Jiang Pan and I were a little negligent...

After Xu Shuang took the parchment, he snorted and murmured, "It's really the Guoyin Mountain Range...the outer edges are all the same...how is this possible..." Xu Shuang's eyes became more serious, and he whispered again. Said: "Mr. Li, I'll go over to watch by the campfire." I nodded in agreement.

Lai Qian raised his hand to support his long beard, and Bi Zong's eyes flashed with joy.

Similarly, when the other gentlemen saw me taking out the parchment, Xu Shuang could still understand it, and everyone was quite excited.

We all came to Xu Shuang.

Some gentlemen wanted to get close, but were stopped by Duanmuyi, Zhang Yan, and Li Heng, three yin and yang gentlemen.

Lai Qian didn't get close to Xu Shuang too much, he said with a faint smile: "Mr. Li and Mr. Jiang are able to take out the parchment. They are two trustworthy people. But in order to avoid problems, no one can read it except Xu Shuang's guide."

"My old bones, let me lead by example first."

The rest did not dare to say more.

After a while, Xu Shuang stretched out his hand and drew a line along the parchment mountain map with his fingers. He murmured: "Here is the road I crossed the Yin Mountain Range. There should be other roads, but the danger is different. I This is the fastest way."

"Mr. Li, Mr. Jiang, where are you going? With this parchment, I will definitely take you in."

"It's amazing... Who can draw this map?" Xu Shuang licked the corner of his mouth while speaking.

I can see that his expression has changed slightly.

Of course he hid it very well, but he suppressed it the moment he appeared.

It didn't escape my eyes, though.

I think it's not just me who sees,

With Xu Shuang's little move, she thought she had hidden it well.

Including us in the field, there are a total of eight Yin-Yang Mr., and more than ten Mr. Yang Suan.

I'm afraid even if there is a Daluo god, he won't be able to lie in front of us.

Xu Shuang raised her head and looked at me questioningly.

I remained calm, pointed to a place on the parchment, and said, "That's right there."

Xu Shuang glanced at it, he let out a little surprise, and murmured: "It's weird, other places are clearly drawn, why is this place blurry..."

I said: "The part of the drawing itself is blurry, you just need to bring us around there."

Xu Shuang nodded, and he said seriously: "Okay, there's no problem." But when he finished speaking, the rest of the people obviously looked at me and Liao Cheng.

Of course, no one said anything else.

"Everyone, rest well tonight. Let's set off tomorrow. Although the guide knows the map, we must be careful. After all, no one has traveled that road." Jiang Pan's tone was more solemn.

The rest of the crowd clasped their fists and said yes, and then gradually dispersed.

Liao Cheng stretched out his hand to Xu Shuang and said, "Let's go tomorrow, and I'll give you the parchment."

Xu Shuang was stunned for a moment, his eyes showed a bit of trouble, and he whispered: "Mr. Liao, the Guoyin Mountain Range is complicated, I have to take a look, you see..."

Liao Cheng's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly.

Lai Qian, who had just walked away for three or two steps, suddenly stopped, he helped his long beard, and said: "Mr. Liao, I think, since Mr. Li and Mr. Jiang agreed, you also took out the parchment, and asked Xu Shuangduo Look, it's safe for us to hit the road."

"The rest will not go to peep." Lai Qian said this very directly.

Liao Cheng raised his eyelids and said, "Mr. Lai thinks so, then let Mr. Lai decide."

A bit of satisfaction suddenly appeared on Lai Qian's face, and he turned and left.

Liao Cheng sat beside Xu Shuang, and he said with a smile: "Xu Shuang, take a look, if you don't understand anything, just ask me, I will study with you."

Obviously, Xu Shuang's face froze.

This made several of the people who left pause in their paces.

These details let me know that from the moment we pulled out the parchment, something was up in the air...

Including the change in Xu Shuang's expression just now, he wanted to keep the parchment by his side...

Slick people are so greedy these days, I am not the only one who sees his greed.

Then those people must have plans.

Liao Cheng's current approach will make it more difficult for some people's ghosts, but it will never give up their thoughts.

However, Liao Cheng modified the map secretly, and not many people know about this backhand.

"Brother, Uncle Xu, you all go to rest, I will sleep after sitting for a while." I looked at the paper figurines Xu and Jiang Pan and said in a low voice.

Jiang Pan nodded, and he turned and walked towards a tent.

But the paper figurine Xu gave me a look, asking me to follow him.

I was a little puzzled, but the paper figurine Xu's expression was as if he knew something and didn't say anything...

Liao Cheng glanced at the paper figurine Xu thoughtfully.

I took a look around, almost everyone dispersed, it is impossible for anyone to see the change in the paper figurine Xu's eyes.

I immediately whispered: "Brother Liao, I will talk to you later." Liao Cheng nodded immediately, and he trusted me much more with his eyes.

Turning around, I followed the paper figurine Xu.

He and Jiang Pan are in one tent, and Liao Cheng and I are in another.

After I followed in, Jiang Pan was slightly surprised, but the paper figurine Xu made a silent movement.

Jiang Pan immediately understood the meaning, without further words, he looked out from the window of the side tent, then nodded and said, "No one came."

Xu Qin, the paper figurine, said in a low voice: "Then Xu Qin will definitely not go on the same journey as my master. He must have belonged to another group of people besides my master back then. Maybe he also has the map of the parchment scroll, and the most important thing Son."

"I think they should already know something, even to the tomb." Jiang Pan's pupils tightened, and he whispered: "Why do you see it?!"

Xu Shuang, the paper figurine, murmured: "In the beginning, Xu Shuang said that Yuncheng was haunted by ghosts, and after the dead passed by, they immediately swallowed the living."

"Sneaky ghosts that break corpses make people run into trouble, and murderous corpses that transform into ghosts directly kill people. There are very few living corpses that swallow people. Have you ever seen people who were directly swallowed by ghosts?"

The expressions of Jiang Pan and I changed at the same time.

Jiang Pan murmured: "The folk rumors must be exaggerated, Uncle Xu, do you understand?"

The paper figurine Xu touched his shoulder, and murmured: "The one who can swallow a living person and take it away, at present, I think only we paper maker has this method. Exactly 30 years ago, my master came, and that The traitor Xu Qin is also here."

"It stands to reason that we don't want to lead ordinary people to delay. Although they can't be like us, there are so many gentlemen, but at least there is a Mr. Suspected Dragon, who is a real expert. The rest of the staff are also low-level The best among them, my master Xu Qianzhang's name was not small back then, he must have appeal in the lower class."

"Then why do you think they brought so many living people with them?"

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