The servants are setting up camp, burying pots and making food.

All of us gentlemen formed two circles, including eight gentlemen including me, and the outer circle was Mr. Yinjutsu and Mr. Yangsuan.

The one in the middle is Xu Shuang.

Xu Shuang was looking down at the parchment, each of us looked extremely cautious.

What the face carved on the mountain heralds in Feng Shui, none of us can tell.

And so many of us almost represent the pinnacle of the Yin-Yang world.

If we can't come to a conclusion, then the only conclusion is that these faces have nothing to do with Feng Shui in essence!

It's just that its location has been specially calculated by someone.

Anyone who is proficient in wind and water skills will definitely look at the mountain from that angle, and then he will be able to see the human face!

This leads to a conclusion...

The parchment, including the path on it, was prepared by the man who built the tomb on the mountain.

If he is that feathered corpse, then he is ready to let people enter here...

But where would someone let uninvited guests keep coming to his tomb?

Unless, he has an ulterior purpose.

There is another saying, called please enter the urn.

Now we are walking on the edge of the urn entrance, poking into it at any time...


Not long after, the servants prepared the meals, and after we had eaten, we went back to our tents to rest.

In the early morning of the next day, they continued to break out of camp and on their way.

In this way, we walked for three full days!

I have seen about 23 hills.

From the expressionless faces at the beginning, those faces are exaggerated at the end...

If panic, anger, greed, joy, sadness...

This is actually very depressing!It's as if someone is pressing a string on my heart...

On the evening of the third day, we stopped in a col.

There are three roads ahead!This is a fork!

After Xu Shuang signaled everyone to stop, the servants quickly set up camp.

Xu Shuang said that he has not yet figured out where these three roads should go.

Think carefully tonight, because if you go wrong, the team may be in danger.

Most of the people looked at each other in blank dismay. Mr. Yin Yang was fine, but ordinary Mr. Yin Jue and Yang Suan had faint uneasiness in their eyes.

I found some problems.

When Xu Shuang led the way in the first two days, I could actually see the path of the parchment by comparing the matching degree between the hills I passed and the parchment.

Xu Shuang followed the parchment on certain paths.

In some places, he deliberately took a detour, and finally returned to the normal path map, as if he was also testing the accuracy of the map.

We shouldn't have come to this col!

Even the three roads in front of us are all wrong and will lead to a dead end!

In the morning, we passed a mountain col with a double fork!

Xu Shuang deliberately took the wrong way there and brought us here.

Deliberately going the wrong way and delaying time will not do Xu Shuang any good.

This only shows a little bit of the problem.

Even though Liao Cheng guarded Xu Shuang almost every step of the way, some people in the team got on the line with Xu Shuang...

That person, or those people, they have already bribed Xu Shuang, and they can't wait to part ways with us first!

The reason why Xu Shuang is so unscrupulous is simple. He thinks that we cannot read parchment.

I didn't make it clear, and even communicated with Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng through some actions.

Not long after, the servants pitched the tent and prepared food.

After the big guys had eaten, they went to rest separately.

I originally thought that Xu Shuang would use some excuses not to enter the tent, and the people who connected with him would also help.

But unexpectedly, Xu Shuang returned to the tent normally.

This confuses me.

He just feinted, and is he still going to take us back to the right path tomorrow?Or did he have other plans?

After late at night, sleepiness hit me, and I fell into a deep sleep.

It's just that I slept so hard this time, that I felt a little abnormal when I was so dead.

I heard rustling sounds in my ears, as if someone was walking around.

I wanted to struggle to get up, but my consciousness was clear, but my body was numb and stiff...

When Kankan woke up the next day, the sky was already bright.

Liao Cheng was still asleep, but Xu Shuang could not be seen in the tent...

Panting, I got up and got out of the tent.

It's already bright!The sun shone into the mountain, looking straight into the sky, and even felt a sense of blindness.

At this time in the past, everyone was already on the road.

Now there was no one outside the tent, and the bonfire was almost completely extinguished.

What changed my face even more was that our horses...all disappeared...

"Uncle Xu! Brother!" I took a sudden step and walked towards the tent where the paper figurines Xu and Jiang lived.

Pulling open the curtain of the tent, the paper figurines Xu and Jiang Pan were still sound asleep, and I yelled again in a low voice, and they finally woke up.

Without waiting, I immediately turned around and went to another tent.

The first one to pass was Lai Qian's tent!

After I opened it, there was no one in the tent...

My heart sank immediately.

Lai Qian and Bi Zong live in the same tent...

The problem is that the two of them...

Usually Bi Zong shows a little edge, while Lai Qian looks like an old gentleman. I really didn't expect them to join forces.

Even when arranging the residence at that time, we had planned to let the two people who were not easy to deal with live in, so as to prevent them from being twisted together.

Turning around again, I realized that Jiang Pan and the paper figurine Xu had already come out.

Even Liao Cheng is outside.

People began to emerge from some tents.

However, most of the ones that came out were Mr. Yin Technique and Mr. Yang Suan...

Soon, I arrived at the tent where Li Heng and Zhang Yan lived, and when I opened it, there was no one there.

When Liao Cheng arrived outside Duanmuyi's tent, he lifted the curtain, his face also became extremely gloomy.

Jiang Pan and the paper figurine Xu had just arrived at the tents of Shangqing and Taoist Dongyang.

Before they opened it, the two priests walked out of the tent one after the other...

"Everyone, come to me and gather! Something happened!" I whispered.

Everyone clearly understood the seriousness of the problem.

Everyone walked towards me quickly.

After them came the servants who came out of the tent,

Soon, all the remaining gentlemen gathered around me, Jiang Pan, and Liao Cheng.

They all looked panic-stricken, looking around, almost everyone's eyes were full of worry.

After glancing at everyone, I couldn't suppress the embarrassment no matter how I suppressed my face.

I originally thought that it would be a certain one who killed the two gentlemen and hooked up with Xu Shuang.

Take some Mr. Yinshu and Yangshu and leave.

But I really didn't expect it.

They actually had five Mr. Yin and Yang conspiring together...

Mr. Yinjutsu and Mr. Yangsuan are all here!

At this moment, Tang Ding, the servant driving our carriage, hurriedly squeezed through the crowd.

When he came in front of me, he looked extremely anxious and said, "Sir... we are in big trouble..."

"The horses were all taken away, more than half of the food was taken away, all the water was released, and only some salt and dry food such as dry biscuits were left..."

"Eating is barely enough to go out of the mountain, but there is no water. I'm afraid everyone can only last a day..."

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