I raised the golden ruler again.

Wang Bang's body trembled, and his other knee slammed down on his knees.

Similarly, the resentment in Wang Bang's eyes suddenly turned into pleading...

Obviously, just these few short fights have already destroyed his heart.

Liao Cheng, Jiang Pan, and the rest of the watchmen, executioners, paper cutters, and morticians fought together.

Those four people's moves are obviously better than the ghost woman, the coffin bearer, and the corpse fisherman.

And they don't kill every move.

On the contrary, Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng began to have signs of difficulty.

Fate Asylum will only work with certain death moves.

But I know that their lives are safe!

Looking up, I stared at Zhou Jingyi in the middle of the road.

Pulling out my legs, I rushed towards him!


On the mountain road, Zhu Xun and Shaved Tiaozi fought like a raging fire, and it was difficult to distinguish who was the best.

Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng are entangled with the rest.

I quickly rushed half the distance and approached Zhou Jingyi quickly.

Liao Cheng shouted from behind: "Brother Yinyang, don't kill me!"

His voice echoed in the mountain road.

Zhou Jingyi's determined expression finally changed by two points.

He actually showed a half-smile expression, turned around, and walked into the jungle on the right side of the road!

There was a cloud over my heart.

Zhou Jingyi has planted so many low-class people on this road, and they are not weak.

It even has a lot to do with me.

Now blocked by us, at least one-third of them died even in one face-to-face.

He didn't feel that he had miscalculated, so what happened to that smile? !

Soon, I ran to the place where Zhou Jingyi was standing just now.

Without a break in my thoughts, I turned and rushed into the jungle into which he had run.

Although the sun was shining brightly outside, in the dense forest, the light became very dark.

Zhou Jingyi was just at the end of his line of sight.

I chased forward.

But after chasing for a while, I found that something was wrong.

Because I feel that Zhou Jingyi seems to be deliberately at that distance to attract me to chase him...

It's just that I have no choice, let alone stop and give up.

Chasing all the way to the edge of the dense forest, the eyes suddenly brightened up.

This place has actually reached the top of the mountain...

On the flat peaks, the turf is more dense.

Zhou Jingyi stood on the top of the peak, and he still looked at me with a half-smile.

I paused for a moment, and tightly grasped the golden ruler in my hand.

The vigilance in my heart multiplied several times.

Is there any arrangement here?

I'm not that fast.

If Zhou Jingyi didn't continue to escape, then there must be something wrong here!

After three or two steps, I stepped out of the forest in one step.

As a result, Zhou Jingyi suddenly took out something from his hand.

It was a black talisman with white writing.

He was clearly standing in a place where the sun was blazing, but the talisman gave people an extraordinarily gloomy feeling.

"Yin Yang, do you know what kind of talisman this is?"

Zhou Jingyi said with emotion, but there was a bit of unbearable in his eyes.

What he said made my heart skip a beat.

Instinctively, I think he meant something.

I looked at him coldly, but still approached him.

But Zhou Jingyi took out a fire folder and pointed at the corner of the talisman paper.

He said softly: "Liao Cheng probably didn't tell you that there is a three-yang combination talisman and a yin talisman. As long as the three souls absorbed by the three-yang combination talisman are within a certain distance, they will enter this yin talisman."

"Under the scorching sun, I will ignite the Yin Talisman. My grandson, your son, his three souls will be destroyed, and his soul will fly away."

"I really didn't expect that you are so capable, so many low-level people, you can't take you down." Zhou Jingyi's speech was slow, and he finally sighed: "And you lacked your father's education and care since you were young, so you obviously don't know what filial piety is." , actually wanted to kill me."

"Now, do you still want to kill me?!"

Huozhezi was about to touch the edge of the Yin Talisman.

My eyes widened, and the veins on my forehead were bulging.

I stopped abruptly, and at the same time shouted in a low voice: "Stop!"

Zhou Jingyi smiled lightly, paused his hand for a while, and said: "Throw down the copper ruler in your hand, that thing can make my father worry about it."

My hands trembled, and as soon as I loosened my fingers, the golden ruler fell down and stuck straight into the turf.

"Well, now, you've finally listened to Wei's father." Zhou Jingyi's voice became much sadder.

He looked at me with deep eyes, and he still had a little bit of nostalgia.

"It's very similar to your mother, but your eyebrows and eyes are too murderous."

"I vaguely remember that your mother is a kind person."

My eye sockets became hotter and redder.

"In this world, many things are fate. Your mother died in Dou's family. I have always cared about this matter."

"Yinyang, I know you want to find Dou's family, and even bury Dou Kaikai in a terrible place."

"But let me tell you, it's hard to shake the foundation of the Dou family based on these alone. Mr. Yin and Yang of their Dou family is not an ordinary person."

"You and I, father and son, will definitely avenge her."

Zhou Jingyi's tone was much deeper, and there was a bit of temptation in his voice.

"Really?" I stared at Zhou Jingyi, and said hoarsely: "My mother just got engaged to Dou's family back then, how did she suffer from a strange disease and lose her soul all day long?"

"Zhou Jingyi, what a coincidence that you came here. By coincidence, you met my mother, by coincidence, you cured her illness, by coincidence, you knew that there is a Mr. Yin Yang in Dou's family?"

After I finished speaking, Zhou Jingyi's eyes suddenly became brighter.

Of course, his eyes were full of astonishment, surprise, and even a bit of embarrassment.

"Yin Yang, did you figure it out, or did Jiang Pan help you? Or was it my useless junior brother?" Zhou Jingyi murmured.

I stared at him stubbornly, and I didn't find a single bit of shame on his face.

Obviously, Zhou Jingyi's reaction was his direct acquiescence.

"I'll settle the score with the Dou family, they can't escape! But you can't escape either!" I said word by word.

Displeasure flashed across Zhou Jingyi's face.

His look at me finally sank.

"Oh? Talking to you for my father's good life, you are not out of order, and every sentence is murderous." Zhou Jingyi's tone was much colder, even reprimanded.

I felt nauseous and nauseous even more, and the look in his eyes was even more disgusting.

The fire folder in his hand was once again approaching the Yin Talisman.

I gritted my teeth tightly, but for a while, I didn't dare to force him anymore.

Sweat dripped from his forehead in big drops.

I was thinking about countermeasures quickly in my mind, what should I do to subdue Zhou Jingyi in an instant without letting him touch the talisman.

Some of the three souls who have escaped from the sky cannot withstand such an adventure...

Zhou Jingyi narrowed his eyes slightly, and he said in a colder voice: "I will teach you today as a father, what is the way to be a son, kneel down!"

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