Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 700 I Want to Protect Daddy

It clucked twice, walked up to me, flapped its wings twice, and landed on my shoulder.

The old chicken rubbed its beak on my shoulder.

"Mother..." Dunkong turned around and ran into the main room, reaching He Zhi's side.

"Dun Kong will be measured, I told him." He Zhi got up, and she said something to me with a little reproach.

I smiled wryly.

Jiang Pan is very good to Dunkong, he is very happy to let Dunkong sit on his shoulders almost anytime.

He Zhi loved Dunkong even more.

I explained, and said: "After all, Dun Kong is young, if something happens, Lao Ji is very old, older than me."

"In addition to the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng, Luo Yin only left the old chicken. I think it will come with us to open the sun. I will teach the Nine Skills of Yin Sheng to the daughter of Luo Yin, and then leave the old chicken with her. By the side of the descendants."

He Zhi shook her head, she frowned and said: "This matter is still open to discussion. Now your skills are different. A few years ago you also used the blood of the old chicken's comb. If it were someone else, let the old chicken risk his life, and then you will lose your life." what to do?"

Her words made me stagnate, I nodded, what He Zhi said was indeed correct.

The next moment, the two of us fell silent again...

Even though he was talking about something just a moment ago, there was no sound at this moment.

After a long, long time, He Zhi touched Dunkong's head, and said in a low voice, "Can I come back before the Jingzhe?"

He Zhi and I were silent just now because I will definitely not be out for a short time...

Jingzhe is Dunkong's birthday, at least five months away.

Even so, I'm not entirely sure I'll be back...

Because we are not only going to go to the Yin Mountain to get the feathered corpse, but after returning, we have to go directly to Longlong's Yin death place to bring Zhou Jingyi out.

The feng shui of the Guoyin Mountain Range is absolutely complicated, and Mr. Suspected Dragon died there.

It will take us a month just to travel, not counting the time spent in the mountains...

I bowed my head, deducing in my heart.

But there are bound to be many variables along the way, and I can't be sure.

Finally, I was about to say that I was trying to get back before the Waking of Insects.

He Zhi raised his hand and made a blocking motion.

"It's better not to say it. You haven't been sure for so long. It's easy to change. If you say you can't come back, Dunkong and I will be very sad."

After saying that, He Zhi picked up the thing she just sewed from the table, and whispered: "I made insoles for you, it will be much more comfortable when walking on mountain roads."

I feel warm in my heart, very warm.

Likewise, I am even more grateful for He Zhi's understanding.

I told He Zhi first that I will leave tomorrow, but she still called me and asked me to change the insoles in person for her to see.

After I tried it all, she was finally satisfied.

After that, I didn't leave Li's residence, and I kept playing with Dunkong all the time.

Chase me with amulets, and I run with the old chicken.

He Zhi watched from the side, covering his mouth all the time, laughing happily.

When it was almost night, He Zhi went to cook.

Our family of three finished dinner happily.

Dunkong asked me, why didn't uncle come?

I explained to him that my uncle is busy, and starting tomorrow, I will go out with him for a short time.

Dunkong lowered his head, and said in a low voice: "I heard what daddy, you and mother said, but won't uncle come to say goodbye to me?"

Du Kong is so well-behaved and sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

I reached out and touched his head, and told him to send me and my uncle off tomorrow.

There was a lot of surprise in Dunkong's eyes.

He climbed up on top of me and kissed me on the cheek again.

After that, He Zhi cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, and said with great interest that he wanted to draw a talisman for me, and asked me to bring the talisman he drew with him!

My heart was warm, and I was even more happy.

Just when I was going to get the pen, ink and inkstone.

Dunkong asked me again, can I use my golden pen and black inkstone to draw symbols for him.

Usually, I used normal pens, inks, papers and inkstones to draw talismans.

His childish words made me stunned.

The golden pen is an earthen pen!

The black inkstone is Tiangan inkstone!

I pondered for a moment.

It is impossible for me to teach the geomancy of Dunkong, but it is not a big problem to use it simply.

In fact, Mr. Yin Yang's objects are all special.

Unless it is unowned, it can be used by holding it.

Almost all those with inheritance have some spirituality. When the master refuses to use them, ordinary people can't pick them up.

Unless that person's life is harder than the owner's and can forcibly snatch things away.

When I first became a teacher, I still remember clearly that the pen was about to fall, and I went to catch it, but I didn't catch it.

I took out the ground pen and Tiangan inkstone from the close-fitting inner bag, I smiled and said: "Okay, Daddy makes an exception and lets you use it."

Dunkong was even more elated, happily running around the table several times.

The old chicken in the house was so startled that it jumped on my shoulder again.

Soon, I ground the ink, and gave the ground pen to Dunkong.

He actually stuck his finger into his mouth and bit it hard.

Suddenly, a pained expression appeared on Dunkong's face!

Then, tremblingly, he put his blood-stained fingers into the inkstone and stirred it several times.

My complexion changed slightly, and my brows were furrowed!

How did Dunkong learn to draw talismans with blood?

Although I have seen the Taoists of the Liu family draw blood talismans, and even wrote in the travel notes of the geologists of the past dynasties, the master's blood and blood talismans can add power, especially for those who have mastered Yin and Yang skills!

But for Dun Kong, at such a young age, using such a domineering method would consume too much of his energy!

I didn't expect that when he was bleeding, it was too late for me to stop him.

"Dunkong, did your uncle teach you to draw the blood talisman, or did you read it in a book?"

Duan Kong was dipping his pen in ink.

After I finished asking, he looked up at me and said in a low voice, "It's written in the book. I was afraid of pain, so I asked my uncle, and my uncle told me that I can't draw casually, because it will hurt my body."

"But Dad, you have to leave the hospital. Uncle said that my talisman drawing is very good. I want to draw a very powerful talisman for you."

"I, want to protect Daddy." Dunkong's childish words were extremely serious.

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