Bi Zong's pupils constricted, and then he shook his head and said, "The city is haunted by ghosts, and it happened decades ago. I know it's useless."

I frowned. Indeed, this information has no effect on Bi Zong.

During the time I was on my way, I had a side-view of some of their methods of Mr. Yin-Yang.

Both Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan talked to me a lot.

Bi Zong's yin and yang skills can only be regarded as mediocre, not as good as the other four.

He was strong because he thought that the gray eye he was born with was more sensitive to Yin and resentment.

He can see things that are difficult for us ordinary people to see.

Anger, for example, can only be seen when it is so thick that it can almost condense.

The same is true for resentment, if the resentment is so high, ordinary people can see some black air.

Bi Zong is different, his gray eye can see more directly!

When Bi Zong asked about ghosts just now, I knew that he wanted to find another way to quickly find the place where the corpses gathered!

In the Guoyin Mountain Range, there should not be many places where corpses gather.

Either it is a place of great evil, or it is where the feathered corpse is.

After all, this is a fierce mountain, and there will not be many ordinary tombs.

My thoughts settled down quickly.

Xu Shuang said embarrassingly: "Then there is no such thing as haunting. The biggest thing in Yuncheng happened 30 years ago. I can't tell you anything else. I can only take you into the mountains."

"Do you want to go in and find the grave?"

"However, there are basically no graves in Guoyin Mountain...there are wolves everywhere on the mountain, and people who bury people will be dug up." Xu Shuangsha explained.

During this time, I noticed a small detail.

There was something wrong with the paper figurine, he was lowering his head, thinking about something, and the others ignored him.

Lai Qian asked Xu Shuang a few words, such as the water flow across the Yin Mountains and the lakes in the mountains, and Xu Shuang answered them one by one.

Time passed slowly, and as night approached, we finally arrived outside the Guoyin Mountain Range.

A group of people got out of the car, and the servants began to set up camp, burying pots and cooking.

Xu Shuang has been following Jiang Pan all the time, because Tang Ding, who brought him here, has the most respect for me and Jiang Pan. People like him can tell who can make money.

Of course... Maybe he will make a mistake if he follows Jiang Pan.

Under the quiet moonlight, the sight is still quite clear.

We, a group of twenty or thirty gentlemen, were all looking north.

The Guoyin Mountains are in the north!

There is almost no vegetation on the mountain, the mountain is steep, and from the mountainside up, the rocks and soil are all black.

Montenegro, probably got its name from this.

Seventy Black Mountains...

That is the beginning of this mountain, and there are a total of seventy such mountains in it? !

I turned around and walked back for a while, and behind me was a large slope that sloped down.

Now it's dark and I can't see very clearly.

But I remember very clearly that the road we passed was mostly grassland and the vegetation was even denser.

I also thought about it for a long time, and felt that the problem was not small.

Before crossing the Yin Mountain, there was a grassland full of vitality, so how could it be possible that those mountains were full of difficult-to-grow vegetation.

Now that the facts are in front of me, I can't help but sigh.

There are so many geomantic omens in this world, there are always some places that have not been recorded by geography.

Suddenly, a voice behind me broke my thoughts.

"Mr. Li, we have to go up some people to see how the mountains ahead are going. There are many things to see at night. Do you want to rest or go together?"

I turned around and realized that it was Bi Zong who was talking to me.

His gray eye was deeper at night, and it was even a little white.

I pondered for a moment and said, "I'll ask elder brother and brother Liao."

Bi Zong said: "Mr. Jiang is ready, Mr. Liao will not go, and Mr. Lai is too old to climb the mountain repeatedly."

"Mr. Wu Yan, Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Duanmu are going." Bi Zong paused for a moment, and then said, "The rest of the people will set up camp here, and see how the surrounding Feng Shui is, and see if there are any clues." I was stunned for a moment, then nodded Well said.

Turning around and returning to the vicinity of the team, Jiang Pan nodded to me.

The chubby Mr. Wuyan Li Heng, the thin Mr. Qingnang, and the square-faced Mr. Yi Zan Duanmu Yi all nodded to me one after another.

Along the way, everyone treated everyone with the surname of Mr.

Only Mr. Wu Yan has the same surname as mine, and the rest call him the Yin-Yang Realm.

Bi Zong and I made a gesture of invitation, but I didn't push back.

His eyes swept across the front again, that is, the black mountain facing the north, and he walked straight over.

We were at the foot of the mountain ourselves and quickly found a suitable path up the mountain.

Walking up the steep and rugged mountain road, I felt a coolness under my feet, as if a gust of cold air was drilling into my body.

This mountain is very high, there is no vegetation, and it didn't take too long to go straight up.

After nearly half an hour, we reached the top of the mountain.

It's almost ten o'clock at night now, and the moon above us is rounder and colder.

The top of the mountain is relatively wide and stable.

Looking further to the north, I felt a chill in my heart.

In my sight, what I saw was a large black hill.

From near to far, the nearest is hundreds of meters, and the vision becomes more and more blurred further away.

The seventy hills occupy a large area, and it is impossible to see them all at a glance.

What can be judged first is that the mountain under our feet is higher than the mountain inside.

From the perspective of Feng Shui, this is also a kind of guard mountain.

But this is not Hengchao Mountain, but Jielong Mountain!

As the name suggests, cut off and cut off, stop the breath here!

In the Guoyin mountain range, the vitality is weak, which leads to so many barren hills, and most of its energy is not anger.

If it weren't for this section of Longshan Mountain, the bad winds from this large mountain range would blow into the southern plains, and within a few years, the lower part would become barren and troubled...

"Miscalculation, Black Mountain is too far away, there are too many mountains, and I can't see anything." Jiang Pan's voice was disappointed, and the other three gentlemen looked disappointed.

Bi Zong looked at the mountains in front of him for a long time before turning his eyes away, and said: "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Li, you have to take out the sheepskin rolls and let Xu Shuang see if you know the area. Otherwise, according to our previous discussion, each mountain will be covered by a mountain. Pushing the mountain forward doesn’t work at all.”

"These seventy mountains are too big, and the Guoyin Mountain Range is too big. It may take a year or so to finish walking one by one! Not to mention the Fenjin Ding acupoint..."

"You are worried that there will be too many people and the team will disperse, so let Xu Shuang watch it alone, how about it?"

"Besides, Xu Shuang can only find the approximate location. If you really want to say that he understands the parchment scroll, it is difficult for him to understand it. What you are worried about will not happen." Bi Zong said very seriously, word by word.

The other three Mr. Yin Yang nodded and said yes.

Jiang Pan and I looked at each other, and Jiang Pan responded with a questioning look.

I glanced at the dark mountains in front of me again...

A year and a half is indeed too long, what Bi Zong said has some truth...

"Let Xu Shuang read the parchment later." I said cautiously.

Immediately, a smile appeared on Bi Zong's face, and the other three Mr. Yin and Yang also breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Bi Zong's complexion changed slightly.

He suddenly took a few steps forward.

Surprised, I followed immediately.

When I stopped, I had already reached the edge of the top of the mountain, and the slope was down.

About tens of meters away, there is a person...

That person seems to be watching us...

"Your Excellency, what the hell is that!?" Bi Zong scolded in a low voice.

The next moment, I felt a chill in my heart.

Because I can see the man clearly, there are almost no facial features on his face, only three holes.

The skin is a bit dark red, so who is it? !

How does it look like a bloody paper stick? !

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