"It must have been found in the tomb, and those people are needed..."

What the paper figurine Xu said made my eyelids twitch wildly, and my heart trembled.

We don't know the paper maker's methods, so we ignore this matter.

Master Xu, the paper figurine, died here, so he must be more obvious about the paper maker.

According to him, all this is really possible...

There is parchment, and Xu Shuang can understand it, so they must have been there back then.

It's just that there are many dangers in the tomb?

While I was thinking, Jiang Pan opened his mouth first, and he whispered: "Xu Shuang didn't say that those people came back, and there is a high probability that they all died in the tomb. A large number of people have died unjustly, and it has been 30 years, and I don’t know how much evil has been transformed.”

"Coupled with the original danger..."

The paper figurine Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured: "Danger is definitely dangerous, but if it comes to the most critical moment, you have to listen to me, and I will definitely take you out of danger, understand?"

Jiang Pan and I immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

Xu Cai, the paper figurine, murmured in a low voice: "You are indeed very special gentlemen, but everyone else is gentlemen, and the most powerful Yang Song died here. He has a low-level ability, and sometimes he is very strong in protecting his life."

I didn't push back, nodded and said yes, and Jiang Pan nodded the same.

The paper figurine Xu actually didn't understand the power of Fate Asylum.

But a lot of what he said makes sense...

A group of eight gentlemen.

At the beginning, I fought with Zhou Jingyi because Zhou Jingyi didn't have that protection.

But the rest of Lai Qian, Bi Zong, Li Heng, Zhang Yan, and Duanmu Yi are all highly regarded, and they are fundamentally different from Zhou Jingyi.

Under the premise that the husband is protected by fate, no one can say what it will be like in a fight...

Our team is more powerful than the group of paper figurine Master Xu and Mr. Suspected Dragon.

There are more variables!You can only be careful at any time, take a step, and look at it.

I talked to the paper figurine Xu again, mostly to make him calmer. After making eye contact with Jiang Pan, I walked out of the tent.

I noticed that most of the people were rested.

Liao Cheng was still sitting by the campfire with Xu Shuang.

Liao Cheng and I nodded, motioning for him to come to me.

After Liao Cheng came over, I walked a little further.

He glanced at Xu Shuang from time to time to ensure that Xu Shuang was always in sight.

"It's almost there, no one can hear it." Liao Cheng stopped and motioned to me.

I immediately said what the paper figurine had said.

Liao Cheng's complexion suddenly changed, and he murmured: "Catch the living...then this approach may be to complain, good corpses are good, it can determine Feng Shui, it is the acupuncture point."

"If the entire big cave is full of vitality, the good corpse is right in front of us, and we may not be able to get close..."

"If you kill someone in front of him, there will be changes."

"They arrested people, probably because they failed, or there was a bigger change, or not enough people died that time."

Liao Cheng lowered his head, his eyes became darker, and he murmured: "If this is the case, we have to be careful, Mr.'s life is much more resentful than ordinary people."

After I understood Liao Cheng's words, my complexion changed drastically.

Liao Cheng's meaning is too direct.

The acupoint is too angry to take the corpse, so it needs to be killed to disperse it.

Use resentment to suppress anger and achieve the purpose of taking the corpse.

In this way, there is a high probability that we will have to face such a scene when the time comes.

Or we'll have to kill someone.

Or... there must be someone who wants to kill us...

The life of a master is indeed much more important than ordinary people, how many lives are enough?

One, or two?

"Brother Liao, maybe your calculation is wrong..." I hesitated for a moment, then whispered.

Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured: "Brother Yinyang, do you think I can talk nonsense? I even think that there must be Mr. Zero and Zheng Ershen, that is, Mr. Shuang of my master's generation. But if Master and Master Uncle have been there, and they will definitely not tell me."

"The only possibility is that Mr. Yin from Ji Niang Village has been there. At that time, Mr. Yin of that line should..."

Liao Cheng's eyes were suddenly filled with longing.

He said word by word: "It should be that the door has not been cleared. He should have some magic skills of Lingzheng and Ergod. The method of killing people and resenting grievances should come from Mr. Lingtang. I hope he dies here, and more Hope he left something behind..."

At the end, Liao Cheng patted me on the shoulder again, and said in a low voice: "Brother Yinyang, the Shanshi Pill is what we must obtain. You can be ruthless at certain times. Think about your fate. With Jiang Pan and I standing guard, the siblings are fine, if you don’t live to be 40, your good deeds will be evil to them.”

"I'm not afraid to tell you frankly, among this group of people, if they kill you to get the Shanshi Pill and the Suspected Dragon Scripture, they will definitely not show any mercy!"

My breathing became a lot faster, and I whispered: "I understand."

Liao Cheng's expression was satisfied immediately, and he murmured: "Believe it or not, when Xu Shuang got the parchment, he even thought about how to make a price with us, and when the time came to a certain road, he would have a fit. "

"Believe it or not, someone has already targeted him. Xu Shuang's greed can be satisfied by those people."

"We don't know the shape of the mountain here. When we walk halfway, we know how to compare the mountain with the similar places on the map, so we don't need Xu Shuang."

"If anyone can't suppress his greed, he will use his hands and feet first, and use him to break Feng Shui."

While speaking, Liao Cheng walked towards Xu Shuang with a smile on his face.

I looked at Liao Cheng's back, and I felt that the way he looks now is the normal one.

When he was with me and Jiang Pan, Liao Cheng suppressed a lot of his temper...

Mr. Yin Yang, who specializes in the study of human soul and vitality, really has his own uniqueness.

It's just that his methods are too harsh, almost ruthless.

Jiang Pan must not accept it, I need to think about it...

Looking at Zhang Yan, Li Heng, Duanmu Yi, Bi Zong, Lai Qian and others, I am afraid that none of them will be easy...

I went back to the tent and went straight to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Liao Cheng came back, and Xu Shuang also lived in our tent.

In the early morning of the next day, Tang Ding came to wake me up and signaled that the food was ready.

Everyone can set off after eating, and Xu Shuang needs to lead the way.

We woke up only to find that some people had already risen outside, having breakfast around the nearly extinguished campfire.

It was about seven o'clock in the morning and the procession was ready to go.

But we face the first difficulty, which is to abandon all the carriages.

Horse-drawn carriages are not allowed on this mountain road...

Of course, the carriage stayed, and the horses were all led, carrying our things on the road.

After entering the mountain, I felt that everything around me became much gloomy.

Crossing the Yin Mountain cut off the anger of the dragon, and the entire mountain range also became more dead.

On the narrow mountain road, there are still some falling rocks from time to time.

We had just walked some distance when we discovered the problem...

On this path, not far away, you can see some broken paper bundles, or parts of paper bundles, hanging on dead trees...

Everyone has their own thoughts.

The paper figurine Xu told me that they probably fought on this road when they entered the mountain.

My heart was slightly cold, and I nodded in agreement.

The team walked for a whole day, and when it was getting dark, we stopped in a mountain depression, a slightly flat place.

And we found some problems... It's about the Yinshan Mountains, and even about the feathered corpse...

On this day, we probably walked through four hills.

When surveying those mountain tops through Feng Shui, we found that from the angle we walked, there was a place with the most obvious line of sight on the top of the mountain, and the rocks had been carved.

The carved shapes are faces!

It's as if we have been walking, and each mountain is a person, silently staring at us, the group of intruders...

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