Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 656 Do You Have a Long Memory?

I looked at Zhou Jingyi in shock and anger.

Of course, I didn't kneel.

The Huozhezi was even closer to the Yin Talisman, so close that the corners of the Yin Talisman curled up, even showing signs of being ignited.

"How dare you!" I bent down, wanting to grab the golden ruler.

Zhou Jingyi shouted sharply: "Li Yinyang, how dare you!"

"It seems that your son's life is not as good as the face of your knees."

Seeing that the Yin Talisman was about to burn.

My body trembled and my face flushed.

What is under my knees is not only my face, but also the face of my master Jiang Yihong, and even the face of Mr. Hei Yin Yang, who has been born in the past generations!

Zhou Jingyi didn't want me to kneel down.

What he wants is the geography geologist kneeling zero positive two gods!

Once I kneel down, he will definitely announce all these things to the world in the future.

Geographical geology lost all face!

And he, Zhou Jingyi, got the geomancy and bowed down, and everyone in the yin and yang world was sure to talk about it, so his wish came true!

A trace of sparks rose from the corner of the Yin Talisman.

I said hoarsely: "Zhou Jingyi, you pushed me to a corner, you will regret it."

Zhou Jingyi sneered, and said: "You are a rebellious son, your eyes are so fierce that you want to kill your father, the heaven and earth, plus my junior brother, there is no way out for me. If you don't kneel, then Just wait until my grandson is gone, and then fight me hard."

I felt a sweet and fishy smell coming from my mouth, and I clenched my teeth, feeling like my teeth were about to be crushed.

With a bang, I fell to my knees directly on the ground.

The whole person's head is buzzing.

Zhou Jingyi twisted the corner of the Yin Talisman, and the flame went out.

He looked at me incomparably complicated, and sighed: "Yin Yang, if you just listened to my father's words, why are you in such a mess?"

The next moment, Zhou Jingyi clapped his hands.

There are soft footsteps behind me.

My complexion changed again, there is still someone here? !

Soon footsteps approached behind me, and a hand pressed down on my shoulder.

I turned my head and saw that it was a tall, thin and extremely muscular man.

He had a hatchet on his waist.

I just realized that we overlooked one thing just now.

Among the people Zhou Jingyi mentioned, I vaguely remember a coffin maker...

It's just that there were too many people coming out on the mountain road in an instant, and I didn't see the coffin maker. At that time, I didn't think deeply...

I'm afraid the same is true for Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng.

Now I can recognize it at a glance, or because of his axe!

He Zhi has a coffin technique in his hand, as well as a repaired hatchet...

The coffin maker quickly pulled out a rope and tied it around my wrist.

He was so fast that he didn't give me a chance to struggle.

Now I am threatened by Zhou Jingyi, if I resist, he will burn the Yin Talisman...

My heart is struggling even more, but now I have no other way.

This situation...can only be resolved by Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng...

Maybe when Liao Cheng sees the Yin Talisman, can he have a way to avoid it?

I was particularly unwilling to be caught without a fight, and the thoughts in my mind were not interrupted.

Soon, my hands were tightly bound.

Zhou Jingyi's eyes were satisfied, and he said, "Lu Su, bring Yin Yang to me, I will show him a place, and by the way, I have to tell him one more thing."

Obviously, Lu Su is the name of the coffin maker.

He directly lifted my back and pulled me to Zhou Jingyi's side.

It was only then that I discovered that there was a cliff behind the top of the mountain where Zhou Jingyi was!

Dozens of meters away, is the other end of the mountain!

This ridge mountain is cracked at the highest peak, above Fengshui, which is also called Duanlong.

The place where the dragon is broken is the place of yin and death. If you are buried here, you will not be reborn!

"Yinyang, I think you didn't expect that there is such a Fengshui bureau on this dragon?"

"How about this place as the burial place for Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng?"

"..." I was silent, looked at Zhou Jingyi coldly, and did not answer.

Zhou Jingyi suddenly laughed, and he said: "That Jiang Pan is a very affectionate person, but my junior brother has greed in his heart."

"Do you know why Jiugong will help me?" Zhou Jingyi suddenly changed the topic, which made me confused for a moment.

But I still didn't accept Zhou Jingyi's words.

Zhou Jingyi narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Because, he wants geologists, I told him that as long as you come, he will help me, and geographers will be his."

My complexion suddenly changed.

Zhou Jingyi continued: "So, I can use you to force Jiang Pan to submit, and then promise my junior brother to give him another part of the zero positive and two gods yin and yang skills, and even give him a share of geography and celestial physiognomy."

"What do you think?" My face changed again, and I stared at Zhou Jingyi.

I shook my head, and said hoarsely: "Unless there is no other way, brother Jiang will never be arrested without a fight, and brother Liao, who can become Mr. Yin Yang, will not be without that kind of heart..."

Zhou Jingyi smiled lightly, and he said: "As a father, I will let you see, xinxing? In troubled times, Ling Zheng Er Shen Kong has the ability of Mr. Yin and Yang, but he has never been respected. Don't be reconciled."

The moment he finished speaking, Zhou Jingyi actually used a torch to burn directly on the Yin Talisman.

I was shocked and shouted in a low voice, "Stop!"

I never expected that Zhou Jingyi would turn back on what he said!

Zhou Jingyi was even more indifferent, and smiled: "Hehe, Yin Yang, the first lesson my father taught you is what you call xinxing. Your heart seems cruel enough. You really want to kill me, regardless of the blood relationship, but But he couldn't bear the death of his heirs."

"This yin talisman is nothing more than a soul nourishing talisman in the yin and yang technique of the zero positive and two gods. The three yang talisman is already domineering enough, and any yin and yang technique has no ability to capture the soul from the talisman."

"Your xinxing is not enough, and you know too little. It is said that geology is inclusive of all rivers and rivers. I don't think so."

"Looking back, I will incorporate the yin and yang techniques collected by geophysics into the lineage of He Lingzheng and Ershen."

"Have you got a long memory?" Zhou Jingyi reached out and pinched my chin, he raised his head slightly, raised his eyebrows, and his eyes were full of pity.

"Just like your mother, with a stupid heart."

"Don't worry, I will educate you well. If you are willing to listen to me, we, father and son, will have a high ground in the world of Yin and Yang. If you don't listen, I will go to Tang Town and arrest your wife and children." , and bury you together in an auspicious cave."

"Use the feng shui you brought to support my fate."

He raised his hand and dropped the Yin Talisman.

Under the light of the fire, the Yin Talisman was completely burned...

I just felt that my face was burning hot and uncomfortable, and my body was trembling.

Not only is Zhou Jingyi scheming, he actually wants to kill He Zhi and Dunkong...

If I am now used as a handle by him to threaten Jiang Pan, I am afraid that Jiang Pan...

I dare not bet...

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the hollow outside the cliff.

My eyes were wide open, I raised my head suddenly, and stared at Zhou Jingyi.

I thought of what Liao Cheng said just now, saying that Zhou Jingyi had done too many evils, and he forgot the feeling of being protected.

Asylum of Fate, I haven't fully understood it yet.

But Mr. Yin Yang, who is not shallow, should not exist...

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