After saying that, Dunkong lowered his head and seriously drew symbols on the hemp paper.

Looking at his immature but rigorous little face that is almost meticulous, the words he said linger in my ears...

"I want to protect Daddy..." I had mixed feelings in my heart.

Dun Kong has suffered since he was a child, he is so young, he wants to use the skills he has learned to protect me.

I raised my hand, subconsciously wanting to touch his head.

However, I immediately stopped my arm again.

The talisman of escape has already outlined a quarter, this talisman is not so detailed, it is obviously still a little rusty.

But the special aura contained in it made me faintly startled.

The rune is covered with blood, and this blood is wrapped in black ink.

Outlined by the golden ground pen, it seems that every inch of the rune is embedded in it with a knife!

Dizhi pen and Tiangan inkstone are the least I use.

But these two things are not weaker than the fixed compass and golden abacus.

It is still a two-piece set, and in some respects, it is definitely better than a single magic weapon.

Xu Fuke and one Fu can control mountains and water...

I'm afraid it's not just the ability of the yin and yang technique in the talisman, but also the ground pen and the heavenly stem inkstone? !

He Zhi didn't know when she came out, she leaned gently beside me, and held my palm along with her hand.

Time passed little by little.

At least half an hour has passed.

The talisman of escape has been drawn to the end, and only the final ending is left.

His small face was pale, obviously exhausted, and his hands were trembling slightly.

In the end, he still stabilized his forearm, and after drawing the last talisman, he slowly raised his hand.

"Daddy, look!" Dunkong looked up at me, his little face was filled with joy and anticipation.

I looked down at the Taoist talisman, but felt even more startled.

On the top of the talisman paper is a sand character.

But the sand is different from the usual way of writing, it feels like it is flattened, like the structure of a mountain.

There are two strokes under the sand, outlining the prototype of a talisman.

The two strokes are not straight, but slightly distorted.

This is not the crooked edge of Dunkong's pen. If you look at the crooked part horizontally, it looks like a winding and undulating mountain.

The filling in the middle is actually sand characters, each of which has a different shape!

The outline of the sand characters is some mountain shapes, and finally it is completed to form a rune.

I took a deep breath and gently took the talisman into my hand.

When I started, I actually felt a sense of heaviness!

"Dun Kong, you draw very well, much better than Dad."

"This talisman is very special."

"What... is this rune?" I didn't continue to look at the rune itself, because I couldn't understand it any more.

Dunkong's little face was full of joy and pride, and his smiling eyes were bent into crescent moons.

"It's written in the book, 24 Mountain Town Dragon Talisman, which is pasted on the mountain, Dad, wait for me to draw a Talisman, it can be pasted on people, I have learned it too! But my uncle told me not to use it to paste people !"

"Wait for me!" After speaking, Dunkong touched another piece of hemp paper, and dipped the ground pen into the inkstone.

The dry nib sucked up all the remaining ink.

Dunkong's face was already pale, but his hands became steady again.

I was startled for a moment, and immediately said: "Dunkong, stop painting, listen to daddy!"

With a stern tone in my tone, I reached out and wanted to grab his arm.

I've seen him like this before.

When I first drew the Hekui Corpse Slaying Talisman, I was short of energy. A few Town Object Talismans and one Hekui Slaying Corpse Talisman were enough to consume my energy and make me sleepy for a long time!

But He Zhi turned back and grabbed my forearm directly. She bit her lower lip slightly and said softly, "You let Dunkong paint, and it will rest well." Obviously, He Zhi also saw something.

"This..." My heart was full of distress.

What is slightly better is that the second talisman of escape is obviously not as complicated as the first talisman.

Moreover, this is not a vertical long talisman, but an oval like a human face.

It is said to be a rune, but it actually looks like a simple human face...

The different eyebrows, mouth and nose give people a stiff feeling.

Even so, when Dunkong made the last stroke, the Dizhi brush also came out of his hand.

Without saying a word, he fell backwards.

I quickly reached out and hugged Dunkong, and the ground pen rolled on the table.

The talisman paper was faintly glowing with blood.

I sighed lightly, and looked at Dunkong's pale face with even more distress.

"This is the child's heart, you take it with you, and he will be happy every day." He Zhi squatted down, hugged me, and also caressed Dun Kong's face with his hands.

"I'll be back soon."

"Definitely!" I said seriously, word by word.

Afterwards, I hugged Dunkong and went back to the room with He Zhi to rest.

I said it was a rest, but in fact I didn't sleep all night.

Dunkong was lying on the innermost side, He Zhi gently hugged him, I put my arm on He Zhi's pillow, and my outstretched hand was gently stroking Dunkong's head.

I found something special.

In fact, Dunkong recovered very quickly, he actually slept all night, his pale face turned rosy.

Let me compare with him, I can't compare at all...

Is this because two bodies and one soul made him recover so quickly?

I think my guess is pretty close.

This is indeed a great opportunity to escape!

Misfortunes and blessings depend on, fate has never been fake...

The next morning, He Zhi and Dunkong almost woke up together.

Dunkong was very energetic and wanted to hug me, He Zhi could see the fatigue on my face, her eyes were distressed and blamed, I responded with her soft and reassuring smile.

After we had eaten and cleaned up and saluted, we left the Li residence.

When you get to Dixianglu.

The Dixianglu was already full of carriages!

The most important ones are the big Qiang carriage and two handsome tall horses.

Jiang Pan was at the forefront, and Tang Song whispered in his ear.

The paper man Xu is on the right, while Liao Cheng is sitting on the carriage, playing with a blade of grass in his hand.

Huang Qi and his second uncle's family were also waiting on the other side.

There are some gentlemen standing in front of the carriage at the rear.

I can still see some people dressed as servants, which should be the people arranged by Tang Song.

When I passed by, everyone was obviously pleasantly surprised.

When he got closer, Jiang Pan stopped communicating with Tang Song.

Dunkong called uncle affectionately, and Jiang Pan immediately went over and hugged him in his arms.

Tang Song walked up to me, he bowed deeply to me, and said in a low voice: "Sir, everything has been arranged."

I understood what he meant, nodded and didn't say much.

The gate of Di Xiang's house opened, and Zhu Xun hurried out.

Zhu Xun also carried a package and his machete on his back!

I frowned slightly and said, "Old Zhu."

"Sir, I've packed everything, I'll get in the car first." Zhu Xie said another word in a hurry, and was about to get into the car.

I yelled again in a low voice: "Old Zhu!"

He froze, turned his head, and looked at me with a pale face.

"Sir... what else do you want to bring?" He said unnaturally.

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