Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 657 Just Bet This One Life!

I quickly deduced the stakes in my mind.

There are goose bumps all over the body, and there are fine and erect fine hairs.

My pupils shrunk into a tiny dot.

Zhou Jingyi's eyes became much colder.

He suddenly said: "Yinyang, my father doesn't like you looking at me with such murderous eyes."

"Now that your hands are tied and there is no one to protect you, if you were accompanied by the Liu family today, I would really dare not attack you."

"But now, you have become a prisoner, so be honest!"

Saying that, Zhou Jingyi raised his hand and slapped me across the face.

This slap made my face burn with burning pain.

"If you look at me like that again, I'll goug out one of your eyes!" Zhou Jingyi scolded.

Obviously, I didn't obey him, achieved his purpose, and made him hysterical.

Besides, just because I became a prisoner, I exposed his own nature!

My heart completely calmed down.

Because I thought about the result.

I don't dare to bet on whether Jiang Pan can do anything, and I dare not bet on whether Liao Cheng will turn against him.

Shizun is Jiang Pan's son, if he is forced to death, I will have no face to see Shizun.

Therefore, either I will kill Zhou Jingyi now, or I will die in Zhou Jingyi's hands, so that Jiang Pan will have no worries, so that he can act decisively and fiercely.

I want to bet.

Mr. Yin-Yang, who bet on the land and the world, is really hard enough!

"You rebellious son! You still have the same eyes!"

Zhou Jingyi pulled out a slender dagger from his waist, he grabbed my jaw, and the tip of the dagger wanted to pick my eyes.

My voice was cold, hoarse, full of murderous intent.

"Zhou Jingyi, do you still remember the Fate Asylum, how does it feel?" Apparently, Zhou Jingyi's eyes were filled with a hint of astonishment, and he also dodged.

"Fate Asylum? Hehe, I haven't encountered such a situation for many years as a father."

"Only those who are not good at learning art will need this illusory protection of fate."

In Zhou Jingyi's words, there were ridicule and contempt.

However, this is not the case in my ears.

I don't think he has, but he doesn't want to admit it.

It's like he wants to save face, he is a father in front of Liao Cheng, Jiang Pan, me, and those low-ranking people.

Until just now, he has always been that aloof.

If people know that Mr. Yin Yang is not complete, or even a black man, then he will have no face at all.

"So, you don't believe in fate?" I narrowed my eyes slightly, and my eyes became sharper and more decisive.

Before Zhou Jingyi could speak again, I raised my voice several times, and shouted in a deep voice: "Mr. Yin Yang, start divination and fortune-telling, look down at the mountain dragon, fate, is it illusory?"

"Fate is determined by fate, if you are a husband who doesn't believe in fate, then why do you still learn this yin and yang technique?!"

"If you don't believe in fate, fate will not believe in you!"

"No! You do evil and do many evils. Even if your words are duplicity, and you say you don't believe it, but you believe it, then you will not be protected by fate!"

"You will be sour if you can't get it. You are afraid of being found out, so you act like a condescending expert!"

"Zhou Jingyi, I want to bet with you!"

"Just bet on this life!"

Zhou Jingyi was speechless by what I said, his face was flushed, and he turned into a liver color in an instant.

He changed the position of the tip of the knife and inserted it directly into my mouth.

"Nizi! If you want your tongue to be useless, cut it off!"

"You are not qualified to bet with me, you are just one of the lower ranks..." He hadn't finished speaking.

And I have already tensed every inch of muscle in my body, and the soles of my feet are also clinging to the ground.

Although my hands were bound and I couldn't use my hands, other parts of my body were not restrained.

My whole body jumped up suddenly.

This action just caused Zhou Jingyi's knife to stagger and directly stabbed my shoulder.

But I also hit Zhou Jingyi's waist.

All the strength in my body was gathered on my shoulders, and I rushed forward!

Originally, Zhou Jingyi and I were only two or three meters away from the edge of the cliff.

Under this huge force, I couldn't control my balance and bumped into Zhou Jingyi.

When I tried harder, he was knocked over by me with a muffled grunt, and rolled towards the cliff.

Also, I completely lost control and rushed forward...

From behind came the terrified curse of the coffin maker Lu Su, stop!

But he was obviously too late...

Zhou Jingyi let out a terrified roar, and he fell off the cliff first.

I really wanted to stop the momentum of my feet, but I couldn't control it at all, and then rushed out!

Below him is the bottom of a cliff that cannot be seen at a glance!

I completely lost control of my whole body and fell towards the bottom...

The speed of the fall was very fast, and the wind whizzed by my ears!

I opened my eyes, did not close them!

Even if the mountain wind blows my eyes red and even tears, I don't have the slightest glare.

His chest was pounding, and his heart was about to pop out of his throat!

In an instant, we were halfway down.

I can see Zhou Jingyi below, the horror, despair, astonishment, and remorse on his face!

The next moment, there are a large number of trees below, and there are many vines on the trees.

With a rustling sound, Zhou Jingyi fell into the trees and vines...

I followed and fell in.

Until then, I closed my eyes.

The face was quickly cut by trees, vines, branches and leaves.

It's just that the speed is too fast, but I can't feel the pain, it's like being pulled randomly.

Even the face is warm, and there is no pain...

I don't know how many branches and leaves cut my face.

The first thing I heard was a shrill scream, and a muffled crackling sound...

It seems to be a person who fell and broke his bones!

What greeted me was not a hard rocky ground...

Instead, a huge elastic force came from my waist, throwing me upwards...

When I was thrown up to a certain height, I continued to sink downward...

Then... I was pulled by that force again.

During this period, I tremblingly opened my eyes.

The environment here is extremely dark and cramped.

The light was extremely gloomy, with only some dappled fragments of sunlight.

With difficulty, I turned my head and looked behind. There were a few thick tree trunks mixed with bamboo, which were stuck into the ropes that bound my hands.

They are between the bends, venting the force of my fall...

My eyes widened, and a mottled shard of sunlight shone on my eyes, and I felt that my eyes were blood red...

It seems like the whole world is stained with blood...

I don't know if the eyes are bleeding, or the blood from the wound has entered the eye sockets.

Lowering my head again, I looked down.

Above a tangled bush.

It was Zhou Jingyi's bloody body...

His mouth, nose, ears, even his eyes were bleeding...

The rest of the body was even more bloodstained.

And with his eyes closed, he has obviously lost all consciousness...

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