jiang Pan didn't pause, took out the parchment, and handed it to Liao Cheng.

Liao Cheng sat cross-legged on the ground.

Immediately, those Mr. Yin Art and Mr. Yang Suan all surrounded even more.

At this time, Liao Cheng did not let everyone avoid suspicion.

Sometimes, many details will change the minds of many people.

Just like Liao Cheng's behavior now.

In fact, we were on guard against Lai Qian and others before. They are Mr. Yin and Yang. If you look at the parchment a few more times, you may be able to remember them.

Now these Mr. Yinjutsu and Mr. Yangsuan are much less capable.

Even if they read it more than a dozen times, they can't get the parchment, and they can't remember the path at all...

In this way, we are naturally not afraid of them watching.

But if you don't avoid suspicion, you will be more trustworthy.

After a while, Tang Ding and the rest of the servants separated the remaining food.

They are already waiting for our orders.

Liao Cheng put away the parchment, and he said in a deep voice: "What a Xu Shuang, his heart is simply to blame! The three roads in front of us are all wrong!"

"If we were in a hurry just now and walked into one of them randomly, all of them would be wrong. Not only will it waste time, but it will also be dangerous."

"It seems that Lai Qian and the others have communicated with Xu Shuang a long time ago and deliberately asked us to come here."

Liao Cheng's words are something we have seen a long time ago.

But other people don't know!

When he said it in this way, everyone was even more astonished, and the expressions on their faces were even more of a common hatred.

The two priests, Dongyang and Shangqing, had pimples on their brows.

They were cleanly dressed and looked similarly thin.

This dignified expression is somewhat similar to that of the Taoist priests of the Liu family.

In other words, I am afraid that all Taoist priests have a rigid face when they are serious?

"Can I catch up with them?" Daoist Dongyang's eyes showed a bit of murderous intent, and he said in a deep voice: "If I catch up, I only need a sword to make Xu Shuang lose his mobility. The others, I will punish myself."

Daoist Shangqing also nodded, and there was also disgust in his stern eyes.

Liao Cheng smiled, and he said: "You two priests, don't be impatient. Although Liao is not as familiar with the map as Xu Shuang, I have also studied a lot on this journey. We will definitely be able to follow the map. superior."

"But do we really need to keep up?" Liao Cheng murmured.

Daoist Dongyang and Daoist Shangqing looked at each other, but they didn't say anything.

In the crowd, someone spoke cautiously and said: "The mantis is catching the cicada, the oriole is behind, Mr. Liao's move is very good! Lai Qian and the others will never guess, we can still follow. The road ahead may not be easy, they walked After that, we are safe too!"

"They want to take it for themselves, then we must not let them do so!"

"Hehe, I saw it at the beginning. After Mr. Jiang said that people can only learn the Suspected Dragon Sutra after they have been apprenticed, those five people must have been planning at that time! With their identities, who is willing to give up the teacher's school?"

"But why do they learn the Suspected Dragon Sutra like this? Dispersed Mr. Suspected Dragon's inheritance?!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, everyone immediately started talking about it.

They all thought that the man's analysis was correct.

Liao Cheng even clapped his hands and applauded, saying he was right!

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