Actually, I didn't arrange for Zhu Xun to go with us.

After this banquet, I have no arrangements.

Didn't say it before the banquet.

Yesterday, I didn't let Jiang Pan talk about it either.

Although Zhu Xun's life was spared a little by my side, I also took Zhu Xun with me when I went to some places.

However, he really couldn't take any more risks.

The last time I dealt with Zhou Jingyi, I didn't expect Zhou Jingyi to gather so many bad guys.

At that time, I, Jiang Pan, Liao Cheng, and the three of us were protected by fate, so there was no danger.

But it was a fluke that Zhu Xun was safe and sound.

Back then, Zhou Jingyi's attention was all on me, Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng.

If Zhou Jingyi had asked Xia Jiuliu to attack Zhu Xie first, Zhu Xie would have undoubtedly died!

This trip has been to Yinshan Mountain, and the journey is even more distant. Zhu Xie is good at beheading people and fighting with people openly, but he is not good at entering tombs!

I have a hunch that if I take Zhu Xing away, he will definitely die...

My thoughts were racing, and I also looked at Zhu Xun with deep eyes.

"Take a good look at Xianglu, take good care of the escape, take those medicines on time every day, and we will come back as soon as possible." I exhaled and said directly.

Zhu Xun's body, which was standing up straight, suddenly collapsed a lot.

"But sir...the journey is tiring, and you have no one to take care of you...there are many dangers on this trip, so I can't rest assured..." Zhu Xun said, with anxiety in his eyes.

"Old Zhu, sir, don't you want to listen?!" My tone suddenly became a little harsh.

Only then did Zhu Xun's body weaken a lot.

Huang Qi hurried to Zhu Xie's side, and he advised Zhu Xie in a low voice, basically saying that he listened to me, he must be right.

Besides, they stayed in Tang Town to take good care of the young master, so that the husband would not have any worries.

Zhu Xun's complexion finally got better.

Jiang Pan put Dunkong on the ground again, and trotted to Zhu Xun. He pulled Zhu Xun by the corner of his clothes and whispered, "Grandpa Zhu is not allowed to leave. You want to take me to see the wolf mastiff!" The words brought a smile to Zhu Xie's face.

The second uncle also stepped forward to persuade Zhu Xie, and Zhu Xie's mood became more stable.

"It's been a while, brother Yinyang." Liao Cheng who was on the carriage threw down the blade of grass in his hand.

I have actually noticed that someone behind is going forward.

He Zhi is clever, she said softly: "Second Uncle, Lao Zhu, Huang Qi, all give way."

Several people all leaned towards the door of Di Xianglu, Jiang Pan and I looked at each other, and he nodded.

I immediately turned my head to look backward, and said in a deep voice, "Gentlemen, this trip has passed Yinshan Mountain, let's set off!"

Everyone got in the car.

Several of us also quickly got into the carriage.

The drivers were the two coachmen who traveled with us to Longshan at that time, and they were familiar with them.

The carriage set off steadily and headed out of Tang Town.

The paper figurine Xu is full of energy, more energetic than in the past few years.

In Liao Cheng's hand was a small rubbing map.

That map was rubbed by me on a parchment scroll.

Of course, only the three of us have the map.

During this time, Liao Cheng was looking at the map almost whenever he had free time.

There are actually some problems with the sheepskin scrolls. Most of them are continuous mountains, and there is no specific route, and there is even a blurry area.

In that blurred area, there is a coffin shape.

That place should be where the feathered corpse is, but how to get in, you have to go to the place and then find the way.

I didn't sleep last night, and felt a lot sleepy, so I leaned on the car and fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, I had just passed Hongyuan County...

Although the Qiang carriages are fast, there are ordinary carriages behind them, so the speed is naturally not fast.

However, the journey during this period of time was not so boring.

After setting up camp at night, several of us Mr. Onmyoji will get together to discuss some knowledge about Onmyoji.

Those Mr. Yin Jutsu and Mr. Yang Suan will also come to ask for some advice.

As for Uncle Xu, he made some yin arts and yang calculations fear a lot.

Even the two Taoist priests, Shangqing and Dongyang, were faintly unkind.

The reason is simple, every night before going to sleep, Uncle Xu would take out the eight mouthfuls of green corpse paper and tie them up...

That's green corpse skin...

Seriously, Mr. Yin Yang cannot be underestimated!

Not to mention Mr. Yinjutsu and Mr. Yangsuan! ?

For a Taoist priest, the green corpse is also a fierce corpse, so he will naturally look bad...

I originally wanted Uncle Xu to restrain himself, but after I chatted with him, Uncle Xu told me very seriously that he now has one arm left, and it is not a big problem for Xue Fiend and Sombra to use it.

It's just that these are eight green corpses, and he needs to practice more.

I can't say more, and I can't stop Uncle Xu...

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye, and we finally arrived at Yuncheng!

Along the way, all of us discussed in detail, we need to find a local guide in Yuncheng, so that we can learn some rumors about the Yin Mountain Range.

Then station outside the mountains and enter the mountains in a gradual manner.

After resting in Yuncheng for a long time, the two servants who drove our cart split up.

One took the rest of the staff to buy dry food and water bags for supplies.

Another servant, Tang Ding, called for a guide.

The guide is a little old man in his sixties, dressed in cloth fir and a round felt hat, with a round face that looks oily and extraordinarily smooth.

Tang Ding introduced to us that this guide is called Xu Shuang, and he has been hunting in Guoyin Mountain all year round.

In the early years, Xu Shuang was still walking back and forth between the two realms of Guoyin Mountain and doing business, so he knew the inside of Guoyin Mountain very well.

From the point of view of me and Jiang Pan, Xu Shuang looks smooth, and there is nothing fierce in his face. Generally, such a guide is easy to communicate with.

Jian Jian communicated with Xu Shuang, and we rushed to the foot of Guoyin Mountain.

During this period, Lai Qian, Mr. Yuchi, and Bi Zong, Mr. Crypt got into our carriage.

The five gentlemen, headed by the two of them, discussed with the three of us what to do.

The rest of the gentlemen and Taoist priests are waiting to follow the arrangement.

After some communication, we learned some things about going deep into the Guoyin Mountains!

First of all, there are few resources in the mountains, mostly barren rocks, few trees and vegetation. If there is not enough water, drinking water will be a problem.

In addition, the temperature difference between day and night is huge, so bonfires must be built at night, and wolves must be protected.

Bi Zong also asked directly, is there any place that is very haunted?The little old man Xu Shuang thought about it carefully, and then said that haunting is not much heard of, but people who are not familiar with the way, after entering the Yin Mountains, it is difficult to get out, probably being carried away by wolves.

Several of us looked at each other.

Xu Cai, the paper figurine, asked, 30 years ago, did a large group of people find a guide to enter the Yin Mountains?

Xu Shuang lowered his head and thought for a while, then he hesitated before saying, "Whether anyone was looking for a guide 30 years ago, it's been too long, how can I know."

"However, 30 years ago, a major event happened, and many people disappeared..."

"Yes, yes! Didn't this gentleman ask if there is a ghost?!"

"During that time, Yuncheng was haunted by ghosts! Those sneaky men specially picked some strong and strong men, and as soon as the dead passed by, they swallowed the living directly! Do you think it's scary?!"

When saying this, Xu Shuang looked at Bi Zong.

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