The paper figurine Xu is still at the foot of the mountain, he only has the eight green corpse paper bundles.

This bloody evil paper is stuck here...

Were there other papermakers who went ahead of us? !

Not just us, there is another group of people who are interested in the corpses of the Chaoyin Mountains? !

Because there may not be only one sheepskin scroll.

The one in my hand, the paper figurine has said that it looks like a rubbing...

So even if there is another team, I would not be surprised.

I was thinking quickly, but Bi Zong's questioning did not get any response.

The thin green man Zhang Yan stepped forward, he quickly walked down to the top of the mountain, and quickly approached Xueshazhizha.

The rest of the people were looking around, extra vigilant.

"If there is still a group of people, we need to be more careful, and there may be disputes." Jiang Pan said in a deep voice.

I nodded, pulling back my thoughts.

Bi Zong narrowed his eyes slightly, he shook his head, and said, "No one, only the paper bundle."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yan actually walked back towards us.

Even... He took the paper bundle in his hand and brought it back.

Soon Zhang Yan came back to us.

Mr. Wu Yan, Li Heng frowned, and said, "It's been a while, and this paper tie is useless."

Duanmuyi's square face became a little more serious, and he said solemnly: "30 years ago, the master of the paper figurine Xu came here. Could it be that the paper was made 30 years ago, or someone came here in recent years?!"

"If in recent years..."

Bi Zong rubbed his chin, he said: "If you find the hole and look at it, you will know that Mr. Suspected Dragon was buried here. If the Suspected Dragon Sutra has not been lost and was taken away by someone a few years ago, then Mr. Da should have appeared in this world long ago. "The few words everyone said made me startled.

To be honest, I didn't immediately think that this paper bundle was made 30 years ago.

After all, that time is too long.

But what Zhang Yan said was not unreasonable.

Xuesha's paper tie is not easily damaged. I looked down at the lower half of the paper tie, as if it had been cut by a knife.

What Li Heng said was a bit of a misunderstanding, the grievance and fierceness of the paper tie did not dissipate, it was just broken, and it was far from wasted.

Zhang Yan was able to get it back because, as Mr. Yin Yang, he might not dare to make trouble with this paper stick.

Also, there is no paper maker to control it.

"Let's go down the mountain first. I don't think we can see anything during the day. Let Xu Shuang read the parchment before making a decision." Jiang Pan suggested aloud.

A group of us walked down the mountain.

During this period, I tied the paper over.

It took an hour to go up the mountain, and it was faster to go down the mountain, and it took half an hour to reach the foot of the mountain.

The tents have already been set up, and there are iron pots on several bonfires, cooking some dried meat.

The paper figurine Xu walked up to me, he stared down at the paper bundle in my hand, his eyelids were shaking all the time.

"Uncle Xu, do you know him?"

The paper figurine Xu's reaction directly explained something.

"Found it on the mountain?" Paper figurine Xu's voice was hoarse, and his eyes were a little red.

Without looking up, he carefully checked the right side of Zhizha's head.

I nodded and said yes.

Not only the few of us just now, Mr. Lai Qian, who didn't go up the mountain, and other Mr. Yinjutsu and Yangsuan, all approached a lot.

Soon, the paper figurine Xu raised his head, his eyes were red, and he was even panting heavily.

"It's actually's really him..."

"Uncle Xu, the owner of this paper bundle is your master?" It was Jiang Pan who spoke.

He also respected the paper figurine Xu.

I called Uncle Xu, and he also called Uncle Xu.

Prior to this, Jiang Pan had repeatedly requested that Xu, the paper figurine, call him by his name directly.

The paper figurine is also stubborn, insisting on saying that it is unreasonable, and it is still called Mr. Jiang...

Jiang Pan's voice just fell.

The paper figurine Xu shook his head, with hatred in his eyes, he whispered: "No, my master's paper bundle has a special mark."

"In other words, each paper maker marks his paper differently."

As he said that, the paper figurine Xu motioned me and Jiang Pan to take a look.

He held up the paper tie and adjusted the angle so that I could just see that there was a mark on the right side of the paper tie's head and where the ears were.

That is a Qin character.

Immediately afterwards, the paper figurine Xu put down the bloody paper bundle, and took out another paper bundle of his green corpse.

After opening it, let us look at the right side of the head of the paper tie.

There is a witch word.

The paper figurine Xu said in a low voice: "My real name is Xu Wu. The name paper figurine Xu was passed down from my master. His name is Xu Qianzhang."

"The master of this bloody evil paper is called Xu Qin."

"Back then, he deviated from the scriptures, murdered the ancestor, and even killed my teacher's wife. The master hated him to the bone."

"I didn't expect come here... He definitely didn't do anything good." After saying that, the paper figurine Xu raised his foot vigorously, and directly stomped on the paper figurine.

Bi Zong nodded, and he said, "Since that's the case, Mr. Li, shouldn't you..."

This paper tie is not a threat, and it is something from 30 years ago, so naturally it will not arouse everyone's interest.

Although Bi Zong didn't finish his sentence, the urging in his eyes and the eyes of the other gentlemen made me understand what he meant.

I bowed my head first, and said with the paper figurine Xu: "Uncle Xu, since there is no major event, then it's fine. We will go to the mountain tomorrow."

Then, I turned my head to look at Xu Shuang's position.

I found him right away, he was squatting in front of a bonfire, chatting with Tang Ding, the servant who was driving the chariot, and he was so excited that he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Xu Shuang, come here." I called out.

Xu Shuang was startled, he immediately got up and hurried towards me.

With a flattering smile on his face, he nodded and said, "Mr. Li, you are looking for me."

I took a deep breath and told Xu Shuang. I showed him a parchment map to see if he could find the general location of the mountains.

Xu Shuang hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Do you have a map of this mountain? It is definitely impossible. No one has traveled through this mountain. I only know that a road can be crossed. If I bought it at a high price, I might be cheated." .”

What he said was very direct and deadly.

But Bi Zong said in a deep voice: "You will know after seeing it, don't draw such unreasonable conclusions."

I was about to take out the parchment.

At this time, Liao Cheng came from the side. He raised his hand and just took out a piece of parchment from his pocket.

Not only Bi Zong, but even Lai Qian's eyes had a bit of haze.

They all think that Liao Cheng's status is average and his age and qualifications are not enough.

And it's not like all the students from the same discipline come here. Therefore, Liao Cheng has been discussing things with us, and many people think he is unworthy.

Now, he took out the parchment, which naturally irritated some people.

Liao Cheng's parchment was rubbed.

The moment he handed it over to Xu Shuang, I could see that something was wrong. Certain positions of the parchment seemed to have been altered.

But that didn't affect its overall quality.

Immediately, I understood that Liao Cheng had been prepared for a long time...

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